Joe Smith At Home

- The Ãburth of Jniyfound rne at Nanvoo, the city of Mormons. - I saw Joe Smithj in splf?ndid regimentáis, in the character of Lieutenant General, at the heatl of a thousnnd troops. He was attended by six of his principal offiders on horseback, ennstiluting the front rank ns tliey moved. - Directly in the rear. tvere six ladies on horseJack, witb black caps and feothers, constitnting the second rank; and in the rear of these, were two ranks ofsixeach, of bodyguards, in white frocks with blnck belts. Joe cnrried a monstrously large tin spnaking trumpet, nnd uttered his prophecies through thatjinstead of giving his orders to his aidc. The city is a city of log hoÃÃáés and miul cabine, scattered over an area of three miles square - said to contain ten thousand people - a motley, rag-a-muffin crew. Many of them ore, I doubt not, poordeloded creatnreá, and nll of them are désfiried inevitably, for angiiL T can scp, fogrent suRering; for tliere is not land enongh under cultivation any whero around to feed a tenlh part of tliem. Ivisitedllie temple. Tt stands on an ele-' vation a mile back frorn the river. The walls are up just nbove the basement story some sx or eight feet from the groimd, built of ïewn hme stone; the Jerigth perhaps lLo feet. dnd the breadtb 90, ever man is required to work on it every tenth day. Every man .vho coms anqHng them is requircd to give one tenth of a!l the proporty he has at the ime, and one tenth of all he may enrn aftervardSj and to hold the remaindcr subject to he prophet's order, as God shaü rcveal. If all evangelical Christianf, thought I, were villing to nmke the sacrifices in the cause of kluist, which these poor creatures are maclng to a falso prophet, how soon, with the ordimary ble.sping ot God, might the earth be illed with his glory!In the basement of the temple, is a great la ver, or bnptistry, standing on twelvc oxen, wrought out of wood. their heads füoinjr fonr ways. rhey baptizo bere, not only for the iv. ing-, but for the dcad. Individúale are instructed that they oftri gel their friends out of oerdition by being haptized on thoir account. I saw one old man who had been bap'ized IS limes for his deceased children, becatite they were not Mormons; and heard of anothcr, a)out 80 years old, who was baptized for Georcre Wasiiington oñd La-Payette; then br Thomas JefTerson; and then npplied in bealf of Andrevv Jacksbn! But they UM him the Genra.1 wns not dend yct, and so lic wnits
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