Anti-slavery In St. Joseph County: For The Signal Of Liberty

Messrs. Editobs: - As onc object of your paper is to give infofmation of the Anti-slavery movemcnts in different parts of the Srate, it may not be unacceptable to your readers to lenrn somcihing concernina tho Anti-Slavery movement in this place. The county society in this place met on Friday the 2Gih uit., Mr. Ploward in the ohair. After prayerby the Rev. C. Caryof Lima. Ind.. Mr. C. Gurney, Esq., of Centreville, addressed the meeting. Uis remarks wero chicfly directed to onswering gome objections, whïch pro-slavery men raisc against abolà tionists: in which he was comnfetely succcssful. lic was I'oHowed by the Rev. Mr. Cleveland, of Marshall, who occupied the remainder of the time till the adjournment for even ing meeting. Mr. C. in the course ofhis renTarks aliuded to the duty devolving on the ministers of the Goppel in relation to this great question; and the disposition of some cÃntrenos to do nll they can tolenco (Iieir minister on this subject. As if a man, because he preaches tlie gosprl, was bouml to sit quiet and holcl his peace, and see this republic go io min by the wiekedness and corruption of the people. In the evening Mr. Cleveland addressed the audience eloqucnily about four honra. You nay judgo sornethinc of the interest manifested by the hearers. from the fact that they gave their iindivided attemion to a speech of such unusual length during these sleepy evenings. He went into an elabórate exposition of the constitution and exhibited its true relations to American slavery. He regardcd iis partial reebgnition of slavery as its grand defect, and compared it to a cancerous wart upon thc human system, whose poison already began to give signsofits impcd ing ihe healthy actfon of the whole constitution. The argument has been pronounced ty som e whö heard it; and pretend tö be judges of sound reasoning, and who are not identified with abolilioniets, as eiuirely conclusive and unanswerable. The second part of nis address was occupied in presenting an argument to ïhow that Congress had the power to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia. The effect of these meeiings s snlutary, and as frr nc I have been able to lenri from those whe attended, they have convinced tliein thatabulltionists are not quite such n set of fiinatics as they had supposed, and all begin to feel that ws'at the north have something to do wrth slavcry. This series of meetings is the first of the kind, that have ever been hsld in this county and thc great mass of the community aro uninfonncd on the ubject. I am fully persuaded from wliat I have witncsscd that the eubject nceds only to be prusented as it is, and the yeomanry of this county wiH not be bohind their neilibors in remembering the poor slave at the ballot box.
Signal of Liberty
Old News