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Whig Testimony

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er. has an ar tiple on the causes oí tlie present tl times and the remedy. The causee are thua .- irhnrated: Flie wild spirit of speculation, begotten by the "' d policy of a minous admtnistration; the exvagant expenditures of the General Governnt; (he excessive importationsof toreign goods; i virtual prohibiied exportations of J'rcc labor. I : surplus producís ola northern Iree soil; tíie m' i:ruptcy of Sl.ive States osving the free over se ) t' 7i Ired and ffty mtllion dollars; these ai e va our lionest opiniuii, the true. the only. and the e causes of our past and present commercial ibarrassinents. The remedies proposed are individual industry. . more Florida wars or slave hunts, living withour nieana, a discriminating tariff, and the ab ev (ion ofslavery. This last item is spoken of a 5' lows: in 5.1. Let Slavery be abolished. For slavery (r gundeis exiravagance. proHigacy and dissipa M n. idicness. vice. arrogance, tyranny, poverty. a irninal aud shameiul nmalg:imation. Do you Ir iu deny it? Look to the south and deny the n, idenoe of your own senscs il you eau. The 71 oliiion of slivery in America, will do what it is done in otlier places - sweep away this flood vices. and plant in their ste:id economy. in fc istry, wcalih. bene olence. and all the virtues o hielt cluster anuind man and exali him in the .( :ale of bcing. Besides, abolishment olslaveiy ft. ould en'arge our home market. The tltrcc milnis now half-starved. and hal'-clothed. if libered and adnntted to the rights and nnvilegcs ol . itnuin beings would want, buy and 'páy lor. the y MUL-niencos ol llfe: such as flour, pork. bacon. ls 3"ef, butler, cheese, apples. potatoes, hats, cnps, ots, shoes, socks. stockings, coats, pants, 11 rts, &c. fcc. ad finem. These things are the roductions of domestic industry; but at present ? nite limited. because of no adequate market. - " 'o be sure. the north has supplied the south 1 ith these things heretofore, (nnd is crippled by ti iid debts in consequence of it, ) but while the tl ïasters have rolled in luxury and had the best ol P very thing, the slav has received but a mere j, ittance, nnd that of the very eoarsest ?nd cheapest t uality. Abolish slavery and it will be . ■ise. The black man will be stimulated by j eahhy motives of industry and econumy to pny ir the neecssaries and justifiable luxur'.es of life, diich northern larmers, mechan ics, and j nts nre anxious to supply. Will the Whigs of our State coincide with l ïese views, andpronounce thein soumi doctrine? v r wül tlu-y repudíate them lest they nterfere a iih the prospects of Henry Clay? a UT _ 1 _ _ _ T "WTt T Í I. T __- . 1. - _ il


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