Poetry: Rest, Sweet Babe, In Softest Slumber

[The iollowing lines were composed by Mrs. Spence, and sung at the buriai of a chiidot Enoch and Emma Hamilton, at Salem, Aug 1842. j Rest, sweet babe, in sofiesV slumber, On thy still nnd lowlybed, Thou hast joined thcsilent numbef In ihe dwclling of the dead. Though tho turf thy form must cover, And we leave thee here alone - Nought shnll harm thee - angels hover O'er thy calm and pcaceful home. Yet thou art not here, 'tis only But thy due-t wc givc the Xomb; Though the mansion seems so lonely Thou wilt never heed its gloom. When diseaseso ruthless tore thee From a tender paren t' a breust, Heaven-commissioned angels bore thee To thy everlasting rest. Far away from pain and danger Far away frum mortiil woe, Short thy visit. lillle stiangen Nought could tempt thy suiy below. By the eyc of fniih we view thee Basking in the beams of bliss; Say. how chang'd since Inst we knew thee In thy weakness and distress. Tears may flow in quick suecession, . Not alone of grief ïhey teil - Heaven corrects. yet fïeaven isblessing, . Whilo in hope we say, farewell.
Elizabeth Ross Spence
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Enoch Hamilton
Emma Hamilton