University of Michigan Students Debate Overemphasis of Football

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1951
Overemphasis of football, which became a nation-wide controversy this fall, drew contrasting opinions from these four University students who discussed the problem in a speech department assembly yesterday. They are (left to right) Merritt W. Green, varsity football captain-elect from Waterville, O.; Ralph C. Stribe, jr., of Detroit, member of the 1951 team; M. Glenn Grossman of Detroit; and Philip Van Houten of Grand Rapids.
Ann Arbor News, November 29, 1951
Overemphasis of football, which became a nation-wide controversy this fall, drew contrasting opinions from these four University students who discussed the problem in a speech department assembly yesterday. They are (left to right) Merritt W. Green, varsity football captain-elect from Waterville, O.; Ralph C. Stribe, jr., of Detroit, member of the 1951 team; M. Glenn Grossman of Detroit; and Philip Van Houten of Grand Rapids.
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