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Selections: Abolition Consistency

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I love a consistent man. Such a man for in stancc as "hatea elavery as muchas any bocíy," & at the earnc time, strikes hands vvith the slai'e holder and his apologist, in all his relations - social, politieel, and ecclcsiasticnl. To do thus, acida weight to his words; people "take knowledge," that he means what he says, ancl "govern ihemeelvee accordingly." Pity there were not moresuch, to "give character" to the antrslavery organización. The otlier day, I had tV satisfacjion of hearing a convereatioa between a Itev. Teacher oí the Gospel, and an unlettered. guileless Israelhe, preity much alter this fashion. Divine - I am a thorough hater of slnvery. It ís uiterly at waT with the Bible - the Gospel gives it no fellowship whatever. Lay Man - I nm happy to he!lr you-s:iy so, sir. Of course, you can have no fellowship as a Churchman, with slnveholders. Divine - Ó Sir, that is quit1 a different thing! There are as many good Christians aniong the slaveholders, as among auy other class of men. fjay Man - -Then sir, you fellowship as ChrLstians," those who practico what you avow, to he uttfirly at war with the spirit of Ch istranity ! - And do you fellowsbip men as Chriaiians, wlu flog and murder thcir hrethren in tho chureh? Divine - Not at ni!, sir, I have no fellowsnip for any brother, who uses his brethren unniercifully. Lay Man - indeed! Yet you fellowship him. as the owner of the body and soul, the time and labor, thewile and childrcn of his brother. i'nder laws which declare slavess, the chattcls of their owners to all intents and jiurposes". Ton fellowship hrm; openly maintainiug what you declare jo bc ''utterly at war with the Gospel - that he is the hcaven-nppointed, and albsolute disposor of his brother Christianl Divine - Sir, Xshould loso all ir.fluence with my brother, the slaveholder, if J refuscd him fellowship as a member of the Crrtirch of Christ. Lny Man - I think coneistency adds to L pnce. But suppose wlint you say to be truc. - You mainlain that to hutd'mnn in elavery isItcriy at war with the Gospel. You doubtless regard idultery, and iucest, ns contrnry to the Gospel - uow uuppose y.ou l'eared it milit dcstroy your influenco to unleilowship a broiher, who prncticcd, and clnimed Gosput warrant lor thuso aboininations - woulA you rctain that brothcr in the church? Divine - Tlv.s is unprofüable talk. - better drop


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