Classified Ad

Threshing Jfflachines. rpiIE undereigned would inform the public (hat i tliey continue to manufacture Horse Powkp.s nnd Tniii.siii.vG Machimas, two and Ãi half miles fïom the village of Ann Arbor, on the railrond. Tlie Horse Power is a late invenüon by S. W. Foster, and is dccidedly superior to any other ever ofiered to the public, as will appear by the statements of those "who hare used them dtiring the last yenr. It is light in weight and small in compass, being carricd together with the Thresher, in a comnion wüggon box, and drawn with easc by two horses. Jt is as littlo liable to break, or get out of repair, ns any other Horse Power, and will work as easy and thrash as much with f'uur horses a itached to it as any other power with fv: horses, as will appenr frorri the recomfnéndations below. New patterns have been made for the enst Iron. and additional weight nnd slrength applied wherevcr it had appeared to be necessary from ono year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold ' st year in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by ïhe purchasers to be those invented by S. W. Foster. and that most or all of them were eiiher made mateihlly different, or altcred beiöre sold, so as to be materialty different from those made and sold by the subscribers. Such alterations being Icctdtdly detrunenta to the uiility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfactorj were of this class. They are not aware that any Power that went from thcir shop, and was put m use, as they made it. has been condemncd or laid nsidens a bad machine. AU who wish tti buy are invked to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them - There will be one tbr examination at N. II. Wing's, Dcxter vitUigej and one at Martin Wim.son's stoi chaise in Detroit - both these gentlemen [jeinir at-ents for the sale of them. The price will bo $120 for a four horse power, with a ihreshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and 130 fora horse power with a thieshing machine wiih an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to the folowing recomniendations. S. W. FOSTER &, CO. Scio. April 20. 1S12. REC ÃMM EN DA TI0N&. This is to certify that wo have used one of S. W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers for abóut five months. and threshed with it about 3000 bushels, and believe it is constructed on letter principies than any other Horse Power. - One of the undersigned has owned and usedeiht different kinds of Horse Powers. and we believe that four horses will thrash as much with this Power as Jico will with any other power with which we are acquainted. H. CASE, S. G. IVES. Scio, January, 12, 1842. Thia is to inform the public that I have purchased, and have now in use, one of the Horse Powers recently invented by S VV. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, &Co., and believe itbe construct ed upon better principies, and requires kss sirnigik of horses than any other power with which I am acquamted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemen3, Sept. 8, 1R41. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchascdoneof the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. VV. Foster, and usd it for a number of months. nnd believe it is the best power in uso, working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I am acquainted, nnd being small in compass. is easily moved from ona phice to inother. 1 believe 4 horses will thresh as nuich with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power hftvp heen universally approvodofby ftrmersfor whom [ have thrashed. E, S. SMITH. Scio. April 11. 1842. SmJIT KACZZiaVES. T-he aübScribera mal.e very good SMUT MACHINES which they will ecll for $60. This machine wns invented by one of the subscribers, who has had many year's experience in the milling 'jusinesa We invite those who wish to buy a rood machine for a fair price to buy of ns. It is worth as muih ns most of the machines that cost fromlöO to$300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory The subscribers have recently put in operation a woollen manufactory for mnnufacUiring woollen cloth by power looms, two and a hiÃlf miles west from Ann Arbor village. on the rnüroad, where 'hey wish to manufacture wool imo cloth onBhareffj or for pny by the yard, oñ ressórtbl terms. They hve einployed exponeoced woik men and feel confident tbat work wil] bc v.xi ilone. They thererofe respectfully nsk a sliare o public paironanc, eepcially froni thosc who are ii i'.-ivor ()i'ii'iK iNüü;TY. Wooi tn'uy bc lcft u Scio villaje. S. W.-FOSTEIl & Co. Scio, April 13, ]812. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND TIJK PUBLIC GENERALLY THE subscriber hns on ham! and offers for sale at low rate?, a largo and genera] ns sorimciu ol Drugs and .Medicines, P.isnis,. Olla Y'amish. Dye tÃiuifs. cc. &c, wih every ai ticle in the Drug and -Paint lino. Persons wi.-h ing to purchase any articlea in the abjve line ure requcsteJ. before puThaeing elsewhorc, to cali ai piicrre teller's, Whclesalc nnd Retnil Drusgist 139. Jëftêrso.n Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Dèlrdit. DR. BANJSTER'S' CELEBRATED FilVER AGÃE P1LLS.- Ftirdtj VvieXahh, A safe, speedy, and sure reniedy lor foyer apa ague. dum ague. chili fcver, nnd the bilious dja oases peculiar to ne.w counti ies. These pilla are tfe8ignedfpr the ftV.ctions oTth livor nnd other infernal organs which nttend tbr disensos of the ncw and miasmaüc portionsofom country. The proprictor hay ing "ried them in a gren vr.riety of cases conh'dently beücves that they att superior to nny reniedy that luis ever been ofi'ui ed to the public for the above dise.ises. H is purely Vegetable and pe.fectly barmlcss. and can he taken by any person, male or lemalt with perfect safety. The pills aro prepared in two separate boxee, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied wi'.h full directions. A great number of certificates might be procn red in' favor of this medicine, hut the propriefe hns thoiurlit fit notto insert them, in ns pinch lis he dependa upon the merits of the same lor -its reputación. The above pil! is kept conpiintly on hand b; the próprieter nnd can be had at wholesale and n :;,i! at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders fron the country promptly attentied to. Ann Arbi.r, (lowór town) May59th 184& j L. BECKLEt GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE, AND GENTLEMANS' WORLD OF LITERATURE AND FASHION. [Tie Caskct and Gcrtlleyiqn's Un':t:d.] A uew volume under the ahove tille, of rly well establiehed and Fashour.ble Magazine. The Philadelpiua Casket in conjuncnon with tho Gentlcman's Magazine, which has been every wh&Pt jronounced to be the most readable and popula of the day, wil: be oponed on the first day ol Januaryr 1842. with nn array of comributors secnrcn )y thounion of talent, oà (ame, which no periodcal in the country can bonst or pr tend to revile. The December number v.-jll hovvever, beaspecinen of the new volume. Tho volume will be opened with a new and bcautnul type, the finestwhi te paper, and witi: the first of a series ol emellishments unsur])assed by any which have vet ippëafed in any Magazine. The stylo of elëganöe he benuty and iinish of these illustraiions, and the evtensive improvenicnts which will be made in te ypornphical appcarance, and above all the tone oà is literary department, by the brilliant array oà contributors, whose anieles have cnrichcd the pages of each number, will give it a character, second to no Magazine in the Union. The character of the articles which shall appear in its pages. vill be equally rem ved trom a sickly sentinentality, and lrom an efTectation of moralitv,bui while a trüe delineation of human nature in every varicty ot passion is aimed at, nothing sh::ll be bund in its pages to cause a bÃush upon the check of the most pure. The Literary Character wiU be suRiciently guaran teed by the reputation of böth Magazines hus unitcd. ibr years pnst. Writers of tho fiisi ank have boen regular contributors to their pages, and the tales and sketches published in ihem jave been widely copied and reao. and the firm nnd independent tone of the criticisms, upon the urrent literatureof the day has been evcry wherc ipprovcd and coinnende, The liet of Contribntors embraces the names of most of tho-pnncipal writers in America, with i respectable number of English authors. lu addition. the diftinguished services of a host of anonymous writers of no ordinaiy abilit'es ïave given worth and character to the pages oà he Magazines. The series of well known nauticul papers eutitled " Ciuising in the Lnst War." ïave had a run, unequaled by any .series published n any Magazine, for years. The auihor prömises to open the first of a new series of ; Tales ol he Sea," and from his known abilities as a deieier of sea scènes and lile, much may be relied pon lrom him in maintaining the popularity ol he Magazine. Papers may be expected daring he vohunealso from the auihor of the well known inicies entitled ''The Log of Old Irpüstóes." - The author of ' Syrian Letters,' will also ierid bis powerful and graceful pen to snstain and incriase he reputation of the work The vnluable aid oà he author of 'Leaves from a Lawyers Port Folio" ïas nlsobeen secured - and we may expect somehmtr still more thrillingfrom the spacious storea which a long life in the profeïsion has enabled bini o amass. Anoccasional Chit-Chat with 'Jeremy Short' and ; Oliver Olrlfellow' is also pcómisei with a variety of choice articles in prose and verse, rom various writers of celebrity, as contributors to the prominent Magazines of the country. The Editors of both Magazines continue their services ünder the new arrangement. iVith such an array of talent, a Magazine ofunrivalled attractions. may safely be promiscd the coming volume. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliance with the nlmost unanimous wis!, of our lady subscribers; v,-e shall. the ensuinj; volume, furnish them with a beautiful and corren pÃate of Fnshions. Monthly, a feature, it is believed, that will neitherbe unwelcome nor unpopular. These iashion platcs shall be drawn from original designs from Paris and Lon.don. and may alwiay_a be depended upon as the prevailing style in Philadelphia and New York ibr the month in which they are issued. These however, siia'l in no wipe Interfere with the regular and choice enrnvinys and music which accompany each number of the work. The splendid Mezzolim engravings from the burin of Sartain, wliich have been so justly sdmired, will be followed during the volume by severnl from the same hand, while the steel engra vings in the best stylc of art from intercom: scènes shall still enrich the Magazine. The choieat pieces of music for the Piano and Guitnr ehatl ccompany each number of the work. TIME OF PUBLIC A TI0N. The work will be published on the first of the month in every quarter of the Union. The mos distant subscriber will consequcntly raceive it on that day, as well as those who reside in Philadcl phia. Ãn all the principal cilies. agents have been estnblished, to whom the Magazine is forwarded. prior to tho time of issuing it, so that they may be delivered to resident subscritTers by the first ol the month. This is an important arrangement to distant subgeribers, who beconie tired. importúnate and eventually discontinue many works. in consequence of the great delay by publishera. TERMS - Three Dollars per annuni, or two copies yearly for five dollars, invariably in ndvance, )ost paid. No new subsciber received without the money. or the name of a responsihli agent. For the accomrnodation.of those who may wish to subscribe for citlier oà the following Philadelphiapcriodicals, this LIBERAL PROPQSAL is made. Five dollars curr'ent tnöoey free ofpo9tage, we will torwnrd Grahani's Magazine, and Godey's Lady's Book foro-ne'year. Addresspos paid. GEO.R. GRAHAM. South west corner of Chestnut and Third Street Philadelphia. WOL - F. Denison will bay any quantiu ol' Wooi. at fair prices, ifdeliverd at hu gtore. June 10, 1842 i
Signal of Liberty
Old News