
ILr" Papers (rom all paWofthe Norihern Staiea briiig aceount-j of the inciense of business and use ol'prices in consequence of the as?fige of t!ie farifl Act. In sume depnrtments hs infiuencc : nu been f'lt more tlian in others. The iron rnanU.ietuics have Liken a new start. In Mtisbury, li4 ron ims risen Itóm three to five dollars per ion, and business has revived. In the New England States the woolen machinery is all set in maiipn, and mnny capitnÃBta are preparing to run in extra quantity. Tkousands of persons, who were out of ninploy onc inoiuh since, are now !'i:si!y eno;tgeilin d Herent branches of manufaeturing. It is thought by sonie from the ac(ivity with which oontract? are making. and the Ãmpetus given to business, ihat tlie result vil; ultimately be the production of more goods ihan enn readily be sold, thus cauging q rettócfibh of priee to the consumcr. and cousequently afford ing but a small profit to the rnnnufacturur.I he farmer s prospeets for high prices, howevcr, look dubious. The price of' Wheat in this place is 53 cta. per Imshel; flour is retaüed nt 3.59 per barre!. On Thursdny, ffour wasselling in Detroit at $3,40; iti Pittsburgh on tho 9th, at $& and whent at 50 cents per bushel. Ãn New York at tlie latest dates, Genessee flour sold at $4,68. Tiices bad a downward tendeney on account of the ndvices received Ãroui England of the prospect of a favor able crop. ICTTen tona of fair yellow leaf tobarco has been sent from Ogle County, Illm.iiá to Buñblo. 300 acres are said to be in cultivación for tobáceo in that county.OTbe two following items MustÃate the d fcrence benveen the Banking institmions of tl Tree and slave states- betwecn free labor an slave labor. Tbe New York American aays. the agSrea an.ount of specie in the city banks ekceéds si millions of dollars, and this amount is daily n creasing Dollars and Gold are pouring into th city in all directions. The banks w.0 nevé more ready or able to lend un good notes ihan a present.An agent oi the Naslmlle Bnnfce, in Misáis sippi, who has notos to the amount of $G0,Ãà 10 collect, has written home tbnt he cannot evc get money enough to pny his tmveling expenses and requesting that o snu.ll amount be forwardec 11 i in to pny his way. Going down- Flour.- The best flour is now advert.sed m the Rochester Evening Post, fp only f o Sper barrel at retail, by Henry Ely oneof the principal flour manufaciurcrs filmt city. The very lowest notch, snys the Post, for many n long yeor at Rochester. A 1,000 barrels of foncy flat hoop wcro sold in rfavÃk l'day Ãt $3 70-B"J'aloCommcrl
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