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The Election

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As this is the last pnper that wilt be read by all onr readers previotis to theelection.we vvish to present a few considerations respectmg it. And in doing lilis, while we speak with all freedom of the two political organizations, weshall not be understood as disparaging or denying the integrity and moral worth of a vast number of excellent men who sustain those porties. Th ose who have'read our papcrv attentiveJy for thfi past, are aware of the present condition of our cause. We have embarked in an enterprise, righteous in ilself. bpproved in its principies by all good men, and while pursued by righteous means, we beheve it wil] receive the unqualiñed approbation of Almighty God. In prosecuting ttiis enterprise, we have soiiüht for a chango of some of the unjust laws of our country; and ngainst this ciiange,are arrayed the power of both the great political parties of onr land. They both sland directly opposed to us, and our cuuse. The Democratie party, for their party pntposes, preferring usually innelion and silence, sofiira3they haveacted at all, heve taken t!:e attitude of direct hostiiity. They have, as a bo ly, sus'ained the annunl gags of Con'eaBf and the Washinglon Globe, the organ of' tlio party has put forth "OPxSITION TO ABOLITION" s one of the great permanent principies of the jnrty. No dissent hus been entered from any uarter; and it moy bo considered ns adopted by he whole purty. Such bcing their detertnintion, they cannot expect any support from mi) nor ia il all probable they will receive But on the other side, the circumstances are fTerent. There wc flnd a large and once ortnidable political body, composed of mnny iscordunt matenalc4, just rea ly to disaolve ino the original elements, from which, by the ïagic influence of log cabios; hard cider; and:úou songs it was once collected and success'ully tnarslialled f'or victory. It has been round impossible to continue that unión of action by which under a state of excited feeling", its ascendency was first oblained; and n looking around for help, it cast its eyes, wilTi a wishful look, on t!ic incrensing vote, andpowerful unsujíied moral iafluence which the Ljiberty party wields. Símil these be wielded FOR THEM?- Shall we snstain a party that gags the voiee offree voters of Michigan? Let those ansvver at the polis, whosc respectful representations were last winter REFUSED a reception by aWhigf Congress, or ignominiously thrown un-der the table! Will such mensancti':n theip own degradation? Or will they not 6ternly REBUK.K íhose who did the shameful deed! Will they slill have theeflro:.tery to argüe that they aro the party most favorable íoerty? Teil thetn to bring forward the proofs by which, since they cume into power, thcy, as a pnrly, have manifested any regard for liberty at all. Perhaps they will urge that by withdrawing your vote from iheir support, you hazard or insure the destruction of the entife party. Are you responsible for that? Do you wish to uphold a party that is running a racewith the Deraocrats, to ascertain which can be most humble to their Southern overseers? Is it proper to cali on you to save thcm from ruin'? If they want yo'ir votes, let them treat you with respect, take off their Gags, and cease denouncing the leaders of the anti-slavery cause as mere tools of the Democratie party. But further, suppose you do wish to uphold the sinking fortunes of this party, can you do it, if you vvould? Before you detprmine to throw nway your votes on Iheir fickel, think of it candidly and seriously. How do the pnnies stand In your county? Are the whigs in a minority? Of what avai), then, Will it be io vote for their nominafions? So far a.s the elcction of cundidles is coucerned you mighi. as vvoll voto for the Libertv candicJnte, where it ís certnin noither will be electpd. Look ot the state of the party as a whole. President Tyler and ali the natioiinl patronao-e ure ngainst it - the emire Democratie purty ug-ainst i! - the Liberty party eteadily incraesing,and ihe ereat intellect of Daniel Webster publicly pje.dicting its speedy and certaincissolution. Thtn examine the recent elections in Maryland, Georgi;;, Ohio, Pennsylvauia &tc, all which large siates are lost to Mr. Clay. - We adm'it that these and greater reverses might be rolled back by a proper advocacy of ritrhteons principios, for truth is miifhty and ivill prevail : but the Whigs discard some of the most important principies of jusiice and policy, advance minor fiuancial projects of (I.)iibifiil valne, and seek to support them, among means, by songs about tliat same old coon, with the avowed design of placing a gambler, dtielist, and man stealer at the head of this nation. In such circumstances, what hope can be entertained for such a cause? But suppose it could be done, and by your single vote you could set the wheels of government revolving under the charge of a WHIG SLAVEHOLDING supervisor inslead of a Democratie one, what gain would there be in that? Would Gag Laws cease? Would the elave be freed? Would tho cause of humártity be a gainer by it? Co::sider furtiier thr.t the Liberty party is steadily gaining in numbers and influence. It has increased in every State where it has been orgonized, at each election, save in Vennont, where from the want of a paper and other local causes, the vote was less at the last eleclion than at the preceding. The Liberty vote of New England has increased in two year3 from 2,500 to 13,000. In Maine, in the same time, from 194 to 4,000 Liberty votes; and iu Ohio; at the last election, 2,000 votes were given in the Western Reserve alono, and the Liberty party have the balance of power in the State. New York, Massachusetts and Michigan will soon speak in n similarmanner. Here. then, we offer you an opportunity of supportmg a party, organizcd for the most important objects, with unexceptionable candidates in notnination, which is growing whil the Whig party decreuses. We offer you a Libertv ticket instead of ono nbsoli'tely ?roslavery- Will you give your suffroge for human rights, or will you rather throw it away in the vain hope of sustaining an organizatio which is unworthy of support?


Signal of Liberty
Old News