
- A Washington correspondentfa N. Y. paper, in discussing the fidclity of the lepresentatives to their duties, remarks: "Air. tells me to observe the dcponment of icnibers. Thcrs certainly is a gross ;- on to the business before ibeni, wnh the few ncsent; nnd a terrible array of empty chairs. - ie leus me hc attended hore some few weeks nee for an hour or so duriiig whac he thought ie discussion of a very important question. r.nd ie counted fifty-six empty seais, six fast aslecp, overal writing letters, and as many more walkng abont the house, making rnorning calis, 'hile other3 were holding argunients with the enants of a neighboring desk, or laying back in ïeir chairs, with their hcels canted up the peaker'a face, reading newspapers; and on his onscience lie did not bclieve there were a dozen lembers who knew what was going on, though Arnoldof Kentucky was haranguing at the top of ïis lungs, the loudest speaker I ever heard, uness it wr.3 6ome Methüdist preacher at a Camp Vlceting."
Signal of Liberty
Old News