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(UTlie foJlowing is going the rounds of the papers. It vou!d be will for those wlio have leisure to examine it before the believe it. Where are they? - The number who hovc ]ived upon the eurth lias heen etimaled at about 27.000,000.000,()00,0(0. Tliis sum, divided bv 27.364.000. t)i number ot squaremilos of land, gives 1.314,522.070 to a s-qimro rod, and b toa square fout! Sh)ií)SG i square rod capable of being dividí! in' o 12 gtiyjv, n grnvo wonld conlnin a lumdred per-,onp, prl that the wholeearth hns bpen one Imndred times duji over to bnry lts inlmbimnts. snpposinir tfiéy. hiid been égijally diptribu'ed. Woro the bodies laid upon the i-urface, thty wmilci cover the land to the depth of one hundreü feet.The number ofhves savetl by Francis' Life Boats from ivrecks in slorm-1, is rmw upwards of Mie Lundred. This refera only to coses where the storms were o violent tliat nothing" else could fioat. The Philadelphia court on Satnrdnjr appointod six persons, c'nizons of Pliiladelphin, to assess ihe datpages done by the burning of Pennsylvuniii H.-.ll, some years since. Buvnmg! Running! Running! - The mimber of traveilers facnj? the Nortli stnr, this fafl, is iMiiisófáHy preaf. A friend from Philadelphia snys tvventy bolonfrinor to oneman, psied through a day or two since; an] nine beloneinnf to nnother family. being1 nll their servante. Fourtern pas-ed tlírqugh here en masse, last week- Nearly aH we hao mentionptl were from Maryland. Therc seems to bn smnl] need of a co'onization &ociety thero; tlie colored ppople colonizo thetneelves fast enorph. - Anü-Slavcry Standard. Mines in Geoe'a .- Larpe bndsof iron ore hnve been found n Cass ëóutityj Georgia, some of verv superior quality, ilie crtiflc ore yicl(Kimr from 40 to 70 per cent. of metal. Marble has also been foi nd in the snme section, in obundance. Plumbado (ulnck lead) has been c'iscovcred in Floyd connty: and there is coal in abuiidnnce, hirher ijp in f ênnèssee. Of the gold in the Gbêrokeè county, tnnch bas been already said. Addfid to all this. mncb oftho soil is excellent !:ind for the cultiva! ion of the linsbnrdnmn; bot no husbon'lman will Georgia raisc. tili she tries cash instead oflash, with her laborers. &ew York State.- The news from ever paft oftho State, in relütion to fhë Liberty party, is cbcei-ing. The Empire State will not be found wanting; Rode IslnntL-Thè Supreme Judicial Court met at Brisfol, the 13tb in?t. TheGrand Jury return bilis for 1rea-on nnrains David M. G. Ilamilton, Caleb Bradley nnd Wm. T. Olney. The clerlc of' the Hoiiso of Rpprsspntntives in compliiince with nn Act of Coiitrreps, has publiVhèd a detailod étatéthont of the approprintiors mede tluring the late sess'x h of Conpres. The fo!lowinr Í3 a ree pil Iation of tiie whole: Civil and diplomatic list, g?9,963,793 53 Arrr.y, 6,4nó,230 30 Navy, 6,774.405 42 Fortifications, 273,0(0 00 Pensions, 730,000 00' Indian D-parfmcnt, Trenfics, 1 S00,077 00Private Bülf, House of Represcnfntives, 47j53.r 91 Private billa, Senate, 64.573 ('3 $24,952,190 82 The last ccn?us shows but 759 persons in the U. S. over 100 years of age. Brautif'J - Nf't mnny inonths since while somc yftúng peo le wero diícoursing upon the eafiest mode of Icaving the worltl, whether drowninsr, freezing-, etc, were the least paiiifnl, n Miss of fiiteen was asknd how she should c!ioo?e to die who replied: '1 wisli to die the dealh of the rightcous."Bclh for S. 'nep. - Wc hnpponecf tobo in a hardware s!re the othcr d;y. whcn a fineer carne in airl iiiquired for shev-p bcüs. FJesiated tfaat 'Iiü onl vay in which liu couid pi'utect hts l.iiübs ngninst t!ie di' us ol'ih? ioxes. w is by putting bolls mi a few of' iliesliepp n hisflock; wlieh ihis w?!9 done, the lanilja were s.'ifc. We thought liic hint woi ili rerrotVibefhig. and liave put it down here i'or the bcnefu of our readers. - Far. Guz. Bloodliouirl?, figura'i'clv spealyng at Ic-ipt. nre nu in'opial part of'hc stüiiding.artiiy of the United States. Trieir èfficacy w.-is lirst tned in the new wurld by chasiny and tear ing the nuked inhabitunfs f Jninaicü: ilioy nrc now taiii,rht tu hutu and tenr hu ian blnck caitle at the Sjuth. They are fuiilrul and brave, und t'orai a most appropnnto body-guard to lh ckivulrous o ■tkern gentrij.Suspendí m in rêaliuif ín Gl'.rmr, Georgia. - Ex: net of a letter datcd Sept. l?, 1842. 'The state of affairs ia truly alnrming in i'ms County; on Saiurday night last. the Snérft'3 office was !)rokeu open, ;inil ill the papers t;iken therelroiji, relating to the busincs3 ofche appronchingtcriu of the Circuit Cour!, all oihers in fact, and .n the night previous ihc Cleik's office . wasi'iitcred. anü all the pr.pers taken togalier with the records, minutos of court,and üther books. Who the author of this daring outrage ie yct remain8 a mystery, and is even beyond probable conjecture, buttiino w.ll solve all thinys." The Troy Whig says that it is now morally certain that m two years ships of 300 tons burthen will beenabled to enter the gront lakei from the Atlantic ocenn, and land at Cleveland and Chicago cargóos taken in atLondon and Livrepool.Central Rtiilroad Rcreipis, - The reccipts of the Central Railroad for tho nionth of Siptomber, weic . 18.793,57 Am't rec'd trom passengers, $7,383 6G forfreight, $11,414 19 $13,798 78 The four Locomotive Engincs run 11,190 miles during thc month, and, among other anieles o! produce, prought nto Detroit 21,364 bárrela o' flour and 7633 bushels of wheat. Tha receipts for thc corresnonding month in 1841. wercr (ruin i pasaengers,, 5 41 for freight, 5,77o 45 $10,234 ÍD October 3, 1812. ■ Heröcs oj tha EccolnCoi - Tliern nre in the uniietl Siat(!Sjust ohe buridred S)!dier3 of the Revülution on ihc pension lio-t over pno hundred yeara of nge. Tieo!au;át nnn on ihe list is Mielial HÖFo : llnioti couiity. Fonnsylvaui.i, Hlu is ui lus 1 J 5 !i year. Tne fincst qunlity of wool is sold in Vermom tbr 23 cents per pound. Tliree yeais ago it sold !br 10, 50, and CO cents a pound. One of the hotels in St. Louis, which ïented hreeycara ayo, for $2200, has rcccntly been ncvvly fitted uj) ad rented for $700. The dome of t!ïe Sfate flouse of Do3ton was visited in 1Ö41 by 43,476 persons. During ihe prt-Fent yeir. air.-ce IVÍfrch. by 24,00?. The cöttótf erop ot 'J'exis is es.'iiiiuicd, for the areseiu yearratabout eighty tlioosaud bules.Tlie ZIcnnaid.-Thz following remarks in relation to thia wonder are from tho Pliiladclphia Lcdyer: - We have seen the taneiMe cvidencè exhibiier! :■) our sonsos oï xhe cxísümico ol that moiisier, ïilhertJtlceti-.eJinbulo'isby all on-u rc!ii;iüus!y believed óy evory ailt wuier naituJst that ever crossed the Gulf Stre:nn. A inèrmaid we hvive seen. nut n ih.- alluring prb and seductivo íorni rcpieSented in the picure böóks vtiïh un infiera whidi the Ñíííad beauty, herselt enainüred of, is doh'ghtfölfy gaziog ot inn loóking g88 made by s.!!:in. u iiiecn.inic, prouitiy lier love1 ; tho mcrmaid we snw line none oCihcse utir.ictions: hut is ns úglyá titile monster as v;is ever seenj resemblinir more in ir.-mcc Qboui tho iiyprpart otho bufly. a imnified hiyhkey ifipfi nu angelic fïsh yúll dio monster is dne of' the gréntés! curiosilitis of ihe day. h was cnurtht the Fejee lal-inds :inf ikcu to PenininlMic). where it Wfia purcinsed by nn F.ngUèb cinleni;ni nanied &'■ ffii whü ia mnkinLr a sel?ciion of ra e and cii iou3 thiDi'S forthiS 15ritii)':i Musenm. or sonie ntlier cnhinet of curiosiiifs. Tliia antniai, fisii, fiesh, or wliuiever it mny be, is bout three (eet Ion;;, and tlie lowcr pa i óf ts body is q perfecily fortned fish. bul trom his breaát upwards acter is lost. riiicf it therr approaehcs rhe human (orni;'or rothor ihnt ol'ihc nionkcy. it has a pair of perfeotly fbnrred b esis. armband hnnds;the latler resenibli'ng ilin !:uman Innd morcihnn a inonkey wih white naÜ3 on the fineer ends. The hend is also larger thtin a monkcy's head.thougli shaped sornewhat like t, ihe top is bald. but the sidijs are coveied vvith hair. wnícíi cx-endsdown even wïlb the neck. like tho well trainod ringlfts of sonte fairdanisel. The cliecks. eyes nnd lips "11 cir a rese:i;l;!í)iice to humanity. except tho cliin. w'aich is (ictini -nt. The nniinnl is naw in cn'arge of a ientlernan nt Jonès' Hntef, whq was nfaout tu í for New Yo k yc.-B'frdny afiornoon. ft is woithy the attention of the iKituniiiets of t'iis ciiy, ihough the owner has rektsed to cxhibit it putlieiy.Monis multicqvlh Slodc Rising - Impnrtnnt Discovrnj. - When ónr neighbor ofthe Stntp.-mnn snid --ometime f-'mcc, ihat he was ih possps.-ion of o important eciet,' whioh, when rèven'lèïlj wonld ";is!ohish the kmuving one!," le wns nc:irer the mark than a loco foro erüíor eitcraÜy i.. Some twfilve tnonths afro, onr townman Dr. P. C. Spencer, cpnceived tho idea of innnufhrtiiriritr pnppr from the iíenvps f üinf, oflate, mud) npfrlccted plan', the Moros Mn!t 'c:m'is, und cnninmnicated his ideas on the subject to onr nfipfliborVVith thp as.istnnce of Mr Willinm Millpr, the rhorin&or óf the Mntoca pnpér mili, Dr. Sparteer ims Sufc'ceedè'l ii exrpllrnt parer from Moros Mnliicnnüs leaves, nnd we have now in our pósession severa' number of our issne of to-da}', printed o ihepappí The (ïieöovery of í)r. S. wíil prove, wp hav.' no rionht. hirr'ily i)?gfiC The difficulfy f prncurinj? süitabie r;iLTí lía? bopn ;i dnwImrk on tlie opera'ion of papcr milis. The diiliciilty will nnw beohvinipi). Snel) is 'lie prolific iriHire of th? íMiiUiraníiis pl;int, th;it in nne vear's firrp. o sufilcient nunihor can bi ríii.=er] f o siipplv ".-toclf ' to all the paper milis in 1be TTníffvI Sfsie.=. Dr. kS. 's ñücñvt&fi we hnvp no doubt, wil! e miJeh imjjrov'ed apon - Rnd wo should not se pprpVjsoi}, if ín til course of a yeár r tvvo tlio u.p of rogi in thn mnmifncMire of pnner vf-p pntircty atandoued. - Petei $!au gh (Va.) Lilclli'rt'ric'-r. Justin Müfftéws tvns ordered to pay two ]-l!nrs fnr (r'ink." "ís thrit tlip law?'" etékfiá Jusiin. "] i.," renlid his vorsh'ip. "Tben," rpnwrked Jusiin, " T don'l #on !er why yon gfrant so many tavern liccnsed."Templatinn . - Evpry evil to which we do not yr]i] s a bfinoHictor to onr son Is. The Sandwich [lander beüeves thnl the sirpneth and valor of fhc enerny he kills, pistes inlo h molf; spiritiially, it is so wtth us; fnr vn prnin strength froin every ternptation wc resist. The Orfipfï Tndinns are holding anniversary Camp Meetings. Tlipy are anid to bn rapidly improving in moráis, principies and ha')ita. Tlie Pum of one hundred and scvrrily-five ihoii?and dollars hns bec-n nppropriafed by Congres?, to indomniry the State of Georgia for money BCtnally paid out by Uie Stale to her miüiia who vverc in service in '1835. '6, '7, nöd !3. Pean Swift sayp, a woman may knit her stockinps, bnt not lier brow - she may dam her hose, bnt not lier eyes- curl her hair, but not her lips - and thread her needie, but not the public streets. (TTThe Mayor of New York has ofierrd a reward of $200 for the arrest of eocli f the principáis in the prize fight at Hastingp, at which McCoy was kille d. Lorenzo Dow once said. in speaking of the prappingr dispotüiion of human nal ure: - "Thmgh a farmer shot. ld get the wholc world within his enclosure, he would still want a little spot oo the outside for a potato uatcli.'' Reception of Mr. Adams. - The people of Norfolk and Plymouth District assembled in great numbers at Weymouth. on Snturday, 17h inst. for the reception of the Ilon. John Q,nincy Adam?, on his return from Washington. Over and around the pulpit werecd, on white canvoss, the löllowiiig inscriptions of vvelcome co the able defender of the rights of petition and the rights of man. - Over the pulpit; 'Ld there be lïgkt,.' On the■ Miwmga ri-rht, tffrlitmie, defrnder of the righi ofprlitíon.' On the Jeft, Ska me on tiieniitioii that fosiers and svsains an histüvlion, whichdares assuü and tvould dcslroy tlic sacred right of ptlifion.' Aa eloquent cmnpümenitiry address was made to Imn on tho part of bis constituenfe, tytheHoirMr Davis, ofPlymouth, and ilr. Adama replied in nn nnimaicd, eloquent, and very interestinnr address ofneirly thrcé hours. The nudipnee, which wns very numoroup, were biprfiJy gratified with the report wiiich Mr. Adiiins made of the in vhich he hnd discharged liisduty as a resentative. Coming Lt.t:ctiins - Elcctions tnka pince IV tlie foííowiñg States at the datesí rncntioneci: Georgia and Arkansas, Oct. 3 Mary.Iaod, 5 South Carolina. " JO Pennsylvnnia and Ohío, " II New Jersey, f ]1 12 Michignn, Nov. 7 Missisjippi, " y, 8 New York nnd Deleware, " Ö "VT.'issirliirsons. f 14After Maesachusetts thero ríre no more elections uil March. Frce Suffrage. - A proposition was made in Ifie Khode Islam! Constitutinnnl Convention, to form the Cnsütuiion so as ns to adinit ne groes t vote. Sonie o f the "frce suffrngé" members voted ngiint and the Convent ion finully got nd of it, by voiinj to submit the matter to the people, and let ihcm decide it.


Signal of Liberty
Old News