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Ingham County Convention

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A convention of the friends of liberty in the county of Inghani, me: at the Court House, in the village of Muson, pursuant to public notice, on Tucsday fho 23d inst., and organized by choosing John Barnes, Esq.. of' Aurelius, President, and Henry M. Fiske Secretary. The President tlien arose and in a shoit, able and patriotic epeeeh, stated the object of the meeting, and the duties incumbent on thoso assembied as poiitical abolitionists. The convention then appointed Messrs. Sidney O. Russel, Samuel D. Breed, R . G. Hay ward, Pliny W. Rolfc, Lewis Case, Flavil J. Butler and Ira Hubbard a committee of seven to present suitable nominations to this convention. After a short interm6sion, during which the convention was addressed by the Rev. R. B. Bement, the comrsittee presented the following re, port. For Sheriff.- John W. Rice, of Stockbride. For Clcrk.- Peter Lowe, of Stockbridge. For Register. - James Boyston. of Leslie. For Trtusurer. - B. Chapia, of Vevay. For Associalc Judges. -John Barnes, of Aureliueand Nathan Davidson, of Alaiedon. For Juagt of Probate- Flavil J, Butler, of Leslie. For Coroners.-John Strickland, of Alaiedon, and Lewis Case, of Bunker Hill. For Surrcyor. - JoaiahC. Preston, of Onondaga. The Convention ihcn acccptcd the report. V. Meeker, Lewis Case, and Roben G. Hayward, wcre appointed delégales to attend the Senatorial Convention to be held at Albion. during the coming month. The executive were empowered to fill uch vavancies in the abovo nominations as may occur by resignation or othcrwise. They were empowered also la employ an agent to lecture in the country during the ensuing polkical campaign, atsuch compensaron as ihey shall dcem cspedieni lo give. It was voted also that it shall bc the duly of the executive committee, to publish an address to the inhabitants oí" Inghatn county in behalt of the Convention. It was also voted thnt the proceedings ofthis meeting bo signed by the proper officersand published in the Ingham Tclegraph and Signal of Liberty. The Cönvention was then cloquently and ably addressed by Rcv. R. B. Bement, of Jaekson, in a speech of nearly two houra, showing that acting politically s a duty incumbent on every friend of the slave, and concluded by an aff.-cting and soul-stirring appeul to the heart of every friend of humanity, and lover of his country and her liberty to show it at the ballot box on the first of November next. A vote of thanks was therl presented to Mr. Bement for Iiír able address The Convention then adjourneJ.


Signal of Liberty
Old News