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I IIOLMANS npilIS siandsat the heud oí all reJL medies for thc following diseuses which natuic is lieir too, vi.: - RIïEUMATISM bóth Chrunic and inílamitory - Gout - Sprains - Bruises and contracted TENDONS oí long standi n ,r. Jt di.seusses al! tumours - renders stiíí joints hmber by prudncing a hcalthy muscular aclion. Jt ssuagcs pnins in Boils and Abckssks. - Noihing equals it in swelled and inflamed Breasrs in Females, if npplicd in early stage, prevenís s'ipperatíon or rnntter l'ormtng, and givos in all cases immedintc easc from pain. Certificates oí this f'nct could be given if necessary. This remedy is offered to the Public wiih tlic full nssurance that it í'ar exccls the Opodeldoc'e and Liniments of the piesent day, for thc above diseasos. A trial is only wanted. to give it the deeided piefercnce to every thing else. Many Physcians ot cmincncc have used this ointment nn extols ts merits. n9 'J'he above ointment is for sale wholesale and retejí by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lowcr town) June I5th, 1842 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE snbscriher invites the attention of Phy eicians und Country Merchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Painte, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushes, &cc. &c. coniprising one of the largest and fullest assortrnents brought to the country. Iu his present stock will be íbund : 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior Frcuch and Engliöh, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, I Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, Ibs. Calomel, 3 casks Epsom Saltp, 15 casks Fall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 ibs. White Load, dry and ground, 4 casks Linseed Oil, Dentists Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcclain Tccth. A general a?sortrnent of Patent Medicines, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 JefFerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mnrch 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, wonld respectful!.y inform the citizens of Ann Arbor and itsvicinity. that he lias opened a shop in theLower Town. immediately over the Inte niercantile stand rf Lund & Gibson. and oppofiite the. 8ore of .1. Beckley & Co., whare he ie prepared at all times todo work n I1Í8 line, with promptness, and in a neat and durable innnner. Particular a'tention will bc paid to cutting garnonta. Produce will he taken at the usuai pri cep. for work dono at his shop. These who have cash to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf ÖR BANISTEB'S CATHAÜTIC PII.I.S. THIS pill has not only been used by vnyself, but by a number of Physicians of high stnuding. both in this and other States, to gre.nt advnntnge. 1' the frequent and repeated solicitationsof my friends, I have consented to offer them to the public as a most efficacious remedy for all those billious discasees originating in a new counir'. The above pill is for sale wholesale and rctail by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lowcr town) June 15th ISI'2. Í) TO CLOTH1ERS. nnHE subscriber is just in receipt of a fiirJL thor supplv of Clothier's stock, consisting of MACHINE CAJWS of ivnj 'dcèffript?an; CLOTIUE1ÏS JACKS. AT TINETWARl'. CARI) CÍJ:A.SERS and PIOK.7,'N. SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. SCÍEWS, PARSOX'S SHEAIUNG MACHINE. EMERV, (rtry sizc,) TENTER II OOK S, PRESS PAPER, tnsether wth a n::l' scU'ctêd ásFÓrtmínt, of DYE ÏVOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of the ver}' best growth and m'anuiacturë. These goods (coming na they do direct from iiisi hands) the subscriber is enabled to sell loweV 'thiin any other house west of New York, he inorol'ore soliciis tlie attenfion of firms in ilie cloihing !)usines8. to theexamination of his stock ni)(l p ices before going enst or purchasing clsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 139 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. ESTÁTE OF JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given, tliat the undersigned have proved fhe last will and testament ol Jacob Lawton, deceased, and have taken letters Testamentary thcreon, and have triven bonds according to law. AU persons said estáte are reqnested to malte payment witliout delay, and all persons liavinji claims against said esta'.e are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authenücated, for pavment. GEORGE E. LAWTON. DAVID T. M'COLLUM; Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Datcd, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERA1NCE HOTEL, BY ÜO31ERT& TERÏIürE. (conar.R of Michigan and Washington avenues, DETROIT.) fTlHE above House is pleasantly sifuated nea JL the Central Railroad Depot, and is now un dergoing thorough repairs. The rooms are pleas ant, th.i Bc'ds and Bedding all new, and the Table will be supplied with the choicest of the market. and the proprietors assure those who will favor thcin wiih their custom, that a!I pains shall be taken to make thcir stay with them agrecable. Fauk, venj Inw. and accommodation good. - Cnrriages to convey passengers to and from tbc Hotel fice of expense. Detroit, Apri'?1? 1842. "ECONOMY IS WEALTH." THE Sunscribers will pny pay two cents per póü(i(( in Goods or I'aper for an quantity of ■rood clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivcred at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf DR. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SU RGEON.- House and Office, i few doorssomh of thc Lafayette House, where hecan be found nightand day. Ann Arbor April 2Óth. 1842. NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISON has jiíst received a complete stock of DRY-GüODS. GROCERIES ANO CROCKERY, w-hich will be sold very cheap for money or most kinds of produce. Descriptions and prices will bc given at theStore. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1842.- i M E1SJL?E OTF ELLEN W1LM OT DECEAJ SLD. Noticeis hereby given that the uudersigned has becn appointed by ihe Hon. George Sedgwick, Judgeof Probate n aud for the Couniy of Wnshtenaw, admintstrator on the estáte of Ellen Wilmot. Inte of Saline in said County. and hns given bondsaccording to law. All persons having demanda ngninet said estote aro rcqucatcd to present them for adjustment, and all persons indebied tosnid estáte are requestcd to make payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Jane 3J, 1842. 12 Gw JR WALKER respectfully informs hts friends and the public in 'general, that he ihas reccntly comnienced business, in the tailor ng line,one door east ofBower's dry goodsstoie, where he is prepared to execute orders in th neatest and most fashionable style. Garmentswill be made to order, in strictconforniity wiih tlie present prevailing fashion and' taste pf the day, and warranted to fit or no charge. Ladies' Riding Ilnbits made in the latcatlScw York or Philadephia fushions. Friends. or Quakers' garments will be made in the neatest and plainest style. Cuttingdone at shortest n-mce. All kinds of Military Uniform and undrrss coats andpantaloons. made acreeable to the present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th, 1842. n!4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for sale by F. DENISOÍÍ. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SIlEARINGMACHlNEsT' - Tueo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. Jefferson avenue, arethe sole agents of these very celeb rated machines. 12-8w SATT1NETT WARPS ON BEAMS - Thko. H. Eaton &. Co., 138, JefferRon Avenue, offer for snle a large stock of Sattinett Warps, from the New York milis. These Warpsare considered superior to nny other in the country, and will be sold, for cash, at a smnll advance. lá-Sw NEW GOODS!! CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subscnber. a new and splcndid assortment of NEW GOODS at prices so cheap as to astonish the purchasers, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY BOOTS, S II OES, AND LADIES' SLIP PERS, SHAKER AND LEGHORN BONN ETS, S,-C. $0. ., Muslin De Lane at twoshillings per yard; calicóes at eix cents per yard, and other goods at prices to correspond. To be convinced, just cali and see the gjodsand pricee. 4000 pounda good butter wanted: 99099 bushels of houec ashes wanted. at 10 cents per bushel. Likewise field ashes, dehverec) at rny ashery, neav Chapin's iron foundry. N. B.- All kinds of Furs taken in exchange for goods. H. BOWER. Ann Arbor, (upper town) June 2. 1842. Wool Cardingr and Cloth Dressing". THE Subscribers respectlully announce to the Citizen Ann Arbor and vicinity, that thuy are prepared to card wool and dress cloth for cus tomers, in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery. experienced workmen, and long practice in the business, they have the utmost conlidence that they shall give complete satisfaciion. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25, Ib42. "38e ïrags of fcrfnfcrnjj 225'fne fotfiof." JACKSOÏtf TEMPERANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths Br, J, T WIJLSO1V, East cid of Main Street, Jackson, Mich. Hivcr Raisin INSTITÜTE TUIS lnstilution is located in the town of Raisin, near the north bank of the beautiful river whose name it bears, one mile east of tho direct road from Tectimseh to Adrián. This cligible site has been selected for its quiet seclusion, tlie fertility and elcvation of its soil, its pure and healthfulatmosphere, and pleasant scenery. Rooms. - There are now on the premisos suitble rooms for the accommodation of forty students; which are designed to bo occupied for private study and lodging. Other necessary build ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4,00 Board ;' with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 88 Incidental, 50 Total, ]2,95 There will be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursuing the higher branches as Philosophy, Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin, or Greek an addition of two dollars will be made. Scholars are expected to provide themselves with what furniture they will neerl in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and wa6hing - none will hereaftcr board tliem selves. Bills to be settled n ndvance. The school is open to all applicants of suitable age and moral charactcr irrespective of complezion or condition. (EP The second term of this svmmcr will commence Wedncsday July 20it. It is very desirable that all who design to ut tend the school, should be on the ground - have their bilis settled, and their rooms prepared, before the first day' of the Term. Any further nformation can be obtained at the Instituitinr, of by addressing, post paid, J. S. Dixok, Priucjial, Raisin. Lenawee Co. Mich. Rnisin, May 19th, 1843. n.1)- 2 n NEW SPRING AND SUMMUB GOODS. JUST received and tccefving at the Nev York Cheap Store, purebased at the present IoV prices in New York, which will him io seü lower thnn ever before oiicred in thifi pla-e, a large lot of French, English and Americin GOODS. consi8ting of Dry Goods, Crockcry, Bpoks and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Also, a lai-ge lot of Yankee Notions. vvholesalc and retail. D. D. WATERMAL Ann Arbor, M,iy 11, 1842. 8w WO O CJËRjDTJVG' THE Subscribers are prepared to eard V"')1 for customers; having first rate machines,? nd laving employed an experienced workman, they eel confident of giving good eatisfaction to all ivho will favor them with their custom. Their manufactory is two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor on the Iluron. S. W. FOSTER, feCo. Scio, Mayllth, 1842.


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