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MjEtzsi f rem JYeiv York. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HBECKKR would announce to the citizens ofWashtenaw thnt he h;is just rcceived ind isnow opening at the New Ürick Store, Lower Town) a iull and complete assjrtruent of ' GOÖDS, C0NSIST1NG OF DRY-GOODS, GROCER1ES, CROCKERY HARD -WA RE, PAIJVTS, DYE-STUFFS, $c. f.c., ill of which being purchased at the present loro nices in New York- will be sold ut pnces to suit ] he times. The public are invited to nn cxnmination of 1 )18 apsortment before purchasing elsewhere. Ann Arbor, A112. ?, 1842. UJNIVERS1TY STORE. HAS just opened his store one door west of the Post olfice in Ann Arbor. lie will be ï onstantly receiving books from the east and i snds to keep on hand a large assortment of the hoicest 1 Books, StatioEiary, ! SCHOOL BOOKS, nd has nlready a large quantity of the Massahusetts School library, ihe best work of the kind ver publUhed. Ann Arbor, July 3()th, 18-12. HTPleasücaü at the University Book Siore. J5-6wH. LUND s now receiving direct from f boston and New York, a large and well j ected stock of Merchnndize. consisting, of I TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 1 GR O CERIES, C ROCKER Y, S? GLA ' I WARE, DRUGS $ MEDICINES, 1 NAILS, CRADLEAND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES. %C SrC. üch hc offers for sale chcap for the ready. n Dated, Ann Arhor. May 9, 1842. J CLINTON SEMINARY. " rHE fall term of this institution will } menee on Monday. Aug. 15, and continue weeks. Tuition, for studies pursued by small ildren, $2,5!)- for conimon English branches f J,wO- for Latin, Greek, Frenoh, Hebrew. ïemistry, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry! C xk-Kecping, Moral and lulcüectaal f iy $4,oo. c II is very much for the studerits advantaee to r ter at the beginning ol the term, and yei f !io enter afterwards will bc charged tuition : from the time ihey come in lo the close of . e term. Tuition to bc paid in adcance. A ' nvenient and commodious building in a pleas E t and retired location has been procured. F Board, mcluding room i nd washing, may be G d in good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or rooms G Jy be hired and students board themselves at ] uch less expense. j Patrons and friends a-e respectfuliy invited to jT 3it the school at Rhetorical exercises, which l cur on every Wednesday, P. M. , A short lesáon ïn vocal mïisic forms a part of e daily exercises, "Juvcnile Songs, by Hastings," has been lecently introduced. We are happy to be able to inform our iriends, ] at we trust the school will ne rendered more P luable than heYetofore fiy the adcfitiort of the p rvicesof Mr. James S. Smedley. A. B., who' p II coinmence his lahors as teacher of Hebrew R d Frencft at the opening of the néxt term. From Mr. Smedlcy's experience .md suecess " a teacher, together with his known charaeter 1 promptness. e.:ergy, and industíy as a V we feel confidont he will do much towards idering the school what wê tfïéh h to be, a B ice where thé pliysical', inieliecttral nfid moral B wers of the youth of both sexes slialT be p for future usefulness and respectability, and n ppiness anH licnven. n GEO. W. BANCROFT, Principal. Mrs. BANCROFT, AssUiónt. Clinton, July 5, 1842. C T TM Tí A MTT n'rTD'Frv strict court of the United Statesyfor the M irict of Michigan. In the matter' of the peiiionof Johr R. Wilcoxson ofAnn the ... :ounty of Washiennw, and state of Michigan. ' .o be deciared a bankrupt. and to be discharged M' 'rom liis debts, N( ÍOTICE is hereby givctr that John R. Oi coxson, of Ann Arbor. Washtenaw county, Or chignn. has filed hispetition in this court to be R,u :!ared a bankrupt, and to be discharged from gt debis, under the act of Congress. y' such case made and provided: j I tha; an order has been duly entercd in this „. irt. appointilig the 20th day of September next. W en o'clock in the forenoon of snid day, at the ' :rict court room in the city of Detroit, in this Ad riet, as the time and place o( hearing said Ag tion All persons interested may then and At! reappear and show cnuse.if any thev have.why At prayer of said petition should not be granted. Ar ted, August 29, 1812. . By order of tlie court. ak C. TOWNSEND. S'ol'r for Pet'r. t F T 7 f n TT TXTTTT tin . v rw -rw. ...... A T


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