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Calhoun County Convention

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A convcntion of the Liberty party of Cnlhonn county, was ihis day held, at the coutt house, nnd the following persons no-ninated as candidates for the offices set to their respective ñames. For Assembly. THOMAS J. CHAMPION, of Homcr, DUDLEY N. BUSHNELL, of Le Boy. For Judgc, WM. E. VELLF.sof Merengo. For Sheriff, ERASTUS W. LATHROP. For Countij Clerk, GEORGE N BOLLES. For R.'gister of De;ds, JOHN WHITE. For Treasnrer, CHARLES fH. BORDWELL. For Survcyor, CHARLES COWLES. For Coronara, EDWARD JOHNSON, GEORGE G. LAY. Delégales to Senatorial Conccn'.ii.n. Jabi'Z S. Fitch. Erastus Hüssey. The tbllowing gentlemen were appinted a County Corresponding committee: Eras tus Husscy, Ar. Durfea, C. M. Bordwell. The followirg repolutions were passed after a full discussion, and likewise one ordering that the proceedings and resolutions. ba forwarded to the Signal of Liberty for publication: Resolved - That wherens, this convention has nnminated men f r oflicers for the couniy of Callioun. who have absolved themselves from the ailesriance to slnvery in this professed land of freedom. and who hnve from principie, for the e-m-'' of human rit-lus and to sustain thelíherties of ?his great Rcpnblic, broken loóse from the slaver;' partiesof this nntion. vve as inemliers of tlus con"ontion, actuaied by the nbove principios, foei it our duty to sncrilices. nnd use our taients. i'pfluf-'nce and proücrty. and all lawfu means to ei.ct them to tne dilferent stations a the coming etr.'-tioil. Kesolveif - Th&t ns the liberty party are actuated bv the crent princíiJcR of the Declaration of lndependence of these JJnited States. tViat all men hnve " Inalienable rish'. I i í"" - liberty. and the nursuit if hnppiness," tíitií we cannot look upon tliose who do not enrry out tu se principies at ihe bnllot box, shoit of being undb.r the influence o!' slave y. and belonging to ihe pnrty, and that their présent cmirse in politics' ction will dos'roy tho liberties of these United Si.ttefl. WKereas - The influence ofslavery hhi ohtained a s'ioug power over the great mnss of tt.nd of ihi naiion, nnd has fnstened lts fangs. and diilusrd i's bancful eOVcts eo seneraüy even ani"nJJE ihe free states, ihat hy many it is oonsidcred but a 'riflina: evil-, and they justiiy and would uid and nssist the slave holder in pursniiia those who have fled fioin the prison house of slnvery, and in taicintr therfi bnek frnm ihe free states again into perpetual bondage; We. therefore. krf.k mv.n of Calhoun conhty, Rcsolca, thnl we cannnt view the man who should lend bis assistance to eöcji nn net of barbnrity in any way short of an enemy to freedom, and the rights of humanity The meeting was well attended. many more famters coming in than were expected in harvest time; and the discussion and remarksgave pretty strons incücations that the cause so often pronounced dying, and even dead, vet lives in the heartfi of á goodíy number in Calhoun coumy. Wm. E. WELLES, Chuirmati, Jous Whitf,, IStëy. -jv". HS nih. íf42


Signal of Liberty
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