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Mr. Evans, In His Final Speech On The Vetoed Tariff Bill...

Mr. Evans, In His Final Speech On The Vetoed Tariff Bill... image
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fiJjEyanfr. b ii9 fifml eptéch ,, tht vci ed TarifT Bil!, süited the .fcliowing íiicrs: "]t seems ihftl tnr-Ji inlinhumt of Prueaia uses gevoii ci-nis worihol üriiish gqads, ech Kuwian filtcen cents worth. eacli D.nic eeventeefl oeins worih. each Fit'üclnmn twenty cents and ituíi inhubitnnt oftiic United Stuits f'our dollars onil two cents vvorth!" Beauty of the Appo"t!onmen(. - Vermom, wiih npopulütion of over 29J.0)0. baefios Rcpresentniivc8 in our present Corgress; ai.d Síth Oirotínn. wnh a free population of Ices tliun 2GO.OJ . hoa nina.ETSir Isanc Novvion, when he hnd nn ninthèmaticöl problenieor eoiutions in hisinind. woulti nover quit thu subject on any account: ciinncr Wint oftén known to he three houis ready íor him be foro lie coulcí be brought lo ihe tnble. H9 mnn often 6nid. when he was geitinj? up in tho mo-ning. ohtl began to drees, he wo'nld, wiih one lep in hisBirinll dothts, sit down on ihe bed iirid n;main (here for hours before he carne down to break f{i9t.Life in Nero Orleani -The Creóles have lost none of the attribtiies of iheir ancestors. They nre as suddeh in quarrel as were their progenitor, Every mnil alinost, brings an account of a duel. 1 hc lost is 'liuo chronicled by tne Bulletin of the 13th instant: "An nltercntiön which Intely took place between two young creóle gentlemen át ihe Sr. Louis Exchanre, wasflettlerl yestcrday wiih sniall 8WordB At the fir6t pnes both combátanla were ceverely but not dnngerouely wouiided. and they hook hands and reiurnod to town. The duel took pla. e about two miles below the city.- PhU. North Amcricun.Vermant. - The election in tliis State does not rcsult so favornbly for Liberty, ns was niiticpaied There must have been somé Bprial cnuses with ■w-hich we are not ncquaimed. From the best accouma there ap.pcar to have befen fiot far from 2.000 votesfor he Liberty ticket, whílo last yertr there wrs about 3 000. A few facfs; howu-ver' should be borne in mind.1. They have no Liberty Party paper. This alone esplains the result. 2. Mr. Slade hnd gieat influeuce with the nbolitionis's of that State, and iliat is all now exerlen to keep the Liberty cause in subeerviency to the Whig. party. This is a warninr to all nor to rely on any man who wil] not cniirely abandon the other parties 3. A grcat cxcitement was got np. The vote ín that state was re narkahly arge. VVhat it was about it is hard to teil. An occasional ch ck will doubtlcss be higiily useful. - Libefttj Stanlard. Comparatire 'Popvlalion. - The Cincinna Chronicle has the íoliowing interesting exhibí of the population of the Siates, nnd the proportioh to t'heir respective TenitoryíIl the np,ffrcL:;te of square rnifcs. and populntioii lie tnU-n in lie aho'vè table. i' wül be found that thedensiiy nflinbitanon. or in other 'vro'rdè. the nuinber f persons to a squcre t.iile in tile 26 Süi'.es is 2;. Ler.i-ngton. - Tho wrecl? uflJihiVillifiMeivcaiöl has heen rulsed to 'he atufare of thp w.iter bur one of hc ch-iinu brfinkiiitr, gfie ngoirt t-unk ín 120 fcet wiiter. Tlie otteynpt is ognig in p,o. ?"-eg. 7'lie ètghi bundred dollars rwovfn-i! from her were not hills. asbe'oip sttef. bui in a lump oi'silver. yeighmg ilmiy poiiridH.'nielted by the - the box haying been empued on the deck to bc nsfd as n bucket'for ihrowing water on the flarne8. - Tribune.CP John McCInstp.r, wfio wna onèofthesec onds of Lilly in the recent pi ze fight. nnd whe stands ehnrged with l.eing one of the principils of the death of IWcCoy. hns been commiited t.. the county prison. While Plains. Wostchrsier, on the nllejjed charge. Bnil was refused. (CPThc At'ica and Bufftlo railrond hn8 heon completcd to Dnrien. 25 mijes, nnd th cnrs are to run regulnrly in a few dnys. The diwance frcm Darien to Batnvia is 14 miles, nnd ihia i? ihe only Iinknow wnnting in the grent rail óad chain bt-tween BurTolo ami Boston. At lenst we so un derstand it. Adam Smith anys- 'Mnn is an animal thnt makes bargnins- no other animal does this- one dog does not chango abone with another.' Dicersityof Mind - There are now R00,000, 000 of human beings on the eorth. There have been more a million times tliat nuuiber in the world and as many more yet to exist; nnd there never have been, are not now, nor wili there over be any two oíthat innumerable niulti:ude exantly alike.Britisk Molüion. - Slavcry is forever nbolWied in all ihe Briiisli seUlements on Ihe Straits óf Malacca, by the urmnimous accordofthe inhabitonts theraspJves. Tlie iacreéis eigned by the Governor uf the Pr.nce of Wales Island, Singapore, and Malacca. Among the latest inveniions of this age of improvements, is a project broached by Mr". Lefcvre of New York. to pave the eireeis vvith plates of cast iron. A petition to this eflbct hos been pre senied to rtié Board of Aldermen, and refened 10 o comniitlee.U"I revolt against atl metnphysical reading, in which claes your "new pamplilet" must ai least b placed. Somc acquaintance with. the oporations of the mind 8 worth acquiiing, Dut any one of tho writers suffices for ihat, Locke, Kumes, Hariley, Reid, Stewart, Trncy, &c , these dreanis of the dny, likc those of the night, vanish in vapor. leaving not a wreek behind.- The busines9 of üfe is with matter thnt gives us tangible resul is; handling that, we arnve at the knowledge oftheaxe, the plough, the steamboai. and every thing useful in life, but, froni metaphysical spculations, I have never seen one use


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