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District Convention

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Pureimnt to public notice, the political abolitionists of Eaton and Ingham countiea, assemblcil ut the House of Johnson Montgomery in Eaton Rapids, on Wednesday the 7Lh inst., for the purpose of norninating a candidate for the office of Representativo to the next LégisJaiure. TJic Convention wasled lo order by S. D. Morse, nnd organizéi by the nppointment of David Pattee Prosident, and Elljah R. Grout and A. L. Armstrong, Sec'ys, On motion, Resolved, That all present who ure politíCal abolitionists, be considcred metnbers of t!iis conventiou. On motion, ilie chair appointed Messrs. V. Mooker, fiïorse, Barr, Armstrong nnd Montgomery a committee to prepare resolutions. After a formnl ballot, it was Onimously resolved tbat Johnson Moñtgomery, of Eaton Rapids, 6'e recommended to the freemen of this district, as worthy of their suifrages at the ensuingelection for their represñtative.The cofnmittee on rcaolutions rcported the following whicli were adopted unanimously, aftfir an interest ing difCiission. Resolved, That we are decidedly opposcd to any thing like compromising witli either of the old political partics, and that our nominations be without reference to the fornier political creed of the nomincc. Resolved, That we recommend to all abolitionists lo utterly refuse support fiom either of the present political parties. Resolved, That freo discussion and political action are inseparably connected, consequently we cnrnestly commend the "Signal of Liberty" to a rcoding community.Resolved, That the lawless attempts to supjress a freo eüscussion of Ihe shivery question in the North - tlie Southern violalions of the public mails - and other southern outrages ïpon the rights and privileges óf Northern ckizens, aro conclusive proofs that our struggles are not onlj for the ernancipatton of the slave bul for thodcfence of our own frccdom. Resolved, Thut every developm'ent of the cbaractenstics of slavery furniahes ndditional proof of its dangerous moral, and poliücal influence, and calis for renewed and persevering efforts to remove it from our rcpublic.Resolved, Tbat every principie of repulicinism and every virtuous motive of which the heart is susceptible, cali on us to be truc political abolitionists, and to susfaiii political action until slavery is forever abandoned. Resolved, That ve congialulate tfie frrends of freerlom generally in the ropidity wiíh which the best men and patriots in our state andj[in olher states of the Union, are embracing the sanie great principies for which we this day contend.By P. Rolfe, Resolved, Tliat Abolitionists sliould stand by each other and n so doing vote for abolilion candidates and no other, and go without a good supper ralher an nnti-slavery periódica 1. By Rev. Wm. Crane, Resolved, Tbat all Christians should endeavor to establish a righteous party and vo'e Por men who will be just, ruling in the fear of God and for no othws - or withdraw from till political doings. Resolved, That E. R. Grout. prepare the doinQS of this Convention for the press nnd request pubïication in the "Sig7ial of Liberty" and "Ingham Telrgraph." Johnson Montgomery, Esq., of Eaton Rapids and Theodore T. Stebbins of Eaton county, Sanford D. Morse, and Robert G. Haywood, of Aurelius and Flavel J. Butler of Leslie, Ingham coonty were appoinled a district corresponding commitlèe. On motion, adjourned sine die.


Signal of Liberty
Old News