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Threshing Machines. fTIIIE undersigned would inform the public that JL they continue to manufacture Hoksk PowRsund TuREsai ng Machines, two and a ii.-i'.f mil es frum the village of Aun Árbor, on the railroad. The Horse Power is a late invention by 8. W. Fostcr. and is decidedly fperior to any other ever offered to the pubüc, as wiil anpear by the statements of those who have used them during the last year. It is light in weight and small in compass, being carried together with the Thresher, in a common wutfgon box, and drawn with ease by two horses. JU is as little liablü to break, or gel out of repair, jis any olher Horse Power, and wiil work a3 easy and thrash r.s much witli four horscs attached to it es any other power with jft'rs horse?, as wiil apocar froni the recommendationa below. New pattems have been made lor the caet Iron. anti additional weight and strength applied wherever it hnd appetlrfed to bo necessary from one year'suso of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that o number of horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor whieh were bel e, ved by the purchasers to bo those invented by S. VV. Foster. and thntniost or all of them were either made uialeriülly different, or altcred before sold, so as to be materially ditïerent from those made and sold by the subseribers. Su'cH alterations being decicïedly detrimentn' to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to belicve that every one of those retumed by the purchasers as unsatiafoctory were of this class. They are not tfwaie that any Power that went irum their shop, and was put in uae, as they made it. has been eondemned or laid asideas a bad machine. All wh o wish to buy are ínvited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them. - Thcre wiil bc one lor cxnminaikm at N. H.Wiaro'sj Dcxter ziliazt; and one at M.uitin Wii.lson's stordtJtisa vi Detrok - botH theac gentlemen being agenta for the sale bf them. The price wiil be $120 for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden har cylinder; and $lo0 (or a horse power with a threshing mnchine vviih nu iron bar cylinder. The attentton of the reader ia irtyited to the following recommendations. S. W. FOSTER&CO. Scio. April 20, 18i 11 E C O MM E NDA TÍO NS. This is to certify that wo have used one óf S. W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powera for about five months, and threshed with it about 8000 bitsheli, and belicve it is constructid on better principies than uny other Horse Power. - One of the nndersigned has ówncd and used eight dilFerenl kinds of Horse Powers.and we belicve that four horses wiil thrash as mueh with ihis Power as fivc wiil with any other power with which wc are acquainted. II. CASE, S. G. [VES. Scio, January, 12, 19A2. Tiia is to inform the public that I hnve purchased, and have now in use, one of the Horse Powers reccntly invented by S W. Foster, made by S. W. Foster, &Co., and believe itbe constructed upon better principies, and requires lss Slrénsth of horses than any other power with which 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens, Sept. 8, 1B-H. This is to inform the pnbliq that I have purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster, and usjd it for a number of months, and believe it is the best power in use, working with less strength of horses thnn any other power with which I am acquainted, and being small in compasa, is casily moved from one place to another. 1 believe 4 horses wiil thresh as much with this power as 5 wiil with any other power. The plan and the workin; oi" this power have been univer3ally approvod of by farmers for wliom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio, April 11, 1842. sxfóire machines. The subscriher8 makevery good SMUT MACHINES which they wiil scll for $Gü. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had many year's cxpeiiencc in the milling business. We invito those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price to buy of us. It is worth as muoh as most of tUa machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory The subscribers have recenily put in opcration avoollen manufactory for manufacturing woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor village, on the rai'road, where ho wish to manufacturo wool into cloth on■bares', or íor p:;y by (lio yard, on reusonablé tenus. Thcy huve mpíoyed exp'erienced woikmoa and (col confident that woflc wil! be wol! done. TBÁy theréfofc réspeetfúlfy' ask a sham ol public iniroii.i;:'. spRcialij' fronxthose who'are ii. favor ofífont& tísvXif.TKt. Wool m:iy be left ni Scio villoge. S. W. FOSTF.R & Co. Scio. April IS. 1812. TO COUNTRY MCRCLÍANTS AND TUE TüBLlC GxXKRALLY. rpIIE subscriber lias on lietrnl ond oflers for JL s;ile ut low rat es, ;i lurrc ffnd general os: -rt:-!CüL ot' Drujjs an;1 Medicine.-. Paifífs, Oílá Wirnisü: Dyo yiüí'.'ií. A-o. Sc, vi-!i every articie inllu; Dr-r; wxá L'ni.nt lino, fe.rsons wis!) xnq to )iircüasó aí?y arrióles i" tb.e nb,ive Rn% át requosied. beforè purc1i'ásiñg elseívbcrc, to calí ai pí:;kre ticllkh'.s, Wli;)lcs:iiü rui'l P.ctüil DruÉfgist loO. Jcfiersor, Avenue, sifjn ofthe Gilt J!ortnr, Dclroit. DR. RANISTER'S CKLEDRATED FEVER AGÜE PJLLS.- Pnrdy VciclubU. A 8!ifo. speedy. and surc rcnei!y tor lever and i:tie. duin apiue, chili lover, and the bilious dis bises peculiar to aaw counmes. These pi) !s rue desi-gnod ror ihe ; íF'clions oftlie livcr nnd ither intcnüi! orgnna wliich attend the disenses ofthe now and niiasmauc portions ofoui country. The proprietor havini iried them in a gre?: v:uie(y of cases confidcntly beliuves (hat ihoy ;!:■( superior to-uny rem?f]y lint lias ever been gffeied to ihe public for the abovc .discasra. Jt is pnrely Vcgctahle and pcifectly harmless. and c:in e taken by any )erson, male or ibnialc wilh perfect safety. The pills nrc preparcd in Iwo separate hoxes. mnrked No. 1 and iN'o. 2. and acceoinpnnied vii.h full dircctioïis. A great number of ccn'flutes might be procu red in favor o!" this medicinu. but the propriete; has thüimlit tit lotto insert tiiem, in as nmch as he dependa upon the nieriis oí tho same for ts reputation. The above piii is kept constan tly on hand b the pro]rieter and can be had at wholesalc and k tail at the ilore of Beckley & Co. Ordors Voi: the country proinptly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lowcr tosvn) May29th 18-12. fi L. fcECKLEY


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