Classified Ad

flRrl]{'T BARGAINS. -R. Bnnks respectVJi fully mforms the farmers and oihcrs visitm Detroit, that he still continúes at his o! Binnd on Woodbridge st., adjoining Waidell' block, aud keepa on hand a general .-issortmeiu o READY MADE CLOTIUNG, wliich he is determincd to sdl dteapcr than th cl.o-ipcstfor Cash. R. B. l)as just recerved from the East an assortment of Clolhs. Cnssimerea. Satinetts and Vesnriijs. which wül be made up io order in f.ishionable siyle at short notice. ,. . â BANKS. Doiroit, Sept. 5, 1842 B0-6m FASHIONABLE lïlais, Ejs, &, Bonnefs AGOOD assorhnent, at ihe New-Y k Cheap Store by D. D. WATERMAAN Anu Arbor, May IGth. 1842.JLatesl Ãrom JVeiv UTork. WÃJ OLES fLE AND RETAIL. HJ3ECKER would innounco o the citizens oÃ' Waslitenaw that he has just rcoeived nd is now opening at the New Brick Sioie. Lower Town) a full and complete assortment of GOODS. CONSISTING OF DRY-GOODS GR0CER1ES, CROCKERY HARD ÃV ARE, PAIJYTS, DYE-STUFFS, fc. tf-c, 1 of which being purchased at the present lote v rices in New York - will be sold atprjces tosuit t hc timea. r The public are invited to an examination o lus a6sortment bcfore purcliasing elöowhere Ãau Albor, Aug. 1, 1842. Ay7s7lanti academy TEACHERS' SEMIJYJ1RY. HH. GRIFFEN. Principal, who furmerly had charge of the Teachers' Seminary ut Ann Arbor, and ultso nt Gram Lok e. The ninth term of this Insiitution wül commenceon iMonday, August 2(1, and continue 11 weeks. While rhis school is ctjunily open to all of both se.xcs, who wish to acquirc u good education, particular ntlention will be given to those preparing to teach. The langungea not heinf taught in this Seminary, the more exclusive an3 uninterrupted attontion will be iven to imparta practical knowledge of the English branches. Apparalus.- The Inslitnlion is furnishcd with Cheinical, PhilosopliicTl. and Astronomical appnratus, Surveying Instruments. Geonictricul solids, fec. &c. to the umount of $300, Tuiüoa. - Yrom $2.0 in $3,50 lor Reading, Orthogrnphy, Geography, Grammar, Aritlunetic, Writing. Book-Keeping, by single enn y . Du clamotion, and Composition. From $4,50 to ."$5.00 for Natural, Moral and Intelleotuul Phiiosophy, Astronomy. Rhetoric. Logic, Ctteraistr)S Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Civil Engi necring. Boolc-Keepintr. (doublé entry.) fcc. &c. Extra Branches. - Mozzotinto and Chinese or Theorem païnünj; i?:',00 each for 12 lessons taunht by Mis. Griflen.Competent aid has been secured in teaching. The luition is tobe paid at the middle of the term. No ileduction for absence wÃl) be made. sxeept for protrocted sickneas, nnd no one will JO reccived for lesa tlian fivc and n half weeks. Board, indudins room and wafhfng, for 1,50 j ier week. Several ladies anJ gentlemen can pay or their board in good f.imiliet by labor. For Inrther particulare inquire of the Principal Vpsilanti, July 21. ]842. 15-3wUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE. J. LAilB, HAS jiist oponed his siore one door west of the. Pest ofiice in Aun Arbor. He will bo constnntly receiving books fróm the east and internis to keep on hand a large asaortnient of ihe ehoicest Boolts, Statioiia ry, SCHOOL BOOKS, and has alrendy a large qnantity of the Miissachueetts School library, ihe best work of ihe kind ever puhliáhed. Ann Arbor, July 3Oth, 1842. OPlea8ecall at the University Book Store. J5-GwNEW GOODS. JH. LUND s now receiving direct from Boston and New York, a large and well selected stock of Merchandizc. consisting of STAPLE ANà FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, $ GLASSWARE. DRUGS 4. MEDICINES, NAILS, CRÃDLEAND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES, fC SfC. whicli he oflers for sale chcup for the rcady. Dated, Arm Arbor, May 9, 1842.CLINTON SEMINARY. TIIE füll term of this instimiion will commencü on Monday, Aug. 15. and continue i 2 weeks. Tuition, for studies pursued by smal chitaren, 32.5) - for conunon English branches :;.oO- Ãbr L-itin, Greek. Fieneh, Hcbrew. Chcmistry, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry! Book-Keeping, Moral and Iniellectual Philosopliy, $4,00. Ãt is very mueh for the students advantaec to enter at the beginning of the term, and yet those who enter afterwards will be charged tuition only from the tima they come in to the close of the term. Tuition to bc paid in adcancc. A convenient and commodious building in a picas antand retired location has been procured. Board, including room . nd washing, may be liad in good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or rooms iiay be hircd and studeuts board themselves at niuch loss expense.Putrons and fncnds are respectfully invited to visit the scliool nt Rhetorical exercises, which occur on every Wednesday, P. M. A short lesson in vocal rnusic forms n part of the daily cxercises. "Juvonile Songs, by Thomas Hastings," has been recemly introduccd. We aro happy to bc able to nform our friends, that we trust the school will oe rendered more valuablc than heretoforc by the addition of the services of Mr. James S. Smedley, A. B., who will commence his labors as teacher of ÃÃebrew and French at the opening of the next term. From Mr. Smedley's experience and success hs a teacher, togelher with his ktiowrj charncter for promptness. eiieryy, and industry as a scholar, we fcol confidont he will do m'uch tovvards rendering the school what we wish it to be, a place where the physical, intellectual nnd mora] powers of the youth of both sexes shnll be tramed for future usefulness and respectability, and happiness and heaven. GEO. W. BANCROFT. Principal. Mrs. BANCROFT, Assislant. Clinton, July 5, 1Ã-J2.
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