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HOLMANS, Bone Ointment. THIS OiNTMENTBtandsatthe head of all remediea lor the following diseoses which naure is hcir too, viz:- RHEUMATISM both Chronicand inflamitory- Gout- Sprains- Bruses and contractod TENDONS of long standït discusses all lumours - renders stifi" joints ïmber by producing a healthy muscular action. It nssuage8 pains in Boils and Abcesses. - Volhing cquals it in svs'clled and nflamed Breasts n Females, if applied in carly stage, prevenís supperation or matter forming, and gives in all ;ascs immediate easefrom pain. Certificates of this fact could be given if necessary. This remedy is oflbred to tho Public with the full assurance that it far excols the Opodeldoc's md Linitneni8 of the piosont day, for the above üsensos. A trial is only wantod, to give it the lecided preference to every thing else. Man y Physcians ot eminence have used this ointmenl ind exiols lts merits. n9 The above ointment is for sale wholesale and retail by L. BECKLEY. An n Albor, flower town) June Ióth, l4'2 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTKY MERCHANTS. THE subscriber invites the attention of Phy eicians and Country Merchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paintf, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushes, &c. &c. coniprising one of the largest and iullest assortménts brought io the country. Iu his present stock will be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Freuch and F.nglish, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, l Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 lbs. Calóme)) 3 casks Epsom Salts, 15 casks Fall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, L000 ibs. White Lead, dry and grtmnd, 4 casks Linseed Oil, Dentists Instruments and StocJc Gold, Silvei and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelain Teelh, A general asortment of Patent Medicines, al of which will be sold on the most reasonablt terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 JerTèrson Avenue, sigh of the Güt March 13. Mortar, Detroit TA1LÜRING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE would respectfully inform the è citizens ofAnn Arborand its vicinity, thni he luis opened a shop in theLower Town. iinme(iiately over the late mercantile stand 'f Lund & Gibson. and opposite the sto.e of J. Beckley & Co., whare he is at a!l times lo do work in his line, with promptness, and in a ueat anc durable manncr. Particular attention will bc paid to cuttinir gartnenis. Produce will be taken at the usuai pri ees, tur work done at liis sliop. These Who have ensli to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ánn Arbor, April 27. 1842. tf dr" ban is teb's CATHAS3.TIC FZX.X.S. nní-nS pill has not only been used by myJL eelf, but by a number of Physicians of high standing, both in this and other States, te great advantage. By the frequent and repeated solicitationsof my friends, I have consented to otter them io the public as n most efllcacious remedy for all thosc liillious diseosees originating in a new country. The above pill is for sale wholesale and retai by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. flower town) June IFith 14'. f TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is iust in receipt of a further Fuoplv of Clothier's stock, consisting of MACHINE CAIWS rf cvzy dis.ripfo„: CLOTHfEli'S JACKS. AT T1NETWARl CARI) CLEAN8ËR8 and PICKERS. SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES, FCIÏEW8. PARSOft'S SHEARING MACH f NE. ÈMERV) ferenj size,) 'VENTER HOOR&, PRESS PAPER, toeuther with a icd'. sdected usïortmmt. oDYÈ iVOODS.aud DYE STUF f 'S of the very best growth and manulacture. These goods (coming ns they do direct Trom first hands) the substíriber iá ehabled to sell lower thah ah.V otiier hoüöe west ofNtwYork, he therefore solicits the attentioh of firms in the clothing business, to theexamination of liié gtock Ínnd p ces before going east or pürchasing else■vhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 1 39 Jefierson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. ESTATfl OF JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED.- Notice is hereby given. that the undersigned have proved the last will and testament of Jacob Lawton, deceased. and have taken letters Testamentary thereon. and have given bonds accordihg to law. All persons irdebted to said estáte are requested to make payment without delay, and all peroO?13 having claims againstsaid estáte are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authenticated, for Pai"nem GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY BOBËRT& TEUHtE. (CORNER OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES. DETROIT.) ' THE above House is pleasantly situated nea the Central Railroad Depot, and ia noW un dergoing thorough repairs. The rooms are pleas ant, this B.ds and Bedding all new, and the Table will be supplied with the choicest of the market, and the proprietors assure those who will favor them with their custom, that all pains shall be taken to make their stay with them agreeable. Fake, ïery lots. and accommodation good. - Carriages to convey passengers to and irom the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Apri'27; 142. "ECONOMY IS WEALTH." THE Suoscribers will pay pay two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for an quantity of good clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONËS & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf R. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEQN- Houie and Office, i few doors south of the Lafayette Hduse, where he can e found n i glit and day. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842. NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISON has just received a complete stock of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES AND CÈOCKËÈY, Which wiü be sold very cheap for money or most kinds of pfoduce. Descriptions and prices will be given at theStore. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1843.ESTÁTE OF ELLEN W1LM0T DECÍA SED. Notice is here by given that tha undersigned has been appointed 6y the Hon. George Sedgwick, Judge of Probate in aud for the County of Washtenaw, admimstrator on tho estáte of Ellen Wilmot, late of Saline in said County, and has given bondsaccording to law.- . All persons having demands against said estáte are requested to present them for adjustment, and all persons indebted tosaid estáte are requested to niake payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1842. 12- 6w JR WALKER respectfully iniorms his friends and the public in general, that he has recenily commenced business, in the tailorn linti,one dooreast of Bower's dry goodsstoie where he is prepared to execute orders in the neatest and most fashionable style. Garmentswill be made to order, in strictconformity with the present prevailihg fashion and taste oí the day, and warranted to fit or no charge. Ladics' Riding Hnbitsmade in the latcstftew York or Philadephin fushione. Friends, or Quakers' garments wiü be made in the neatcst and plainest style. Cutting done at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform ond undress coat8 and pantaloons. made aereeable to the present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for „In by F. DENISON June 10, 1842. TTtf PARSON'S SIIEARING MACHINES -Theo. H. Eaton & Co, 138, JefTe'r son avenue, arethe sole agents of these vcrv cel ebrated machines. 12-8 SATTINETT WARPS ON BFAMS Theo. H. Eaton & Co., 138 ffll Avenue, offer for „le a Inrge stock óf SaS Warps, from the New Vork mil!8 TW VVarps are considerad superior to any oths in ádvaCnCUentry' anJ '" 5ü'd' fr CQsh öt -pÜ NÊWGÖODSTT CHEAP FOR CASH. . T the Store of the Subsc-iber. a neW fcnd JTX. splendtd assonnienl of NEW GOODS nt 1 SgSOoCfheOP aS t0 a8lÖ'liöh lbe Purehasers: on. 2 DRY-G00D8, GllOCÈRlËS. VliOCKERY BOOTS, SH OES, AND LAtIES &L1P PERS, SHAKER AND LEGHORN BOA'AWS, $C. 5-c. ' cal icoes at s!X cents per yard, and oiher goód8 at , pr.ces to corrospond. To be convinced. just cal ' amlseethegjodsand prices. ' 4 )00 pounds good butter wanted; 99999 bti=h els of house ashes wanted. at 10 cents per busheh ; L.kewise field ashes, dehvered at my bshery iie.-irChapin's iron foundry. y ] . B;- All kinds of Furs taken in i-xchan'8 for goods lL BOWER. Arm Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 1S4'. [ Wool Cirdingr and Cloih" Dressing. TllE Subscribers respectluüy nnnounce to the cmzens Ann Arbor and yicinity. that the are prepared to card wool ánd dress cloth cus tornera, m the best. style. and at the shortcst no tice. Having good machinery, experienced wnrki men, and long practice in the hus-iness. they h-ive ihe utmost conlidence that they shali give ccm. 1 plete satisfaciion. 1 J. BECKLEY & CO, Ann Arbor, April, 25. 142. , "38c tais of itfuhinfl mint fovLo?." JAcKscwr 1 TEMPERANCE .HOUS, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, "With Hot and Cold Baths Dr. J, T WÍL SON, . F'st end of Ma!n Street, Jackson, Mlck. ïlivcr Raisin [I N S T FT V T E . THIS lnstitution is locatod in the town of Raisin, near the north bank of the beautiful I rtver whose name it bears, one mile east of the direct road from Teciimseh to Adrián. This eliible site has been selected for its quiet seclusion. the fertility and clevation of its i soil. its pure and healthful atmosphere, and plensi ant scenery. Rooms.- There are now on. the premisos suitble rooms ior the aCcommodation of forty students; which are deaigned to ba occupied for priyate study and lodging. Other necessnry build ing areprovidedfor recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. ! Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4 00 t Board " with 4 howrfl Work each week, 7,b1 ' Room Rent, gg : Incidental, (j Total, 18.93 , Thcre will be an additional charge of one dol lar for those pursumg the higher branches as Philosophy, Algebra, Geometry, Astrononiy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin. or Greek an addition of two dollars will be made. Scholars are expected to provide themselves with what furniture they will nced in their rooms, also, with lights, fue!, and washing- none will hereafter board thera 8elves. Bills to be settledin advance. " The school is open to all applicants of suitablé age and moral charocter irrespective of covivlexion or condition. [D7'Ac secondterm of this summer will commenee Wedncsday July 20A. It is very desirable that all who design to at tend the school, should be on the ground - have their bilis settled, and their rooms prepared, be' fore the first day of the Term. Any further in formation can be obtained at the Instituí tion. of by addressing, post paid, J. S. Dixon, P rincipai, Raisin. Lennwee Co. Mich. Raisin, May 19ih, 1842. n5- 2m UNIVERSÏTY B00KSTORE. HAS just opened his store one door west of the Post office in Ann Arbor. He will be con8tantly receiving books from the eost and ntends to keep on hand a large assortment of the choicest Books, Statfonariv SCHOOL BOOKS, and has already a large quantity of the Massaehusetts School libïary, the beat work of the kind Acer published. Ann Arbor, July 30ih, Í842. ICTPlease cali at the Uriiversity Book Store. 15-6w WHEAT AND WOOL "ttTANTED, by F. Dertison, any quanity - f V Wheat and Wool, deUvered at Ann Af bor (Upper Town.) Au3. 5, t 842.


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