
The Hule that I háve eeen of' the world and know of mankind, teaches me to look upon the errors of others in sorrow, not in anger. When I take the history of oño poor Ãieart that has Sinned and suffered, and re'preèent to myselfthe átrüggles and temptations it passed through, the brief pulsatlons of joy; the feverish inquiêtude of hope and fear; the lears of regret; the feèblencss of purpose; the pressure of want} the desertion of friends; the ecorn of the world that has little charity; the desolation of the soul's sanctuary and threatening vices within; health gone; happiness gone; even hope that remains the longest, gone; I would fain leavethe erring soul of my fellow man with Him, from whose hands it
Signal of Liberty
Old News