Mexican Booth at First Methodist Church WSCS Bazaar

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1951
When visitors to the First Methodist Church WSCS bazaar take "A Christmas Tour Through Many Lands," one of their stops will be at the Mexican booth. Mrs. Albert Cooch (left) of Anderson Ave. and Mrs. Stuart Rathbone of Henry St. pose in front of the booth, which features tiles, aprons, pecans and gourds. The bazaar will be held Friday at the church starting at 10 a.m.
Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1951
When visitors to the First Methodist Church WSCS bazaar take "A Christmas Tour Through Many Lands," one of their stops will be at the Mexican booth. Mrs. Albert Cooch (left) of Anderson Ave. and Mrs. Stuart Rathbone of Henry St. pose in front of the booth, which features tiles, aprons, pecans and gourds. The bazaar will be held Friday at the church starting at 10 a.m.
Mexican Booth at First Methodist Church of Women's Society of Christian Service
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