Kiwanians Honored For Perfect Attendance, October 1938

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1938
Ann Arbor Kiwanians Honored: Seven members of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club were among the Michigan Kiwanians who received certificates from the district last night for records of five or more years of perfect attendance at meetings. From left to right in the picture, the Ann Arbor men and their years of 100 per cent attendance are: Homer B. Godfrey, 17; Walter W. Springer, 12; V. O. Nelson, (pointing to the club's attendance chart), 13; Dr. Leonard B. Fisher, 9; Calvin A. Wolf, 7; Forney W. Clement, 7; and Eugene Stein, 7.
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1938
Ann Arbor Kiwanians Honored: Seven members of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club were among the Michigan Kiwanians who received certificates from the district last night for records of five or more years of perfect attendance at meetings. From left to right in the picture, the Ann Arbor men and their years of 100 per cent attendance are: Homer B. Godfrey, 17; Walter W. Springer, 12; V. O. Nelson, (pointing to the club's attendance chart), 13; Dr. Leonard B. Fisher, 9; Calvin A. Wolf, 7; Forney W. Clement, 7; and Eugene Stein, 7.
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