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Threshing Jlïachines. THE undersigned would inform xhe public that they continue to mcnufacture House Powers nnd Thrkstung Machines, two nnd .1 half miles froni the vülage of Ann Arbor. on the railrood. The Horse Power isa late inven tion by S. V. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any other ever ofiered to the public, as will nppear by the statements of those who have used them during the last year. It is light in weight and sniall in compass, being carried together with the Threslier, in a comnion waggon box. nnd drawn with ease by two horses. It is as httle liable to break, or get out of repair, as any other Horse Power, and will work as easy and thrash as much with four horses a ttached to it nsany other power with jivi horses, as will appenr from the recoinmenc1 tions below. New patterns have been made ior the cast Iron. ana additional weight and slrength applied wherever it had appeared to be neceseary from one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold last ycar in ihe villageof Ann Arbor whjch were bel i e vet] by the purclnsers to be those inven ted by S. W. Foster. and. that most or all of them were OUlier made matcri ïlly different, or altered betbre sold, so as to be materially different from thoae made and sold by the subscribers. Such alterations being decidedly detnmenta'. to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those reiurned by the purchasers as unsatisfacr tory were of this class. They are not awnre that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use, as they made it. has been condemned or laid aaide as a bad machine. All who wish tu buy are invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have uscd them. - There will be oncfor examination at N. IJ. Wing's, Dexter viliafce; and one at Martin Wim.smn's slgjrehpitSÉ in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agents for the sale of them. The price will be $120 for a four horse pownr, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and jfililfl fr a horse power with a threshmg machine whh an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to tlie following recommendations. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECOMMEXDA TIONS. This is to certify that wo have u'sed one of S. W. Foster'8 newly inven ted Horse Powers for abput five months, and threshed with it about 3000 bushels, and belicve it is constructed on bettcr piinciples than nny other Horse Power. - One of the undersigned hos owned and usedeitfht different kinds of Horse Powers.and we believe ih'at f,)itr horses will thrash as much with ibis Power as five will with any other power with which we are acquainted. H. CASE. S. G. ÍVES. Scio. January. 12, 1342. This is to inform the public that I have purchnsed, a:id have now in use. one of the Horse Powera recently invented by S VV. Foster, made by S. W. Foster, &Co., and believe itbe constructed upon better principies, and requires less slrength of horses than any other power with which I ara acquainted. A. WEEKS. Monnt Ciemeng, Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of the Horse Powors, recently inventod by S. W. Foster. and usïd it for a number of months, and believe it is the best power in use, work ing with less strength of horsns than any other power with which I am acquainted, and being email in compass. is easily moved from one place to nnothor. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working af this power have been universally approvod of by runners for whom [ have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April 11, 1B42. SMITT MACHINESThe subscribers make vcry good SMUT MAC1I1NES wbich they will sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had many year's experience in the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy a !ood machine for a fair price to buy of ns. It is worth as mübh as most of the machines that cost from 150 tö $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory The subscribers have recently put in operation woollen manufactory for manufacturing woollen ;loth by pow'er looms, two and a half miles west 'rom Ann Arbor village, on the roiiroad. wlieie ncy wish to manufacture wöol into cloth onshares, or for pay by the yard, on reasónabli teims. They have employed expe: lenced vvork men andeel confident ihat vvork. w II be weli done. They thërofofé respecifully ask a sharo ol public paironngc, eepecially froiii those who are in favor ofHOMS iirDQsTKfi Wool ni;iy bc lolt at Scio villnge. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April 19, 1B-J2. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AXD TUE riJPAAC GF.XFMÁI.LY. TIIE subscriber hns on hand and offers for sale at )ov ratee, n l;irgc and general as. ortnient ot Drugs iml Medicines, i'aintp.. OilsVarnish, Dye Stufis, &c. &c, wi'h every afticle in the Druti and l'iimt line. Persons wish ing lo p'urcíinse any articltes in t'ue aliove line air requestcd, before nwcliaeiiijr elsowhcro, to cali ai PIÈRJLE TELLKir.S. Wholesale fjd Rctail l?tugiat li'9. JeiTersori Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Dclioit. DU. IJANISTER'S CELEHRATED FKVER AGUE 1'ILLS.- Ptircbj VsjttiiÜi, A s:ífe, spcedy. and sure reniedy lor ('over an;i ague. duin astie, chili fevcr, and the biüous diseases peculiar to new countries. The&e pil Is are designod for the uffijctiójrs of the iiver and oihur interna! organs which attend the diseases of the new and wiasmatic portions of our country. The propricior haying nied them in a grect variety of enees confidently helieves that they nrc to any remody that hns ever been ofi'eied to the public lor the nbove disensos. It is pnrely Vegetable and pe;fect!y harmlcss. and can !e taken by any person, male or fe'male wiih perfect sntety. 'i'he pills are prepared in two separate boxes. niarked No. ] and ÍS'o. 2. and acecompnnied wiüi uil ditections. A greafnumber of certificates might be proru red in favor of this medicine, but the propriotei ïas thouurht fit notto insert them, in as much ns ie dependa upon the inerits of the aune for its rejnitation. The above pill is kept constanlly on hand li he proprieter ond can bohnd it wholèsale and rtail at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders i'ron he country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor. (lowër town) May29th 1P-10. 9 L. BECKLEY


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