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It wil] be 8een by their proceedings that our friends in Gcnesco and Oakland Counties have made nominations. We hope to hear from scveral other counties soon. Union and persevcrancewill accomplish wonders. Our enterprise is one that needs eteady and untiring exertione: and those who put them forth, will find they are not in vain. Already our influcnce begins to teil on the destinies of the other parties. The balance of power is now in our hands; and just as soon as it is hnoicn to all by the result of tho elections that we haveit, andshall continue to hold t, our enterprize will bc placed on a different footing in this State from that which it hashitherto occupied. The present elcction is important, as it will de velope the actual strength of all parties. Last year some thousands of the whigs did not vote, and consequently no data can be drawn from the rc8ultof that election, and the pro-slavery partizans look forward to the coming one as indicative of their actual situation. Let us then not bc backward in "dcfining our position" at that time. Let all the counties organizo where there are a dozen Liberty voters. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow." There must be a beginning in every thir.g; and time can be better than the present? We beseech our friends to distribute a plemiful aupply of tickets. Let the County committeessee to itthatevcry (own is ecasojiably supplied. Our nominaiions thus far have been made under the most favorable auspices, by the selection of excellent candidatos, with great unanimity. Let the remaining essentials be well attended to. and the result wijl equal our most sanguine anticipationsETOn our first page wil! be found a well ■written addrcss to the Liberty party, from their Whig fricnd8 iu Calhoun and Jackson, to which we have nppended a few notee. We have thua presentedit to thccntire Liberty party of the State, to whom it is addresscd. If it does not have the eflcct which those who put it forth anticipated, it will not be bccause it has not been prcsented to them. Wlien we publish nn address to Whigs, t will be fair to dsk whig papers to copy it, will ii not?


Signal of Liberty
Old News