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"The Least Of Two Evils."

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The Liberiy party being a junior, and therefove nexpericnced ha politica! management, tlic senior oütical parries have Jrom the fust kindly voluneered thcir advice, expecting us doubtless to ïodel our faith and practice by llieir own. We ïerefore lisien to it withnttention, and give it all he weight t deserves. Their disinterested adice not t;to throw away our votes," we considred on a íbrmer occasion. We novt proceed to nother of their sage niaxims, ';of twoevilschoose the leaal." Ifa man were starving with hunger, and could procure ónly two loaves of bread, bothof them poor, and one poorer tlian tbc o'.her. he must be a fooi complete not to prefer the best oaf. Tiie eatne is truc of two poor coats or iais. or of any physical article. But s the rule of univeral appücuion in the senss intendcd by those who use it? It was formerly found most frequenfly in the mouths oi whigs, who said 'o abolitionists, substantially, "you cannct expect either pany to do all you want done; you must bc disppointed in so:ne respecta; and as the Whigs will do the most for you. and are tho most favorable to liberty. you are bound to support them, on the oíd principie of choooinjr the least of two evils." This argument implies that the administraron of either party wiil be evil. which ia no doubt truc; bui what evidence have we that one will bc a less cvil than the other? Have wc any thing to gain by supporting one rather than tho other? I: was formerly contended that the whigs weit the supporters of the light of petilion; but that plea can no longer be made. They have beentried in tho balance, and found waating. A VVliig Congress, with a majority in both Hou ses, have eetablished a standing Gag in both Houses. Does not such a dcmonstration speak in languago all can understand? Bcsides, if wt look. forward to the future, what inducemenis have we to support the Whig party? As the maiter now stands, both parties alike are hostita to our principies; and both invade our riglits; anc what have we to expect f rom either, except continued and perseenng opposition? This being the case, how can it bc said that the administra tion of one pany is a less evil than the oiher? To iilustrate our views of this subject, let us snpposc a case familiar to all. A largo portion of our readers are members of Ch risten church es, and many of them have had occasion to choosc a pastor when their pulpit has been vacant. - Suppose such a choiceis to bo made in your co:i gregation. and there are two candidates for tha situation: ono is a very learned man. and very respectable, except he is a profane swearer anc oAen drinks to excess; the other is one of tht most eloquent proachers in the country, but un fortunately he is a great gambler.and is an avov ed infidel. The question comes before the con gregation, which of these gentlemen shall preacl the Gospel to them. In discussing their merits the partizans of each acknowledge that their can didato has some defeets, as all human beings mus have; but that, on the whole, he is better qunli fied to preach tho gospel to them than the opposing candidate. In such a congregation what course would a sensible and honest Chris tian tnke? He would say ihat while he admitías the claims of coch candidate to all the eloqnenee and learning which was respectively claimed for them, their characters in other respects were such that they were totally disqualified to priwch Uic gospel of Christ: ihat while they were gu!Ity of drunkennc88, profaniiy, gambüng or4-!iy. ihey -.vore thereby unfitted for prencbing gospel which forhids ihose vicos: and however j,rcnt lii be tlicir iniclleciiial ciiJnvinonts, ' villioutn chanco of ice! no: nud próciic, tUcy vonld bi; t!ie ministers o tl:e devi'l i;-i.Me-.1 of 'luis!. It awght iiiík-ud Ito urgt'! uppn him ihat, ad US ihey were, tlio congvegation had set t heir íenrtjj ti)On t!:em. c:d tiaé ol theni wouid ccríinij' be pa-.Jtur; an:l that as ú-.cic v.-as a cholea n thofn, he had 6ettër cb,óose the least exceptiónblc ot" i!ie irü. To liria ha n:iht jus'ly repfy, ítní werc liieir finihs trivial, mero venial ímpereclions iu a cJiar; c:cr othervyise noble and exce!ütit, ho wouid míilce a cl'.oice. Jír.t wlieii bo:li he cnHiii(]:i;cs wen1 ƒ : tlúñi'eh 'n Ij wrong - bo'.h ulerly vilo nt hoait. lie kjusi rc:;.ii.J i!cr:i botfi rs utieny (;.;'in,,;.;; and filie congregatioR chose o inawLsjJch un ndiyUlual as t heir pastor, tiicy nubt do it ívilnout h3 conaurrence. lia should übn:it tu i:, iiiJoed, but he woitlil. not ckcúss h, wiy niüic ihaü he wuul.l choosc a li;ninc cr a íestüence v,-liicli he could not esenpe, and na soon s oppoimnity oífervd. hu wboíd eiTílcavor to íavo tlu's ír.iuister of wi'jhodncss removed and nother ot' gcri.iiiic pitíty aad wjrtíi iaJucíed inq Lis pbco. P.itriots ani Chviaiians siio-ald také ihe s,-.rr;e oíirse in their pjü relations. Otiiñ o.:nda tea fur the í'rcsidenoy vhr rué bot'i dis(iii;i!ioJ by (freír vicos or their nnii-ropuhücrm pr,ic;ies, ihey sliould choose neiiíicr. And irc nol Messrs. Clav nnd C ■■.V.ioutffu.-ulamcníallij wrong n iIh? qucs'ion ofrherihís - both mfihing BDJöékerj oí'lhe principies oflncr.nn hher'y - :!io oneopenly SÖHtèndjrig riiát elá he most snie and 6tahle basia for freo netitufitms in :l:c world. hile ihe o'thcr?!nn;!r, up tho linrep'-ntirig íerpet.ntor of c imes, viiicli, F cüi'.miiucd in Michignn, 'wuutd givehim loigntent in our Staic 'rison Besides, they havo no sympathies vit!; the conditicja of t!ie I,i!)orers of the free Slatca. They are nccusío.-rie;!, saysMr. Toney. o tratnple the laboier in the dust. as a, a mere instrument of ilieir own UpgodJv pina. Thc.y mny syiiipn'.'.iisc with tho weahliy c.:p:tiíisr, and be ready lo egishite to rnake bis 8 riches inórense. T.ioy nnv sy inpailiise wit'n he proud nrisrocracy oí the oíd world. and lie cady to íidmnis:er to :!ie growing spirit ofnrisocricy in pur own land. Bul to t.hcm ílu íalvrng ?nar. :'s a. slnvn, and nythjug but a shtv e. If !icy spoal; othórwise of ;i:n it is to fl;:i:or his ui ■!( nn' pnssiona ;o gnin power to enrry out heir selíish ends. And ihe pnrties that folio w licm and similar ík en {s?.c so fnr ns i'uy uva deceived) are Wí'Uh, tfisja. andshonld receive nt the linnds of iniulügcnt i'roüiiien 'he sar.jü co:ideintion.


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