Marina Oswald at the University of Michigan English Language Institute
Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 5, 1965
Mrs. Marina Oswald, the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused of assassinating President John F. Kennedy, is taking an eight-week cram course in English. The ELI course consists of five hours of classes and laboratory work daily, six days a week, and is aimed at giving foreign students a working knowledge of English. Her two daughters, June Lee, 3, an Marina Rachel, 1, remained in Dallas.
Ann Arbor News, January 5, 1965
Mrs. Marina Oswald, the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused of assassinating President John F. Kennedy, is taking an eight-week cram course in English. The ELI course consists of five hours of classes and laboratory work daily, six days a week, and is aimed at giving foreign students a working knowledge of English. Her two daughters, June Lee, 3, an Marina Rachel, 1, remained in Dallas.
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