Poetry: The Earth Is Beautiful

First published in Caroline Howard Gilman's The Lady's Annual Register, and Housewife's Almanac in February 1838.
The whole broad eartli s beautiful, To mincls nttuucd arigirt, Ãnd wheresoc'er my feet are turnee!, A smile bas met niy sighr. The city, with its bustling walk,' lts splendor, weallh and powur; A ramble by the livcr side; A passing summcr flowcr; The meadow green, the ocean swell, The forest waving free, Are gifisof God.and speals. in tones Of kindliness to me. And oh, where'er my foots'eps roam, If those I love are near to me, That spot is still my home. H 'i _ iii.-i il.i â â â miiii rm.i i i l i'i m
Caroline Howard Gilman
nature poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty