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The Elections

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Oio. - The Whigs of this State have been just ns infatuated ns we supposed. The Liberty party nomiiiaied Judgo vKing for Governor, a man of nnexcepdonable charactcr, and acknowledged tálente, who formerly icted with the Whigs. Had they voted lor liim, he would Imve been eiected. and Ohio would have liad a Governor that wouid have been an honor to the State. - U ow is it duw ? They would persist in throwing away sixty or seventy thousand votes on a candidate who could not be clected, and have thereby ndirectly eíected Governor Shannon by a majority ofsome !,500, and a Democratie Leg islature besides. VVús this vvise 1 Yct we fear our Wliig friends in this State ure bent on following in the saine tracks. By their iatal course, the Whigs of Ohio have thrown the entire State into the hands of those who can, if disposcd, gerryniander it at their leisure, and fill Congress with thealliesof the slave power, who wil] not be va y bfickward to admij Texas, and any nutnber of slave States, to perpetúate the slave traflïc in Washington, and gag the iree peojile of our country. The party coming into power is none loo good to do these things, and who are rosponsible for theni, excup! ihose ihrough whose nieans they were eiected.I he Liberty pnriy are not aiiswerable for ihe resu!t ; they voted for good men and truo ! and it was only becausc tho WJiigs would " throw aicaij" their votes on unavnilablccandidates, and on minor questions that the natural allles have sncceeded. Then let the respons.'bilny rest vvliere it bclongs ! Another aggravation of the caeo is founti in ihe smallness of the majorilies by which the servile pany was pluced in power. In miiny counties it was vcry s nall ; tn Lorain coanty jhe Democratie candidato for hegislature was elecied by only five votes. This rhovvs conclusively that if the Whigs had done their duiy, and supported the Libeny tieket, the siuvcry party would have been defeaied. The returns of the Liberty votes come in slowly. 2,000 were given in the Western Reserve ; 500 in Trumbull county; ]00 in Cincinnati, and oihcr coumics gave one, two. three, and four hundred each. We will gtve the summary next week. The following is from the Ohio Sta.e Journal :" The Abolitionist8 lost us the folio wing Senatois and Represer.tatives : 1 Senator and 1 Repreoentative in Lorairi and Medinu ; 1 Senator and 4 Represent ulives in Clermont, Brown and Clinton ; 1 Representative in Har rison ; 1 in Celmont; and 1 in Gurnsey in all, 2 Senators and 8 Representatives, which being placed on the olber side, wonld haye given the Whigs a inujoiity on joint ballot, and enéured the election of a Senator of the United Sïatep, who wuuld have been opposed to the admisión of 5-exas, and who wou ld have voted for the protection of American indtistry. Bcsidea thnt, the majority in tbc House wou ld havo secured i fair appoitionnaent of the Statf for the election of members of Congress, by which at least ten or eleven Represouiaiives migiit have been elecied of the same cast. Now evury inicrest in the bltite hus been ab.mdoncd ti the tender mereies of Lucofocoism. ïf thpse who iiuvo dona thid deed do not ulready repent of their work, lliey are a different ciats of men hom what we take them for "Nio Jers. y.- Tiicre are Whig m;tjotties in both branches of the Legislatuie. This secures a U. S. Senator. Georgia. - The Democratie party have carried the State, thougli by a less majoiity than lasi yenr. Marylund. - The Demócrata have a mnjority of six on joint baliot. A U. S. Senator is to be elected. Pcmisijlcania.- This State, as a wiipj lias gone Domocratic Tbey have a majority in both Jiousea.-==: D There bavc beeu tlirce trials in liangor. Maine, for Ileprcsentative. The Liberty vete the second time, was 147 - tlie third time, 177-1 ihe rcsult of ihe iburth trial has not reached us. (EF In Cork, Fuhon, and Knox counties, lij, nois, in 1840, ove Liberty vote was ven : i. 1842, it stood 37, 38, end 84. ET A meeting has been held in Malta, otten-J ed by the Governor and many distinguished ge,, tienen, to fonn an Anti-slavrry Society, auxili, ry to the British and Fokeic.v Society.


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