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Lectures On Elocution

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Mr. Whitney, who has been lecturing on Elocution in Detroit, wili commence acouree of four lectures on that 6ubjcct, nt the Court House, in. Ann Arbor, on WcdneeJay evening Hia leetures have been well attended in Detroit, andartf highly spoken of in the pnpers. ETThe bül ferr the armed oceupatítm of Florida hns becomea law. Any head of a faraily or single mnrr of 18 years' of age, cnpable of boaring arni8. who lias made, or who shail, within one year, mak e an actual settlctncnt within ccrtai-rr imits in Florida, shall be entitled tareceive ono qunrtcr section of land on these conditions taking a perrnit from the Innd oiBce describing his loention - fivp yenr's residence - the erection of a habitable house, and enclosing, clearing, and cultivuting five neres, and a residence on it of four years. Upon proof of compliance with theso condition8. he shnll receive a patent. No lands sliair be transferred lili a patent is received. Thë arnount to be thus located not exceeding 200,000 acres.The wliole aflair was doubtless got up to inreasc the populution of the Territory. It does ïot appear thnt the settlers are obligcd to keep arms. and a bilí lor fhc armed' occupationof Iova would have been quite as expedient as this. But the slavehólders were in haste to get Florida nto the Union, and therefore gave away 200.000 eres of land n Florida, while every n:re in Wisconsinaïid lowa mustbe sold. Therc seenir o be no lirnitation in regard to the color of thó' settlevtf, and Leavitt advises all' the free colored pcoplcof the South who can, to avail themselvesof this opportunity of becoming respectable landholders.ETAt the celebration of the first of August ai Oberlln, Ohio. addresses wore delivered by acolored mnn of the Sophmore class - by a membèr of ihc Frcshman; clnsSf who had oncè been a slnvc by Professor Thome, wlio had visited the West' Indies;and V,y Proferaor Morgnn - the four speakers being repre8entatives oJ' four classes, the free col'ored pcople, the slavcs. the elaveholders, and the free white people. At tlie dinner, 250 sat down. of whorh 80 wöre colorod people, and of these, ncarly one half had bcon slaves.' (CFThe ioüowing fyorn an exchange poper confirme our statements of last week relntivc to' the pay of membei a ofCongress. A largo proportion of the people of Michigin werc unwilüng to pay the of their Legislature three 'iollnrs per day. It was cons'idcrcd to be too" inuch. Why then shoül:! thev pay their members to Congress 'tbnndjfonr dollars per day. - ' Porhnps soms of the Whig ot Democratie papers' which ci-y out ao öontahtly' abóut rétrenchnieht and' reform will.givesome light on the subject, ';Iti the course of a speech upon Mr. Arnold's bill. Mr. Bott8 said he went for a reduction of mileage. As it now stood, he snid, sonie genllejnan received or mileage an allowance of 2000, wlnlè their actual expehse whsnot over é-O! He received hiniselt $100. vhile it cost him bui $'20 to go nnd return. The -nvciage of pay nnd mile.ige gave sime gentlemen not Ipsa than $24 a day vriule Mr. B. received $8." OJTwo móntbs ort a Sug-ar Plantation' in Cuba," comtnetirell on our fiist page waa' written by a gentleman of -Vfassachusetts, not an abolitionist. ít will be found nteresting.


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