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HOLMANS TUIS Oixtmext stands at the head of all remedies (or ihe following disensos wnich nature is heir too, vizc-RHEUMATISM both Clironic and inflamitory- Gout- Sprains- üruISes and contracted TENDONS of long stnndIt discusses nll tumours- renders stiff joints hniber by producing a heaithy muscular action. h assuages pains in Boics and Abcesses.- Nol hing equals it in svielled and mflanied Breasts n Females, if applied in early stage, prevenís tiupperation or matter formlng, and gives in al cases innnediate easefrom pain. Certihcates ot 'liisfactcould be given if neceesary. This remcdy is ofVered to the Public with the full aasurauce that it lar cxcels the OpoJeldoc s and Linhnents of the piesent day, lor the above liseases. A trial is only wanted, to gi ve it thu llecided preference to every thing else. M;iny Pfiysciana ot eminence have used this ointmeni and extols its merits. , n9 . The above ointnient is for sale wholosale and retail by , BECKLIT A n n Albor, (lower tovn) June I5th. lH4v 9TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THEsubscribcr invites theattention oí Phy pïcians and Countrv Merchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushes, fk.c. &c. comprising one of the lurgest and iullest assortments brmight '.o the country. In his present stock will be tbund: 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior French and F.nglish, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's WitherilFs Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 Chcst Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calomel, S casks Epsom Salts, 15cnsksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 ibs. White Lead, dry and grnund, 4 casks Linseed Oi!, Dcntists Inslmmenls and Stock Gold, Silvet and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelain Tecth. A general assortmen.. of Patent Medicines, al ofwhichwill be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 1S9 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the GÜt March IS. Mortar, DetroitTAILÜRING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, would rcspectfully inform the citizens of Ann Arborand itsvicinity. that he has opened a shop in theLower Town. mmediately over the Inte mercantile stand -f Lund & Gibson. and opposite the siore of J. Becklry & Co., whare he is prepared at all times to do work n hts line, with promptness, and in a neat and durable manner. Particular a'tention will he paid tn cuttinc arments. Produce will he taken at the ii6'iai pri ees, for work done nt his shop. These who have cash to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor. April 27. 1 R IQ. jfDR BAMSTFR'S CATHARTIO PIWSTITIS pill has not only been iised by myself, but by a number of Physicians of high stnucling. both in :his aad other Siates, to grent advantnce. By the frequent and repeated solicitationsof my friehds, I have consented to offer thein lo the public as a most eiïic;icious remedy for all those 'lillious diseasces originating in a new counThe above pill is for sale wholesale and retan by L. BF.CKLEY. Ann Arbor. (lower towni Juitfi ]5.rti 'B45i 9 TO CLOTH1ERS. TI] E subscriber is just in receipt of a ftirthor 6upplv of Clolhicr's stock, consistihg of MACHINE CAJiJJS if tvay tjacrip fm; CLOTHIER'S JACKS. AT TJNET WARP. CARD CLEANSERS and PICK ERS. SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES SGREW&, PAliSON'S SHEARING MA C.V:. EMERY, (erenj sizej TENTE1 HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, topethtr loith c rrtV sdedcd assortmeat. of DYE DYE STUFFS of the very best growth and 'ïmnulacture. Those goods (coming ns they do direct froin firsl haticis) the subscriber is cnnbled to sell low er than any other house west of New York, h iherefore snücits the atteniion of firms in ih dothirig business, to thee.xau:ination of his stock and p ices before going cast or purchasing elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 139 Jeiïcrsün Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. ESTÁTE OF JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. that the undersigned have proved the lnst will and testament of Jacob Lawlon. deceased. and have taken letters Testamentary thereon. and have given bonds according to law. All persons irvdebted to siid estáte are requested to make payment without delay. and all persons having claims against said éstate are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authenticated, for pavmenc. GEORGE E. LAWTON. DAVID T. M'COLLUM. Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3mTEMPER ANCE HOTEL, BY HOBERT& TERMIJE. (CORNEK OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DETROIT. ) f H 1 H E nbovc House is pleasantly situated near JL the Central Ilailrond Depot, and is now u n dergoing ihorough repairs. The rooms are plea s ant, tb.; ds and Bedding all new. and the Table will be suppiied with the choicest ol the market, oud the propiietors assure those vvho will favor lliein wilh their custom, thnt a'.l pains sliall be taken to make their stay with thcm ngreeable. Fare, vcnj Icio, and accommodation good. - Carrioges to convey passengers to and from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Api-i'?? 142. "ECONOMY IS WEALTH." THE Suoscribers will pay pny two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for an ty of goód clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered af the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf DR J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGTON.- House and Office, few Joorasouth of the Lufnyette House, where hecan be found nilu and dav. Ann Arbór April 20th. 1842. NEW GOODS ! ! FDEiNISOiV ms jusi eceived ■ complntr stock ol DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES ANO CROC K Eli Y, which will be sold very clicap for money or most kinds of produce. Descriptions and pricca will bc given at theStore. Ann Arbor, Jime 1, 184?;EISTA1E OF ELLEN W1LM OT DECEA SED. Noticeis hereby given that tho undersigned bas been appointed by the Hon. George Sedgwick, Judge of Probate in aud for the County of Washtenaw, administrator on the esiate of Ellen Wilmot, late of Saline in said County, and has given bondsaccording to Iaw. - All persons havingdemands against said catate are requested to present them for adjustment, and all persons indebted tosaid estáte are requested to make payment without dclay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor. June 3U, 1842. 12- 6w JR WALKER respectfully informs lus friends and the public in general, that he ins rccently commeneed business, in the tailorv tr lini,onc door eastofBower's dry goodsstoie, herc be is prepared to execute orders in the eatest and most fashionable style. Gaimontswill be mnde to order, in strictconrmity "Vith tlie present prevailing fashion and stc of the day, and warranted to fit or no charge. Ladies' Riding ïlnbits made in the lateat ISew York or Pliiladepliia fashions. Friends, or Quakers' garments will be made-' in the neatest and plainest stylc. Cutting done at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undress coats and pantaloons, made agreeable to íhepreífent military or regimcntal order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4- 3m.LUMBER constantly on hand nnd for sal by F. DENISON. June 10. 1842. tf PRSON'S SHEARING MACHINES.' -Theo. H. Eaton & Co, 138. Jefferon avenue, arethe soie agents of these vcry celbraied machines. 12-8w QATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS.- Lj Theo. H. Eaton & Co., ]38, Jefferaoa Avenue, offer for sale a large stock of Sattinett ■Varps. from the New York milis. These? Warps are conbidered superior to any other in the country, and will be sold, for cash, at u smali ad va nee. 12-SwNEW GOODSÜ CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subsciber. a new sisd splendid assortment of NEW GOODS ai jrices so cheap as to astonish the purchaeers, coasisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY BOOTS, SHOES, AND LADIES' SU PPERS. SU AKER AND LEGHORN BONNETS, SfC. frC. Muslin De Lane at two shillings per yard; calicóes at six cents per yard, and other goodsnt prices to corrospond. To be convinccd, just calt and see the gjodsand prices. 4000 pounds good butter wanted; 99999 boahels of house ashes wanted. at 10 cents per bushel. Likewise field ashes, delivered at my asbery, nearChapin's iron foundry. N. B. - All kinds of Furs taken in exchanga forgoods. H. BÖWE3L. Aun Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 1842.Wool Darding and Clottffc Dressing. THE Subscribers respectiuily announce to the citizens Aun Arbor and vicinity, that they ire prepared to card wool and dress cloth for cus tomers, in the best style, and at the shortest noLice. Having good machinery, exporienced workmen, and long practice in the business, they have rhe utmost conlidence that they shall give zomplete 6atisfaciion. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25, lf-42. "3fic tajjs of Tmnfcfitfl WLlm fotLOtJr TEMPERANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold B&ths Dr. J. T WILSOW, Kust end of Main Street. Jackson, Mitk. Hivcr Raisin IMSTITÜTE . t D lHIS lnstitution is locatnd in the town off ■ Raisin, near the north bank of the beautifnV river whose name it bears, one mile cast of thedirect rond from Tecumseh to Adrián. This eligible site hns been selected for its quiet seclusion, ilie fertility and elevation oí it soil. its pure and healthfulatmosphere, and pleasant scenery. Rooms. - There are now on the premises switble rooms Jor the accommodation of forty studen(8; which are deaigned to bo occupied for private sludy and lodging Other necessary bui-121 ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXP EN SE. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4,(M Board " with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 83 Incidental, 50 Total, 12.95 Thore will bc an additional charge of one do!-Inr for those pursuing the higher branches as Phvosopliy, Algebra, Geometty, Astrononiy, &c. l"or Chemistry, Latin, or Grcck an addition of two dollars will bo made. Scholars are expected to provide themselves with what fiirniture they vill need in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and washing - none will hereafter board them selves. Bills to besettledin advance. The school ie open to all applicants of suitnble age and moral character irrespective of complexión or condition. CT'Tie second term of Üiis summer will commenct WcdnrsJay July i20Üi. Il is very desirable that all who design to at tend the school, should be on the ground - havothcir bilis settled, and their rooms prepared, be fore the iirst day of the Term. Any further information can be obtained at the Instituí tion. of by addiessing, post paid. J. S. Dixon, P rincipa!r Raisin. Lenawee Co Mich. Raisin, May 19th. 1842. n5- 2m NW SPRING AND SUM MR GOODS. JUST received and teeeïving at the NeM York Cheap Store, purchased at the present lov? prices in New York, which will enable him to sell lower than ever before ofiered in this place, a large lot of Frcnch, Englisli and Americnn GOODS. consisting of Dry Goods. Crockcry Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Also, a large lot of Yankee Notions. wholesalc nnd retail. D. D. WATERMAJN Ann Arbor, May 11, 1342. 8w IfO O Ij' aMRMIJYG THE Subscribers are prepared to card Wool lor customers; having first rate machines.snd having employed an experienced workman, they feel confident of giving good satisfaction to all ivho will favor them with their custom. Their manufactory is two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, t Co. Scio, Mayllth, 1842.


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