General Intelligence

JlniÃmtl Magncï'-m. - The report of the comrnittce who hnvc been invostigating this subject in Detroit, lias heen piiblièfaed. The names of nine respectuble gentlemen are att;iclied to the report, aiuong whicli are loss Wükins and J. Kear.sley. The sum of the mirados performed by Air. De Eonneville was as füllows: 1. A tooth was cxfraeted f rom a lady whilé in the mesmeric sleep, by a dentiet of Detroit. Her mouth fil'ed vvith blood - no person held her liead, and she manifested no symptorn of pain during the oporation.2. A young Jad known to all the commitÃee was put into n sound mesmeric sleep, and the operator left the room. The comtnittee tried to wake liitn by running pins into his ears handá and wrists - by putting feathers to his nose, ears, Sec. - and by mak ing lond noises in his ears: but all was in vain. The operator then came in and spoke to him, and he aronsed. Two othar boys were tried in the same way witli the same result. Thcir fingers were me.smerised together so as to be inseparable. The right foot of each boy was mesmerised to thft floor so that he could not move it, but, when one ofthemwas jnished, he feil down, but could not take up his right foot. 3. The three lads, and one of the commirtee placed their middle fingers in contact, and ' were all fastened together, and incapable of' moving them. The committeo man said his arm was deprived of all sensation. There was no feeling left in it, and no power to move it, andit was only by looking at it, or taking hold of it thnt he was consious of its existence. He tooh hold of it n'ith his other hand and tried to move it, but could not! He was physically unable to do it.4. A gentleman well known n Detroit, up on being introduced, was transfixcd by a look of the operator, and stood rigid and mofionïess, vvith Jiis e}res open. fixcd and glas&y, and could ' neiüiersee, henr nor Teel so far as the com-i inittee could ascertain.5. A yonng latà rnngnetised himself withi a piece of rnoney said to liave been imgr.etised ; by the operator. He vvas said to be ant, but hiá answers were sometimos right, j and s mietimes wrong. Many experimente were tried at different times which were not ' succcssfü. The commiüee considered the! two óllowing propositions to be ostablished ]. That by manipulation rnd the exertion of the will of' tlie operator, mesmeric sleep may le inducod upon somc individuals, duriog which sleep, the ordinary sensations of the subject are suspended, nnd the will rendered subordÃnate to that of the operator. 2d. That this influence can be exerted upon a epecified member, or part of the system; as an arm, finger, leg. &c, while the rest of the sy6tem is allowed to remain in its natural state, the part affecied being made unconlrollableby the subject, and controllablc by the operator.(ODown east, n the state of Maine, the whigs bave been very apprehensive of losing the election, through the large number who are leavin them and joining the Liberty party. They have beeu well aware that a very few votes might turn tlie scale, and their anxiety has led them to oppose the Liberty movemcnta in every possible way. In reply to their complaints about helping the Locos Stc. the Bangor Gazettesays: "Are we to blarne that our principies detrace f'rom your votes? Men are nut so eao-er to be in a to leave their partyend join the few, while that party inainiains 6ound principies. If you want our votes, stistain our principies. Maintain the interests of ftee labor - the rights of man- at least the rights of the north, byyour party, when, as now, in power, then blameus if we desert you. This whining for votes is poor business.- Set up a drunkard, and ask a temperance man to vote for hirn! Set up a libertine, and ask a virtuous man to vote for him! Set upa duelliüt and ask a christian to vote for him! . Set up a slaveholder, or one who does not feel bound to oppose slavory, by every lawful means in his power, and ask a Liberty-man to vote for him! Ho w consistent! Hornd tragcdy. - A correspondent of the Savannah Repub!ican,writing from RIonroe,in Walton Couniy, Ga., under date of August 23d, gives the following account of an almost incredible atrocity: "Mr. Jordon Harris murdered his wife nnd mother-in-law, by cutling the throat of the former in a most shocking manner, and beating to death the latier with a large stick or pole. Mr Alfred Whaley, the son of the old lady,and the sister of Mrs. Harris, living with in a quarter or hnlf a mile of the place, soon heard of the rnurder of his motlier and sis! er, and went over to arrest Harris. He found him in the house, and his sister lying dead in the yard, with her throat cut from ear to ear, and his mother lying near not quite dead.-. Harris was armed wiih a rifle, and would not allow Whaley to approach, nor go to the bodies of his dead sister and dying inother.- Waaley being unarmed, went oft'and geathered son;c of the neighbors, three or four in miniber, and went back, armed with gunsond pibtols, to take Harris. Harris swore that he would not be taken, and was trying to get a chance to shoot those that had come to take him, when Whaley shot atbut missed him Harris then carne out of tlie house with his his gun cocked, when Whaley ngainshot and killed him on the spot, one of the halls passing through near the heart. The family, on both sides, are very respectable, and possessed of considerable property.'' Falal Rencount er. - On Salurday evening n ditüculty occured in Hamburg, betvveen Mr. Josepti Wood and Mr. Jumes Rooney, in w!)ich the huter receiveda wound from a pisol shot, of vvhich he died in a few rnnutes. We learn that Mr. W. coiidid.erö himself so fully justified, lliat he wijl diliver himself to ïhe legül authonties. - .-Jugnsta Ckronicle, 2.ind inst.The Globe colla Mr. Adams, a. hald hornet." Th is is a new upccies, but,we presume, arimitted to have a eeveie stnig. - Balt. Pat. loipa. - Ten years ago, th.3 first Ftrip of iis soil was ceded by the Jndians; iive years ago, its populaüon was only twelve thoiisand; and iww the nutnber of iis inhabitants is fifty thousaud. ÃWe learn by a privóte letter from Augustu Ga., that a man in Walton Co.; whose name we have fbrgoUen, went into the gar(itii of lus house and shot his wile fmd moth or-in-law. His in-luw, vvho was in hi.s chamber and saw the act, immediately feized a gun and shot the murderer from Ihe window. All three died imiediaiely. - Tribune The New York Observer sonie time since remarked, in substance, that no anti-slovery newspaper in the country had ever suppoi ted itself. Very true, How could they expect that papers estabhslied to eflect u moral reform - and not to niake inoney - would be sustained without continual sacridces? Do they not know that a money-niaking paper will often snecumb to popular prejudice - take an e quivocal part in the leading topics of the day - and f 'requcntly take the side of evil doers, rather than loae suhscribers, or forego the great obje t belbre them, viz., amassing money? - Ulavcry Reporter. Weil hit!Congressional Mileage. - The Miloage is confessetlly an cnormous abuse. The Louiaiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkaiisns and Mis souri members, and o;hers from similar dis tauces, receive at the beginning of every session, immediately on tlieir arrival liere, about $2 500 apiece, um'er the name ofmileage, as a compensation for the expenses of the journey. - N. Y. Jlmencan. [On tiie other hand. Mr. Filimore warned Ihe Eastern inembersthat if they reduced the i mileage, it would not bo two years before ef ' lorts wüiild be commenced Lo remove the seat of government to the West.] OCThe receipts from the Central Railroad for üic month of August, were $10,702,99 Am'trec'd from pas&engers,5,72G22 " ' for freight, 4,500,86 " " onacc'tU. S. mail, 475 61 $10,702 99 The receipts for the corresponding iüonth in 1841, were From passengers, $1,443 23 For freight, 3,103 24 Acó t U.S. mail, 170 00 $4,011 47 Detroit, Sept. 3, 18J2. Okio. - This State is doing nobly. They turn out to their conventions a iittle better than we do in Muie. Ata late convention ut Cülumbus, 800 were present. At Belfonlain 700. At Grcon Plain from 800 to 1000 at the lowest estimate. At Spnngfield "a large audience - court-house full.'1 At Dayton "a court house full." At Troy 'the houae could uot contain one half of thosein attendance.'' Says th3 Philanthropist, "Jiever did we see a greater wiilingness in the people to bear." By a law of Pennsylvania, of March, 1841, the County musr pay for the propeny lately destroycd in Pluladclphia. This law should be in force in every ame. It is a complete antidote tO Mobs. It is said tlint soine Members of CongrÃes receive about 1,000 lor tiiilc-iige. while tlieir expenses do not excued $150.- Northern Judianian. In New York, d'iring the year ending Januavy 1, 1841. thcre were 189 fires, by which property to the amount of $362,875, was destroyed, $125,900 of which wa3 lost at two fires that occurred on March lost,
Signal of Liberty
Old News