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Graham's Magazine, And Gentlemans' World Of Literature And F...

Graham's Magazine, And Gentlemans' World Of Literature And F... image
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[The Caskitand G&lUemeii's Un'l .'.] A new volume undcr the above litle. ot' tlir well established hhd Fashdhable Magazine. The Philadulphia Casket in conjunction with tho Genileman's Magazine, which has been every whert pjonounced to be tbc most readable and populaj of the d;iy, yvili be upencd on The fust day oí January, 18 12. with an array of contributors secure;] by the uní oh oi' talent, of' (ame, which no j)e ioIical in the cuntí y can boast or pr lend to rcvilc. The December number will however. bc a specimen of tho new volume. The volume will be opened with a new and bcautitul type, the finestwhite paper,, iind vvïtb tho first of a series of c;nellisliiiients tinsurpassecl by any whicb. have vet ppcircd va any Magazine. The style ofelegnnce !ic beauty and finish ot these ilhisirations, ah'd the vionsive iinprovements wliicli will be made in its ypoiaphical appeararice, and above all tl;e tune oi s liieiary department, by the brilliant array of ontributors, whose articles have cnriched the paes of each nuinbcr. vitl give it a èjiaracter) secnd to no Magazine in tlie Union. The charactcr f' tho articles which ehall appear in its pages, ■ill be equally ïemcved ïrom a sickly senlinenthlity, and Irorn an eiibetation of inoralitv,but j vhile a truc delineation of human nnture in cvery atioiy of pns:-in is aimed at, nothing slull be ound in ils pages to cause a bfbsh upon the cheek f ilie most pure.I he Liternry Character will be suffiuonUy guaranteed by the reputation of bot'i AJagraines thus united. for years past. Writers of tlte íirst rank have boen regular contribu tors tü their pages, and the tales and sketches published in them have been widely copied and reao. and the iïrni and independent tone of the criticisms, upon the current literature of the day has been every where. approved and commende, The list of Contributors embraces the ñames of most of the principal writers in America, witli a respectablè niunber of English authors. In addition, the diftinguished services of n host of anonymous writers of no ordinary abilit'es have given worth and character to the pages of the Magazines. The serios of well kiiown náutica 1 papers entitled li Ciuising in the Last War." have had a run, unequaled by any series puüliebed in any Magazine, for years. The au;hor to open the first of a new series of " Tales of the Sei." and froin his known abiiiües as a depicter of sea scènes and life, nv.ich may be relied upon hom him in maintninmg the popülarity of the Magazine. Papers may be expectcd during the vol a:ne also from the authoróf tlie wélt known articlcs entitlcd 4i The Log of Old IronsiJes."- The nuthor of ' Syrian Letters,' vyill also end hio powcrfi'l and graccful pen to sustain and increase tho reputation of the work. The valunblo aid of the author oí' 'Leaves from a Lawyers Port Folio' has also heen secured - and we may expeet sometliiiig still moro thrilling from the spaciom stores which a long life in the profeïsion has enabled hïni to an;ass. Anoccasional Chit-Cliat with 'Jeremy Short' and ' Oliver QldfcJlow' is also protnised with a variety ofchoice anieles inprose and verse, from various ivriters of celebrity, as contributors to the prominent Magazines of the country. The Editors of both Magazines continue their services under the new arrangement. tVith euch un arrny of talent, a Magazine ofunrivalled attractions. inay snfely be promised the coming volume. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliancc with the alrnost unanimous wiéh of our lady subscribers, we shall, the ensuing volume, furnish them with a bcautifiil and correct i píate of Fashions, Monthly, afsature, itis believed, that will neitherbe imweleome nor unpopular. These fashion plates shall be drawn from original designs from Paris and London, and may always be depended upon as the prevailing stylc in Philadelphia and New York for the nionth in which theyareissued. These however, shall in no wise interfcre with the regular and chotee engravings and music which accompany each number of the work. The splendid Mezzotint engravings from the burin of Sartain, which have been so justly sdmired, will be followed during the vc'ume by several from the same hand, while tlie steei engravings in the best style of art from interesting scènes shall still enrich the Magazine. The choicct pieces of music for the Piano and paitar sGall ccompany each number of the work. TIME OF PUBLICATION. The work will be published on the first of the month in every quarter of the Union. The most distant subscriber will consequently raceive it on that day, as welt as those who reside in Philadelphia- In all the principal chics, agenta have been establ8hed. to whom the Magazine is forwarded, prior to the time of issuing it, so that they may be delivered to resident subscribers by the first of the month. This is an important arrangement to distant subscribers, who become tired. importúnate and eventually discontinue many works, in consequencc of the great delay by publishers. TEIIA1S - Three Dollars per annum. or tv copies yeaily for five dollars, invariably in advance, post paid. No new subsciber receivcd without the money, or the name of a responsiMe agent. For the accommodation of those who mny wish to subscribe for either of the following Pbiladelphiapcriodicals, this LIBERAL PROPOS AL is made. Five dollars current money freo of -estrige, we will torward Grahnm's Magazine, Tid Godey 's Lady's Book for one year. Address st paid. GEO.R. GRAHAM, South west cornor of Chestnut and Thi. Street Philadelphia.


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