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A Good Mixture. - The presen. Lcgielnture of New IIamp8hire in itá component parte, ie, n our cpinion, very ihirly bahneed. There are of trumers 141; professional mon ,54: merchants and tr.?deis53: manufncturers 8; mechanics 6:i; other avocations 33; without nny particular employment 19: Total 376;- Albany Alias. "By Authont."-By a ínw pasaed at the late session of Congress, ihë public acts. reto] ves treaties. &c, nre tiereafter to be published on!y in the Washington papers. The Secretar? of Sta-e is authorized to select not more than fotif nor less than two papers priritèd in ihat city, having the Inreest permanet circulation, ior that pur: pose. So we Wolverines who wish to see what Congress is doing or what Iaw6 thcy taive pas6ed relating to our ówn State, must tako a Washington paperA rifihaud Zixth Vcto.-Thtí President di notsign tho bil! for the distribution of the proceeds of the public lands - in favor of which h pletlged himselfto the people of the West in his loctioneering tour, madoin 1840. Nor did he pign thebill to recúlate tlie taking of testimony in cases of contested eleclbns. White Q ak-Ts. - It is sa id that a new sect o religioriisT8 hns arfseh in England cal.'el White Quakers. They hnve a communitv of goods, and flress ín conrse white cloths Their 8lnie6 and carriages are also white. Snys the nccpuhtj "Wivc8 are leávirig their huslmncis, d:ujlm-rs their pnrents, sisters their brochéis, to join this wild gtttb'èrirïg: and tliose who do so have beeir amoogst the mos', excrnplnry.thc most kinil-henrted and benevoletit of the comniunity to which they belongcd. Thcss are altogerher strani'e proceeding8. and have pruduced no sraall share of (iumestic ftfiliction." What ppecies of religión shall we have riext?- Lo. herëi L'o, there! Eut littleof the truecoin. A New York Viend. in a private letter. 8ys 'This morning. as f passed down town, i wns invited into a back cellir tn shake bands ïHth eleven men. women nnd children, all from Washington' - i. e; runaways froni slavery. They have' fonnd their libprty tinder ihe bminer of Quecn Victoiia. ere thia. Cheers for the cnuse ofemnncipatiutii 'The work gocs bravely on.' - Libtrator. Blesshigs of Bunk'mg Privileges - There are -u the preeent in cighteen staies ot the Union upwards of $ 190. 000. 000 of banking capiial wholly inconvertible int specie: we stageer under lëbts to ihe amoiint of 200.000.000; "we have unk by the banking nvmem nccordmg to the rèport ol ihe Tre:isun:, :lie nifiing som of $305,--4öl,M 7. - Mobile ;"jji:r. Tice'rg dnzen speech power. One hundred and1forty speeches, varying Irom ten minutes to threc hours in lengih, were made in the House of Represeniatives. on the Tartff qnestion, prior to ita fina! passage by that body. Costofthc last Cnngnss. - The following is i s'atement of tho aggregate amount of foui' tems oí expense attending the late sesbion of Congiess:We had the ple.ieure on Saturday last to knoVr hat NINETEEN men and Women. iormerly gooda and chntrels at the South, were 'ahipped at J'ROY for Victoria'a dominions, all in good ïealth and good spiritR. Our frienda in our city


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