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Overcrowded Dormitory In State Hospital

Overcrowded Dormitory In  State Hospital image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 19, 1937
Overcrowded Dormitory In State Hospital - This sleeping room at Ypsilanti State mental hospital was designed to give about 55 square feet of night space to each patient. But the 6-year-old institution is already so overloaded and has so many waiting to get in that accepted comfort and hygiene "standards" have to be abandoned temporarily under pressure of grim necessity. So this dormitory is jammed with as many beds as can be forced into it -- fully one-third more than should be there. This condition bas as it is, is far better than found in older hospitals with much less window space, much less artificial ventilation, much less pleasant and possibly less sanitary walls, ceilings, and floorings. Contrast this picture with the one below taken in an older institution.

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