New York Wholesale Prices Current

Sept. 10, 1842. Ashks, Pearls, 100 ]bs. $5,50 to - Pots, 5,25 to - Coffee, St. Domingo, lb. 7 to 7 OtJier kinds, 8 to Il CoTlON, UplniJÃÃ, Ib. 5 to V1 New Orleans, 53 to 10) Texas, 7 to 8à Fish, DryCod, lOOlbs. #2,50 to g,62 Salmón, bbl. $14 to - Mückerl No. 1 and 2 89 to 11,25 Fruit, Ilnisins, buncli, pr box - Figp, lb. Si to -Fiour, Gouesee, $4,ü2 to 5 Ohio, 4,56 to - Michigan, 4,56 to - Bullimore, to Grain, V heat Northern bush. 90 to - do Southern 75 to 80 Rye, 58 to - Oats, so to 3S Corn, Northern, 54 lo - do Southern, 50 to - Molasses, Havanna, gal. 15 to 17 Porto Rico, 16 to 24 New Orleans, jg to Provisions, Beef, mess bar. $7,00 to 7,75Prime, S,00 to Pork, mess, 7,50 to 8.50 do Prime, 5,L5 to 6,00 LanJ, 6 t0 7 femoked liaras, 4J to 7 Untter, 12 to 17 Clieese, 6 tü 7 Sugak3, Jevv Orleans, lb. 3 to 4J St. Croix, 6 to fc Havanna, brown, 5 to 6 do white, 63 to 8 A Loaf, iL to 13 Tbas, Ifyson, lb., L7 to 85 Imperial, t 51 to 90 Tallow, lb., cj to 7 WoOL, Am. Sax. ilc. lb. 34 to 83 Full blood AJerino, S0 to 34 Native and J blood, 18 to L0
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