Foreign News: Arrival Of The Caledonia: Fifteen Days Later F...

We ivceive by thisnrrival llie most distrcssing accounts dom the manufticturing nnd mining district:; of Englandand Scotland. whcre a series oà alanning riots havo Inoken out. The woikingmen seem dcterniincd to reaist all attetnpts ihat ruay be made to eilect a Ãurther reduciion in their wages. and ara insisting upon a furllier restoration o" the ratea of itÃ'.VJ und 1810. Wo have heretoforo noticcd the turn out of the collicis in Siafibrdshire, and that they had visited the pits in ii:e adjoining countics. fox the purpose of compelling the pcople empÃoyed therein to jblfa them Some of theni readily acceded, but others rosist-ecl, and thcy then returned to their own homes. The turn-out weavers and spinners seetn to have adopted a similar course, bul in consequence ol the crowded 6ta;e of the population in the mnnufacj.ur,ing distnets, thcy were l e more formidable in their irruptions. Alter nninerous meetings at Staleybridjje, Ashton. and Mottram. there was a general turn-out of the spinners and weavers at the loriner place, in compliancc with the demands or an immense mob. A procession was then tonned wit.'i banneis, on wiiich were inscribed tlieir detcrnu'nation not to resume labor uniil their wages were raised to the same rate as in lü',',0 and 1840. They compeiled colliers, calicó printers, and other trades, to join them, and went to üuehinfield, Ashton, Oldhatn. ïlyde, Fairiiold, Droylsden,. Demon, and other surrounding towns, stopping the milis in all these places. At Manchester :hey were ftcrjucntly dispersed by the military, lu re-assembled. and succeeded ! in stopping all the works of Manchester and j ford. Thence they extended iheir iucursions to Stockpon, JMaccleslicld, (ïlossop, Tintwistle. j Huywood, Mildleton, Oldham, llochdale, Bury i Bollón, Ciioiley, lilacUlnirn, Clitheroe, Burnley, j Preston, Vigan, and all the surrounding towns, j whore the pcpulation wpa great or manufactQries j existcd, causing one universal and wide 9pread ïn&urrcction, whilst a similar coiUBB was puieucc'. ! by the colliers in the Stailbrdshire poitencs and at Glasgow. Since Tuesday, iho Pth instant, Manchester has l)etn in a coinplete state of dis , orgnnizai.ion - a! business bei tig at d stand still, and the müitary bcing constamly cnnaged in disperaing rj-otous asBemUages. There lias, hwever, been, comparative'y speaking, very linie! (estruciion of property, and not nmch plunder. ' ihough many of the iiiiüs liave boen auacketl and i the shop-kcepers have been comp'lled to give np their stocks of provisions. At Hahiax, Hlackliurn, and Preston, the military have fired upon the inobs, and several Ijvéa have been lost. The mili owne.'s, havirrg boen compeiled to close thoir establiahmentó, iave determinod not to re-open Ãieto, uniüquiet shalj have been perfectly feefltored. ilumlit'dd óf thous::iüs oÃ! people, aic, tiicrelbre. without breud. The cliai iists, vvhu have taktn pdvantage of tlie drsiurbáhcea, are [apidly extenchüt: t'n'ir view?, and the papers teil us tliat Ãho peojile a:o dividoii - one section de- chiring for higher woges und the other lor the charter. The government linve isfiued a proclftination offerinL' a rcward of L:-li) ior the appahenbbn o! ! ;ho rtngleadors in any of i!ies3 otühreaks. T hree or fouv of the Icatling charlista in the vicintty of Manchester have been arrestêd, and wniriinls are out for Uic apurelicnsion of otiiers.
Signal of Liberty
Old News