Anti-slavery Publications

"f he subscribe) informa (lie memhers of AnfcSuvory Sücietieojimd oli persons wlio deire to eud tlie Slavery ptiblications that have iued Irom thc Aniericun press, tJiat lie lias nufchased all the b.ookf, parophlels, traets, prints etc. Jately beloi.ging to the American Ant.-Slavery Society, amouiiting lo abmit eiglit thouand dollars, at oÃd prices, whirh he ufiers r,,r sale bv liis npent in any nuantityt at tozo mices for cash only. Samples wffl be kept at fea office, curner of Hanover aia Excnailge st'ieci, and orders will be promtly nttended to. A catnloirue of thc principal publicatjona wannexed. and the prices püt gamst lliom are the pavent (-oduced) relail pnce. By the hundretl or larger quantity, they will be sold lowoi Ã- pay for bovnd volumes L5 per cent., discount: jn pamphlets, traets une1 pielvres, 0 per cent, diecount. With respect to most of them this is below the actual cost to me in tÃash, They wcre not purchased with a vi?W to sell at 8 porfit but to siibserve the Anti-Skvery cause. Such an opportunity has not previouely oceurred to obtain Anti-Slaveiy pubücations al these reduced prices, and probabiy will not again. (Tr'Edilors of newspapers are requested to copy thiö advertisoment at length for three month.,and their bilis will be paid in books,etc. Plea;e send a copy of the paper containiusr the advenisement, LEWIS TAPPAN. New York, March lst, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES American Slavery as it i?, mualin 60 Anti-Slavery Manual 20 Alton Riots, by Pres. Beechcr, of 111. Coll. lLmo. - Alton Trials g Slaverv Record, vol?. 1, 2 and 3 eet 50 Appeal, by Mrs, Child S7 1-2 nti-Slavery Kxuminer, bound vols. 50 auties of Philanthropy 33 1 3 Juume's Picture of Slavery 50 Buxton on the Slave trade 5ü Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson's history of the slave trade,) vols. 1, 2 and 3 eet 1,00 Chloe Spear g Channing on Slavery Doncan on Slavery Ernán, in the W. 1. by Thome ana Kunball QjVisTi'b 5 Do by do in boards with map 2j Enpmies 6t Constitiition discoveied 50 Ã'ountain, plain bindiuff, 64n)9. 12 1-2 Gustavos Vassa 5o Gnmke's Letters to Miss Beecher 97 1 2 Jav's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay's View 50 Liffht and Truth 20 Life ofGrnnville Shnrp 1 Mott'sBiographical Sketches 87 12 Memoir ot Rev. Lemuel Ãlanea 75 Do ofLovejoy 2 1-2 ÃoÃtÃ) Stnr, gilt edges 33 1-3 PennsyÃvania Hall ' Quartérly Anti-Slavery Mngnzine, 8vo. 1,00 Rankin's Letters. Ã8mo. 100 pp. 20 Right and wronj; in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, umslin 12 1-5 Slavery - containing Declaration of Sen timentsand Consiitution of the Amer. A. S. Society: Wesley'sThoughis on Slavery: Does theBible sanction Slavery? Address to the Synod óf Kentucy, JSarative of Amos" Dresser, and vVhv work for ihe Slave7 bound in one vol. -J Slave's Friend, f52mo. vold. 1, 2 and 5 set DO Songs of the Free , . 33 1-3 Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, 12mo. 20 â jTestimony of God agpinst Slavery, ISmo. L0 â yVheally,Phillis Memoir of 2Ã) West Indiee, by Professor Ãlovey 50 West Indies, by Harvey and Sturge 75 Weslev's Thoughts'on Slavery, in musnn, withportrait 121'2 PAMPHLETS. Seta A. S. Almanacs, from 18S6 to 1341 inclusive 1-2 Address to the Free People of Color Ancient Landmurks s Anology for Abolitionists 3 American Slavery as It Is- the Testimony of a Thousand VVitnes.-es 25 Address on Right of Peiinon 2 Address to Senators and Representativos of the free Stat os 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congrega! ional Union of ScotAddress of Nationnl Convention (Germnn) 1 Ann. Reo. ofN. Y. Committ.e of Vigilance 25 Do. of Mas?. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free Stntes . 6 1 "4 AulhenUc Anecdotes on American Slavery 2, Address to the Church of Jesús Christ, by the Evang lical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anti-Slarery Catechism, by Mrs. Child 6 1-4 Adams', J. Q,. Letters to his Consliluents 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech on the Texas Question M !-2 Annual Reports of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, 5th and G'h 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society 3 Appeal to the Christain Women of the South S Bible against Slavery 6 Collection of Valuable Documenta 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches Birney on Colonkation " Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green G Chipman's Discourse s Channing's Letteis to Clay Condition of Free People of Color S Crandall. Reuben, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1-2 DJckinson's Sermón 3 Does the Bible eanction Slavery? 2 i Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Ara. A. S. Soriety à Discust-ion between Thompson and Breckinridge 2 Dresser' s Narrativo â s Extinguisher Extinguished 3 Elmore Correspondence 6: do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Kimball 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indies in 1838 3 Freedom's Defense 6 tjarriaon's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Geneions Planter S Review ofBushnell'p Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abolition 12-2 Jay's Thonghtfi en the Duty of the Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 8vo. 25; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. Juhn B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Murtineau 6 Modern Espediericy Considered 6 Power of Coflgre93 over the District of Columbia 6 14 Plea for the Slave, Nos. I, 2 and 3 3 Proceedmgs of the Meeting to form Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Society Fro-Slavery Rural Cotle of HaitÃRoper," Muses Ãs'arrntne el u ltiiie } Slave 12-2 Rights of Culored Men 12 I;2 Ru_'g!esrs Antidoto G Ãtight and WróOg in Boston 12 Ir Slavcry Riiymcs . Slade's Speech in Congress in 1838 Smitti's Gerritt Letter lo Jas. Smylie Do. Letter to IIcniy Clay G Slnvcholding InvariabJy Sinful, "malum In se,' J Southarri's Manual Star of Frcedom Sclimucker and Smith's Letters Slaveholder's Prn}'cr Sl;iv holding Weiglied ;à Slavcry in America (London); do. (Gcrmany) Tlie ATartyr, by Beriah Grecn 6 Things for NorLhern Men to do à VÃpws of Colonizaron, by Rev. J. Nonrge 4 Views of Slavery and Eniancipaticn, by Miss Martincau 6 Wesleyan Anti-Slavery Review 2.' War in Texns, by Benjamin Lundy ( Why vvork for thc Slave 1 VVilson's Address on West India Emancipation 4 TRACTS. No. I. St. Domingo, No. 2, Cnste, No. 3, Colonizntion, No. 4, Moral Condition of the Slave, No. 5, What is Abolition? No. 6,The Ten Conmiandments, No. 7 Danger and Safety, No. 8, Pro -Slavery Bible, - No. 9, Prejodice apüinst Color, No. 10, Northern Déniers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Misfions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Slavcry. The aboveTracls are sold at 1 centeach. PRINTS, etc. [Hustralions of the Anli -Slavery Almanac for 1840 3 The Emancipated Family 25 Slavc Market of America 3 Corresponderse between O'Connel and Stevenson 3 Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery 2 Lei ter papur, stamped with print of Lovejoy .-lioet 1 Do. with Kncelinrr Slave shcet 1 Prayer for Sin ves, with Music, on cards 1-2 Poirait of'Gerrit Smifh 50 In addition, are the fbllowing-, the proceeds of which will go mto the Mèndian fund. Aiffument of Ilon. J. Q. Adama in the caro of the Amistad Aficans 25 Argument of Roger S. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 2 Trini of the Captives of thc Amistad 6 CoMressional Document relating to do. 6 Portrait of Clinquez 1,00 March 3d, 1842.
Signal of Liberty
Old News