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NEW N. Y. CüivP S'IOttE. TÍIE subscriher has just returned fïooi NTevv York with iIk;'Tst -m;! h. .' sliecwd nsijoiimen! of DRY GÖOÜS. (JilOC LllU'.S, CROCKERY. BOOTS S? SHOHS-. AND YANKEE NOl'IQNS, cvpfliroughj ntn thjs iiiürkct. purciinscd nevious to tlio tnitil' hu-Ji wj i patrie hiiii to teil for cnsfi, nsciteap na uny ési-iblfehniéht wcsi of Bui Fvr.o As we dn lmsincss on ihc Ukaí:y Pay StSTJSM wo v.-i!l uöl 'o underaol] by ;iny one in this tnarkut, wliich wiJlbc lor itie interest of the pniciinsur ;ind dcfilcr. Wc woultf sny to t lic fanuers llint. wo sul! roods in proporüori tn the pvice ol whcnt - a Í'UjIk'! oí' wiicnt will purchase ;is niiotiy ir.uj.-!s ai th( prcsont 'ow pricps r.s it dfJ last i';i!l. Novv s the tiire lor people to buy rooils il" t!ioy svnnt o buy thein ciieap. The nssortmyut consiát in ait of the EoHovying anieles: BRoAÜCLOT'HS.TJLOT r!. EEAVER.J SATlNïiT nnd CASSIMKÜK. KENTl'CKY JEANS. FULL'D CLOTHS. FLANNELL. (of nll kimis.) SHEEP'S GREYS. UM UK EI. LAS, SJLKS. MUSLIN ÍDE LAN ES. . ALAPINT.S. MERINO 'J'AOLIONE, CASSIMERE -áHAWtó, VICTORIA do. VICTORIA do. CARLÍSEdo. ROB ROY .ind BROC1I EA. do. BRA8S CI.OCK. SFiKFil.NGS: TïOSE, SIIÍRTINGS. T!( Ki.NfJS. CRaVATS, TVVILLED JEANS. COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLA.NT?L$, G!.T;rjA.My, COTTON BATT1H&. IIDKF'S. DIAPER and Tablo Clo'hs. Mí'l TENS, CA1JCO.KS, n Linls.) LADI.ES DRKSS I.!rKFS, GLOVES. (f all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. Ac. A ' ssortmeiu ol Groceriep. such os Tñr:s, Susars, JVLI ipst-s. itc. i'cc., ;.l! of' which will bc suld at wholesilfi or rutnil. Pedlar8 eon le suppltód at this establishment so lov ns to nsionish iliem. Ti.esubscriber deeifs it useless to go info titrther dttail. hut afcks il. cm to cali and ïxamim: for theuisclves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Albor, Scpt. 20, )H.J-. 'm7'jSA LA II A TUS- -A priirie ni-iicli in boxea or barrels, f'or 6:;lc at thc lowest priors by F. IiERJfiCH Sept. 24, 18-12. i(23 WOOL, VVhciit. Flour, Grasa S rl. Bwwi: íheesü. Tork, c. wanicd; nlo. Rln'ck S;ilisanc! Ashes. F. ÜEN1SON. i Sepi. v!4. ld-12. tí23 NEW GOÖDS ! ! ,. FDEN1SON. ió now rcceivinjrns iisti;'!y i: % wi?ll selected assortment offaü and winter GOODS, wbich uilJ be suld chenp íor cash or barter. N. B. As chenp ns any in tovn. September 21, 1812. tf2r.CLhNTOÍV SLMliNAlLY. TH!n lilüi tenn oí t!ns instiluiiun wil] commeiiceon MumJ.iy. A'ov. M. ajul continue V waeka. IJüving procure! ihe arsistüiicft of two experifeocetland succcssful Teachers, üv piinupyl ia böitet prepaied ihnn hu; uiw.".u: :,. (r :íe vvn'n's tíie coi. muniíy hy giving .bproagU Lnish and Cl;83ical educaikm 'J'uiuoii, foriuies puryucc! by smaU phildeen, m ílié I'iimaiy 1). . 00- ftVr conimon Lnghsh branches .::..;:_,, r ,i0 hig-lu-r Enuliali broncha?, na ■Vlpcbro, Geoqíelíjf, AH;ñ"íny. Book-Keepirig, C, ,..-.:v, Meya I and iñieiJcciu'ilPh!)s,,,!iy? Logc. Rlietoric&c. ;-.;,!..'. Latin. and Gicci., -...■■. Fwnchr'antl JHoírew, Siudfiíia wül be chrirgi.-tl luition n B.dvancc, frm ihe time ilicy e:iier uil Ü1P close l ihe term. but it v.üi be ttifpmUd lo ;:;iy whó moy bo dcipin d by rotrwst'd' sickness. Jii.-irtl m;iy be liati ti goo;] fuñuílts it a vrry rensonnt.le pnco. A lew íuay obiaïii bonrd Wfiïli 'he leaclmrs. Aíhnrt h.-son n thc theary and pracuceofvocAl Mhsicwill cqminue tu form a P-Trui! HiedOilï'XeicrsesNopains wi,! be pared tfl prfservo thc ynuth. jvho M!;iy be ntnis:nd to our cn:e, ínnn immó al ■nflnence8. nnd : rerífler iliem ïHsèr arífl liBtrer: Oiher niforüintion wil! be chcpríully giftííi to surh ís a'dd ris as By [elicr lor thnt ñufposo. ' Wi won!) (xpiess Oür iMiititde to thuse Editors who Inve fnvorpblj, noticed us. Thj who wiUinsert tliis (fvcrtisémenfWail be cnúlled to Cuition :o ihe nttiount ofílicir l.ill. GEO. W; BANÖROnr, rrmcUnt. JAS, S. S EDLY, Tcácficrof l'mich ' oiid II rimo. Mías FIARRIET DU BOlS. ííaní. Clinton. Oct. 4, 184?. 25 tí " ! ,J? VSIJIONABLE HÁÍYL DlíESgíNG -T. JL treemnn returns riis sincere thmfcs to the ' cauzena ol Atiiï Arbor and ts victnny for the h!. [era PiKrtui$B tl.ey have extended io him. And cnrn sfly sblicits ftirthcr connnuwo of the s.i„e He Mbo wiihps to n runniiiy o" fnlse hair. wlnch he will pay a íiberal pjíce, lor the PUi0Er"1 manufo?lWíV rinsleta. JVJr. FiccMifiii nopes not to give offence to his old custoniers. (vhcH he iriforfns -hem. thnt hcre itter his shpp v.ü] (,c cl'.s-.'d durin-; the Sab!nth uny. e w{ ho very nn.iou.s nn I h;ipy tb :.cC'mn:o.l.-ite the:n. by workini; ri litt'e later .am more industriously on Saiuniny efrénirfwy. _ , T. FREEMAN. Qcfcnberi), M.',2. tf. New tore! DICKINSON & COGSWELL HAVE nowon linnd an extensivo nnd vil selettcd is-sonment of Stopte and Fancy QooéB', adüpted tt; the fall nüd wimcr trade. aijrl ifre iconstötjtly rocèiving freah suppWes. v.-hich onalR' them to oïTer great inducsments to all who W13Í1 to purchase. Bmad Cloths, Cassimeres. Sntinrtts. F'u!l"(] Cotüs, Mr.leskins, Vclvets, Flannelá. lireno Alpnc-i Lus:res, Sax-mies. Mustin D Lnins iiiovn Sheetmgs nnd Shirfine. Cot-.on Yarn nnd yatts Aio. &'.-., in great variery, at pric'es (ower thnn ever oficred lieoie in Miohtgjihv Ntógh Irorirtg MrCh.inrs „re prjrticul .riy ir.vited to c.ill Smléiinmtrio their stock and pricea, both of v.-hich c.innot fnif to ple.-ise. Arm Arbor, (Upper Town) Exchange Bni!,]inss. Sept. 20. ]8i'J. 04Shirtings, for sale low at the A.U11 Arhor Store, in the Exchange Building by DH'KlIVSO.N & eOGSWELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Tuwn) Seju. 2), H-2 24 1C TTON Yarn& Batte", Jaconett and 8arsenet' Cam bries and ♦ Prints, in p-te&t variety, for sale low at tiie Ann Arbor Store, exchange building, bv DICKÍaSON & COGSWF.LL. Ann Arbor. (l?ppfer Town) Sc;t 20 lL4i. tímot;;y síckd. aME hiohest price paid for rriiiiothy secd at the Ann Arbor 8tore, by DICKISSÜS &, CUiWELL. Ann Arbor. (17p;er Tówn).Sájjt. 2úi]f. I;-J."EjiüLl-'D Clothand .-at inetts, for salo hy the yaid or piece at rent bar4ains,at the Ann Arboi store Exchane hy dícki;no:n & ('""oümvell. Ann Arbor fUp;ur Tuwn) tíüpt. 8) J?. ___i___


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