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"Many Democrats Of Ypsilanti" Have Published In The Detroit...

"Many Democrats Of Ypsilanti" Have Published In The Detroit... image
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Qr'Many Demócrata of Ypsilami" have publtehed in the Detroit Advertiser an nccount of a Democratie rneetmg in tbat villnge, wluch we are quite umvtlling to believe in all its particulars. Ie isa disfrace tp our county. It was in referenco to an appnintment on the railroüd. They say, "when the meeting asscmbled to the number of about Ü0, it was foun I to ennsist of but a smal! portion of the citizons of the village, sevcral of whom immediatcjy lef' on seein? the charactcr of the assemblage, and ihougli it may be disgraceful nnd shameful, it is proveably true that a majority of the assemblage ivcre notoriovsly d nink, many of thom reeling and staggering under the load with which they hal been prepared, and incapable of knowing what thoy did. After several proposals frum different quarters - much noise and drunken t-parrin? a couple or thrce knock downs am! strong im'ici .tionsof a goneral melee, the meeüng adjourn-ed, piotesting individnally against the reported proceedingg, which purported to recom-mend Mr. Wilson for the office of superintendent." QrWe notice by the proclamation of che -GovernorJ that ten Senators are to bo electo d to our Legislature in November - tvvo from :íhÍ3 District. '"Rcv. A. A. Phelps, of Massachuselts, 'ifi önswer to some inquines respeetmg the effect of the Liberty party movement, replies: 1 . I think the Liberty Party movrment has greatly increased the amount of interest, readriig, discus.sion, Sic, in the State, on the tiiibjècf. of slavery andemancipation 2. X do not know that it has led nny ministers tö observe a etudied silence on the subject, who were before accustoined to speuk out faithfnlly in their pnlpits in respect to it. I think the effect bas befn just the reverüe. - Those who (Jisiant from the movement stiil speak- and speuk the oftener, I believe, on the moral and re'igious benrings of it, lest their linown opposition to the politiral movement gliould aeem to argüe a declining interest m the canse itself. 3. 1 think, for the same reason, it hos increascd rather than diipinished the amnunt of church act ion. Indeed sorne of our most active abolitionists in this drpartment ofeffort, are equilly active in the other. QThe Free Press has nnnounced the doterminatun of Governor Barry to postpone the Congressional elcction till next year. 'ÏÏTTherenre 10.920 travelling aocl locil Methodist prenchers in the United Status - üi 9 super nuated


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Signal of Liberty