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Threshing Machines. npHE undersignéd wouk' inform the public that they continue to mtmul'acturc lionsí: PowEKs'nnd Tiirkshisg Mí:iiim.p: two aiid a half mil es froin l'ne village of Ann Arbor. on the railroad. The Horst: l'owe-r is ;i late invention by b. W Foster, and ís ckcidsuly superior to any other ever otlbred to the jjublic, as will nppear by the statements of ihose whó have used tlicrn during the laöt ycar. Il ië light in v.xighi and small ui compass, being carried !.,gcil)er wuh the llireshcr in a comuion wnggon box, and draw with case by two liorses. Il is as linie liablc to break, or act out f repair, ns any other Horsê Power, and will WOrk as easy nnd ihrasb as much wnh foiir hötsefiattaohcd to itnsany other power wnh fw horsc?, as will appear iVom the recommendations below. New pntiems have been made for the enst Iron. anti addnionnl weight and sirengthapplied wheievcr it had appuarod to De nccessary from ono year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, tlmt a number of horse powers were sold lnst year in the village of Ann Arbor wliich were bebeved by the nurchasers to be those invented by S. VV. Fostcr and that most or all of them were either materially different, or altcred betere sold. bo as to bevnaterially from those made and sold by tl-.e subscribers. Such aiteraiion3 being decidedly detr;mcnta' to the iitility of the machine. They have good reaSon to believe that cvery one of those returned by the purchasers as unsaüsfactory were of this ckiss. Thcy are nol aware that any Power that went from iheir shop, and was put in use. as they made it? has been condemncd or laid nside as a'bad machine. All who wish t.i böy are invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them.- There willbe onctbr oxaminationat N. H.Wing , Dèxter xülurre; and one at Maiitis Wii.i.son's siorehr.ise vi Dií'oit-boúi these gentlemen bein agents for the eale of them. The price will be $120 for a four horse power, with a tlneshing machine, with a stave or wooden barcylinder; and S1 yo ijr a horsc Powcr Wlth a thresiiing machine wilh an iron bar cylindcr. The attention of the reader is invited to ttie following recommendations & Scio. April 20, 1842. REC O MM EN DA TI ONS. This is to ccrtiiy that wo have used or.c of S. W Foster's newly inventod Ilorsc Powcrs for abóut live months. and ihrcshed witli ït about 3000 bushels, and believe it is constructed on letter principies than any otlier Horse Power.- One of the undersigned has ewned and used eigrht di Herent kinds of Horsc Power?. ;ind we believe that four horses will thrash as n.uuli with this Power as Jlcc will with any olher power with which wc areacquainted. S. G. IVES. Scio, January, 12. lMTlís is to inform the public that I have purchased and have now in use. one of' the Horee Powers rccenily invented by S W. Foster. made by S W Foster, fc Co., and believe it be construct cd upon better princiiles, and requires lesa st.rcngtk of horses than any othcr power witb which 1 am acquainted. wn-cvaMount Clemens, Scpt. 8, 1S41. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased oneof the Ilorse Powcrs, rccently invented by S. W. Fostcr, nnd usd it fur n nuinber of months, and b'eliove it is the best power in use, working with less strength of horses tban any other power with which 1 am acquaiined, and being small in compass. is casily moved from one place to anolher. Í believe 4 liorses wil! thresh as ninch with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power have been universally approvodofby furmersfor whora Ihavethrashcd. E. S. SMITII. Scio, A pril! 1,1342.SffiUT MACHINES. The subscrihors mak'e'very goor! SM UT MACHINES which they wül scll for $60. 1 his machine' was invented by one of the subscribers, who has had many ycar's expenence in the nullmg business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair pricc to buy of ns. It is wonli as mush ns most of tha machines that cost f rom 150 to $300. . „.. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory The subscriheis have reccntly put in operation a woollen manufactory for manufacturing woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor village. on the rai'road, wheie Ivy iftüh to nianöföctüre wool into cloth -nliares, or for pay by the yard, on reneonnhle crms. Thcy huvc employed expcnenced work ncn and fecl confidont tlint work will be welí ione. They tlieretore respectfully ask. a sharc ol public paironagc, e6pecially (rom those who are in favor ofncME Índustri-. Wool may be left ai a W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April 13, 1842. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THEubcriber has on hand and offers for saJe at low rales, a large and general as. sortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints. Oils Varnish. Dye Stuíls, &c. &c., wi'h every ar ticle in the Drug and Paint line. Persons wish [tig to purchase any anieles in he abovc line are requested, before I'-abewcaH a, Wholesale nnd Retnil Druggist 139, JefTerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt xJortar, Detroit.DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AGUE YILLS.-Purdy Vcgctabh, A safe, spccdy. and sure rcmedy lor fever and aguc, dum aguc, chili fevcr, and the bilious discasps peculiar to new countrics. These pills are designed for ihe affections of the i ver and oiher interna! organs which nttend the discases of the ncw and miasmatic portions oi our country. . , The proprietor having tned them m a grest varicty of cases confidently believes that thcy are superior to any remody that has ever been olieied to the public for the above discases. It is purcly VcgrMibh nnd perfectly harmless. .nul can be taken by any person, male or fenialc wiili perfect safety. 'J'he pills óro prepared in tvo separate boxes, marked Nö. 1 and No. 2. and accconipamed with full clirections. . A grent number of ceriificatcs might be procu red in favor of this medicino, but the propnete has thoujrhtntnotto insert them, in as much as he depends upon the mcrits of the same tor ïtt reputation. .i, The above pillis kept constantly on hand b the propricter nnd can bc had at wholesalc and n ir,il at ihe store of Becldcy & Co. Orders iïon ihe country promplly nttended to. Ann Arbor. (lowertown) May 29th 1842. f


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