Young Ladies Seminary

The ensuing term of Mies Page's Seminary, comn:enccs Sept. 20. J Terms für tâition in tho Engiish branches, from .y Ml to 4 50 per quaner. Le&sons on the Piano, wuh tlie uae ol the instrument L10 00 Wawjppiand Puinting, $4 50- La i in, "3 00- ÃÃÃ', 3 00-Fancy work, $3 Board, $)I 50- Wfislmiff ahd Ironing, .S7 per doz No pupil wiühc rccoived 'lor Jess than one quarter. and no deduction for nbsence will be made except in cnses cf protrncted ill licalih In addition to a pleasant and healthiu] residence Misb Pagé'Jiaa tnkea the Academy. & few 8ieps from her own door. for the greuter accommodation of her pupils. A& the best and most decisive tcstimony in lavor ot nny institurion, is be obtained from those who are aequainted with the suhjccts upon vhichit opérales, and who apprecinte its nfluence, Miss Paee refersfor information. to the pa rents and guardinns of her Dupüs, n catalogue of whose nanies will epon be published.
Signal of Liberty
Old News