Livingston County Convention

At the adjouincd meeting of the friunds of liberty in Livingston county, held at the school house in the town of Hamburgh, the following ñames were presented by a committee, and rece.ved the nomination for the offices set ooposite their names. For Ripreenlaticcs, ISAAC SM1TH, of Green Oak, DANIEL COOK, vfPutnam. For Sheriff, LEONARD OULE, Putnam.â - - - - -- â For Countif C'erk. PHILESTER JESSUP, of Oseóla. Fot Register of Docds, MUiVSON WHEELER, of Ilamhtrgh. For County Trcastircr, EDWARD F. GAY, of Marión. For Coroncrs, LEWTS, of Dtojicld, GEORGE T. SAGE, ,f Hoicell. For Surreyor, JOHN FARNSWORTH, of Green Ouk. The following gentlemen were appointed a â 'â mmiiteo to odvance the cause of liberty in ihe soveral towns in the county: Hannibal Lee, Green Oak; Mr. Colum, Puinani; SaÃn uel Hubbard, Marión; Richard Sutton, Gcnoa: Joseph A. Pinckney, Oseóla; John H Neelyj Howell; Alva Preston, Tuscola; Mr. -Vottingliam, Deerfield. The Convention waa opcned by prayer by the Rev. N. G. Chase, of Howell: completing the object, of the Convention, the mceliug aJ journed sine die.
Signal of Liberty
Old News