
- 'Sotne persons nppèar to be aïwaysIucky in whatever they undertake; but the se crct of this is exposed in an excellent liüle book, called Hints to Merchants. The author saysjthat, generally speakinsr, your'lucky fellows,' when one searehes closely into their history, turn out to fae your fellows that know what they are doiftgr, and how to do it in the rightway. Their luck como1? to theni beCause they work for it; it is well earned. - They put themselves in the vvay of luck.- They keep themselves widë awake. They óiake the best of what opportunities they possess, and aKvays stand read for more; and when a mechanic does thus much, depend on }t, it must be hanl luck indeed, if he does not get, at kast, employers, customers arid frienua.
Signal of Liberty
Old News