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Lenawee County Liberty Convention

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runwant to previous notice, thia Conventio asaembled at the Court House n the village o Adrmn, on tho 12th of October, J-342 at 10 o' A. M; James B. Wells', of Frankhn, was calleJ io ilifi chair, and L. P. Porkins appointed Secreta rjr. The meeting haring be.n caljed asa mass njectmnr, no delegates namea Were entered, biit some preüminary rcm.rks by the chair. Urtos II. Stewart, of Detroit, wW inv:td to a.(lres3 tho meeting, ancTprocecded to do so. Ae all present werc dec„,ed friends, the remarke" ""J i ieir cnities, anc! commumcaled informaüon ori the' increorfng itffftíenbe of cause; on the first subject, the duty nnd ncccssayof early providirrg tickets wa urged, a8 ha f the vote oflast year wns lost from want of ickcis; i.otwithstandins which, nnd tliat the party was without general organizaron, and the clcctn for the office of gorernor, which en!sted oid politrc:d fcclin-, he libcrty voto wls J250: V.'.th due care thi3 ycnr it would be the surprise of all. Lecturers weie going through the State, and a great change had taken place in public leeling durmg die píesení ycar. The Secretary, who wiil, othera had been previously appointed "ticket committne" undertook to attend to this branch of busin3. The meeting adjonrned to the afternoon.iVI-ÏJERrfOpff SKS3I0N. Convexión nssembied ni 2 P. M., and was addressed by G. Beckley of Ann Arhor, who was followed by C. H. S,ewart. The rernaik, made slit-wcd the sin as well as impohcy of votin to support slavery or voting on other thaa möra! pnnciples. Tiiose of the Liberty party were st,ited and explamcd, they were shewn to bc ieasibic, nd n rernedy f existing evils-cviJs the people of ihisstaro could bate, and thereby wipe out so m'uch of siavery ar.d its ertecis-ihat poüticnl ndiön hnd not been resoriud to, Üntil whigè and demacra:, had been tried and .led to support of the l.ber.y princ.p!,;3. These principies were naainly-to support l.bcrry of spce'Óh-taxatiori Añd repréíCTÍtatíoH-íhc abölishmént of slavery where congres could legfsláíeí'hfl proíec.ion f frec labor- and tfe saviu-r il,n ftói q -,..o ' ucu OUIIC3 tÜC " ;_-; hnd expense ofanpporting eJfvery, J he nteoiifrg wns fiílf nml strt mive, and adjourwcd Qt 5 o'clock, (o úioct n the eveuii. KVKMNG SDíSIO.V. Coüvcnii,)!! öseinWöd M 7 o'dübíí. Tí,e cLainiKinhavinybecnoHioedtoJoav town, his plnco vpae ueiiby JüSst, ïfeadll.eJ1 of Madiaon# on vote. r Mr. Stevi-axt'rencwad bia rcmnrk9, anJ froüi Conreásional diKjiniJCiita ahcwed how üiq nanlt, a:l il:c produce oí jiee lalwr haa been sncrí.'iced to tfiat nf sirve laW. üy tromies, and uniform !cgf;n!-on. tliat tlic Florida wnr w?a cominSriced to cc'tch runnwny siuve?, rnd after peace wr.s made bocáuse the fhÜinns won!d not give up ihefflléjsea laves- tbat (!c r.S. Arni7 had been usOa tu s!avo Üúnfefe, and had captured 103 wl.ich were held nndsolúhy thé United States a slavcs. Sccrotary üpshur's lo inereaseme umy nail the s.zo of of Groot Briiain in order to a vort the conscquenccsofalavery, and thus tax lbo nafion, was coniwntcdon He was folbwedby Mr. BeckJe, whoc.rpoÉeitho'h.gssnddWrsts at the erhming clection, nd the cnsu.stry o tfieir propo,al tL) t to untte wah them, while they profeased no of lüat party. He showed the natur' oi the L.bcrty par.p objecta-how attainoble, and how they operatéd on slaVery.even by mor.I influ. ence m the States-, antTconcludcdbyan animan appeol to 11. that when' Üfe was ending, they m.gUt look 6ack, r.s he could, from a death bed on ome eflWt for freedom, to abate the miaeri. ot slavery. Severa! ne# ftb'schoem were ofe taiW for tha Signa of Liberty, and the mifetirt adjourn.d at il) o


Signal of Liberty
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