Alarming To Politicians

Mr. LeaviÃt has jnst visited tho State of Maine, which in its political aspects, miiclj esemblcs Michigan. He describes the state of things as follows:"I find here, as at Skowhegnn, the conntemneeá of the o!d politicianfjoffice-holders and office-seekers are a good deal lengt hened by he movements of the Liborty party. The general con vid ion tbat we are right, only hey are not quite ready to go with us, and he uncertainty oftheir ability to keep the )ody of the people much longer hoodwinked nd cauleiowed in subjection to the deapica)le diciation of a gang ofnegro brecders,makes hp.m very nnxious about the future. Il is ifficult to describe the extreme sensitiveness lat exists liere. The Rev. Dr. Hawes, of tirtford, Ct.. preached a sermón in one of the burches here, on Snndny evening, on the 'immortalily of the soul;" ond in one of his nferences very naturally bu' in a few words pplied his doctrine is an illustration of the infülness of sla very - saying he wonld as soon link of holding an ungel as propèrty as an nmortal ni'in. Had au eariliquake suddenly shaken the everlasting iocks on which the clay-bmks of Bangor recline, the atidience could not have been more starlied - so rigirllv has the pulpit been schooltul to its propricty on these annivers.iry occasjonH. The Editor of the Bangor Dailv Whig, of Tuesday, thought the matter sucii a flagrant breach of oidor, that lio Btérnïy rebuked it in hid paper. It as an onset ngainst thn whig pariy. It tvas an ofiènce aguinsc the honor of Henry Clay. U was a prostitution of the pulpit to the dirty work of politics. It was an open adhesión to the Liberty Party, and a bold strlde towards the long decided unión of Cliurch and State, anda "Sign of the Times" more appalling than any i'n Miller's catalogue. Spoaking of the Liberty Party and the proposed convention, he süvs:''Tlie public are not a-rare of the orgnnization nnd machinery that. s brougrht to bear by this As&ociationto carry into eftect thpir purposes. Every thing is made to yield to their plans. Even the C.iurch is not too sacred for thern to use as a lever to hoi.t them into political power, and I fear with too rnuclj euccese."
Signal of Liberty
Old News