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HOLMAN S, Bone Oififitanent. j THIS the [wad of nll i medica for the foüowing disèiisp-s v turéis v.v ..■.. viz:- RHKUMATÍSM both B Üh'rouic nnd inflamitory- Gout- Sprains - Bruiscsand contrauicd TJfcÍNDONS oí long f ing. . t Is ]fi:p.rp ui! rumovrrs - renders stiff joints t lirribér by prodneirig a hcálthy muscular action. Jt íiRPUiiges pains Ld Bou-s and Asoessss, - Nolhing oqunls it in swclled and inflamed Brcasts in Fci'Hiles, if npplicd in early stage, prevents i tfoTi or nmiter fórrnihg, and ivcs in all iviinicihate cnsefroni pain. Certificates of tli i s faei coiilil bc given if ïicfCFsary. This remedy is ofTerod to the Public with the full assurance that it far oxcels the Opodcldoc's -tul Linlmcnts of the piesent dny, for the above liseises. A trial is only wanten, to give it tho iecided preference to cvery thing else. Man y Physciang ot eminence have uscd this ointment and extols its mcriis. nO The abovc ointment is for sale wholesale and rotnii by L. BECKLEY. An n Albor, (lower town) June I5th, 1842 9 TO PIIYSICIÁNS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. npHE subscribcr invites the attention of. Phy JL picians und Country Mcrchants, to his present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushos, &,c. &tc. comprising onc of the largest and fúlíest assortments brought '.o the country. In his present stock wil] be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior French and KpHsh, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Wilherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdcrcd Rhubarb, 1 Chest Rhnbiirb ltoot, 1 bbl. Powclered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Cfilomel, S casks Epsom Salts, 15casksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cnndles, 2000 ibs. White Load, dry and grnunrl, 4 cosks Linseed Oi!, Denlisis Insinnnents and Stock Gold, Silvannd Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelain Teeth. A general a?sortmeiu of Patent Medicines, all of wliich will be sold on the most rensonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 1S9 .Tefierson Avenue, sign of the Gilt M";irc!i IS. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. PiÓBLEj would respect iully inform the o citizens ofAnr. Arborand its vicinity. that he has opened a shop in theLovver Town. i:rmie'üatoly over the late tnercantile sianj pij Lnnd & Gibson. and opposite the store of J. Beek ley & ' .. whore he is prepared at all timos to do work n hls line, wi;h promptness, and in a neat and durable manner. Pnrticulnr n'tention wijl be paid to cuttinc garments. l'ioihice wüi le taken at the usuai pri ees. for work done at hie shop. These who have cusii to pny for services of thïs kind, are particularly invitcd to enlL Ann Arhor. April 27. 1842. tf DRTBANISrRlVS rrilIIS pill bas not inly been used by myJ_ self, but by a nurnber of Physicians of h standing, both in this and other States; to greiil ndvnntage. By the frequent and repeated solicitationsof my frjjend8, I have consented to offer them lo the piïblie as a most eíFicacious retnedy for all those biliious diseosees .originating in a ncw country. The above pill is for salo wholesnlc and retail by L. BEOKLEY. A:in Arbor, C'ower town) June 15th 184'. 9 TO CLOTHIERS. THE subscriber is just in receipt of a further supply of Clotbiers stock, consisting of MACHINE CAJWS of cv.vy hs-ripfon; CLOTIIfER'S JACKS. AT T1Ñ&TW4.RP, CAIW CLEAN8ER& and PICKEI1S. XUUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. SCREWS. PAKSON'S SHEARING MACHINi:, EMERY. (erery sizcj TENTE R HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, tooefher wi1h a vd' selóeted assorfmvit. (f DYE WOODS.aucl DYE STUFFS of the very best growth and manufacture. These goods (coming as tbey do direct f rom firs.t hands) the subscriber is ennbled to scll lowcr than any other house west of Ncw York, he therefore solicits the atteniion of firms in the ciothing business, to the cxan ination of his stock and p ices before going east or puixhasiii" elscwlierc. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 139 Jcirson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. ESTÁTE OF JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned have proved the last will and testament of Jacob Lawton, deceosed, and have taken letters Testamentary thereon, and have given bonds according to law. All persons indebted to said estáte are requested to make pr.yment without delay, and all persons having claims ngainst said estáte are ïequested to present the samo to the subscribers, wcll autbenticated, for navment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Datcd, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY liOBERT & TE&IIUNE. (( OK.NEK OF JIICHIÜAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DETH01T.) r jj l ÍI E abovc House is pleasantly situated nea JL theCeiitral Ilailroad Depot, and is nowun deij oing thorough repairs. The rooms are pleas .n;i. th.! B' ds and Beddin'gall new. and the Talle will !ie su])i!ied with the choicest oí the market, nnd the propriotors assure those who will favor them with tbeir custom, that a'.i pains shall be taken to inake tlioir stay with thetn ngreenblc. Fake. ven Iüw. nnd accommodation good. - Garriottea to convey passengers to and from the Hrtiel frec of expense. Detroit, Apr;'?? 1842. "ECONOMY IS WEALTII." THE Sunscribcrs will pny pay two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for an quamity nf jood clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivored at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Abor, April 27, 1842. tf NEW GOODS ! ! FDEÁ'lSOi'h:is iu.-r k "eivod a complete stock of DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES AND ('ROCK ERY, which will be sold very , cheap for money ormost of produce. Descriptiohs and priora will he given at theStore. Ann Arbor. June I, ÍS42. Dll. J.B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND STJRGF.ON.- House and Office, a few doorssouth of the Lnfayettc House, where hecan be found nigbtand day. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842.ÍR WALKKR respectfully informs his friemls and the public in general, that ho vasrecc-ntly commenccd business, in tíie tailor11? linu,one dooreastofBower's dry goods stoie, vhcre be is preparcd to cxecute orders in the ieá(est ind mosi fhshionablc style. Garmentswill be made to order, in strict conorniity wilh the present prevailing fashion and aste of the day, and warranted to fit or no ;harge. Ludics' Riding Habitsmade in the latcatKew Vork or Philadcphia fnshions. Friends. or Quakers' garments will be mado in the neatost and plaincst style. Cutting done at shortest notice. All kinds of Mi! nary Uniform and undress coats ondpantaloons. made agreeable to tke present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. ni 4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for sale by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES." -Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. Jeflersoj) avenue, arethe solé agents of these very colebrated machines. 12-8w QATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS - O Tjiho .11. Eaton & Co., 1 38, Jefferson Avenue, offer for sale a large stock of Sattinett Warps, fro.m the New York milis. These Warps are considered superior to any other in tho country, and will be sold, for cash, at a small 12-8w Wool laídisis, and Cloth npiIE Subscribers respectluily announee to the JL .citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity. that they are prepnred to card wool and dress cloth for cus tomers, in tlie best style. and at th'e shortest notice. ílaving good niachincry. expericnced workmen, and long practice in the business, they have ihe utmost conlklence ihat they shall give corapíete satisfaciion. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Albor. April. 25. 1M2. "33e ïjajjs of fcrfnlííirn; SJLinc fornot." JACKSÖN TEMPERANCE HOUSJ?, AND BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths Bi-, J, T WIL SON, Eaá ead of Main St-c.cL jackson, Mic.h. Eiver Baisin ■IWSTITUTE . THTS lnstitution is locatod in the town of Raisin, near the north bank of the beaütiful river whose name it benrs. one nule east of tho direct roid (rom Tecumseh to Adrián. This eligiblesite Jiüs been selected for its quiet seclusion. the fertility and elevation of its soil, its pure and healthfulatniosphere. andpleasant sceriry; Rooms. - There are now on the premises suitlle rooms ior the accoinmodation of l'orty students; which are doaigned to bo occupied for private sludy and lodging Other neceesory build ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. E X P E NS ES . Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4.00 Board li with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 80 Incidental, 50 Total, 12.95 There wiíl be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursüinp; the highcr branches as Phi losophy, Algebra. Geometry. Astronomy, &c. For CheiTiistry, Latin, or Greek an addition of two dollars will bc made. Scholars are expected fo provide themselves with What furniture they will need in their rooms, also, with lights, fnel, and washing - none will hereaftcr board them sel ves. Bills to bescttledln advance. The school is open to all applicants of suitable age and moral character irrespeetive of comjilcX' ion or condition. DÜTTVfi serond term of this svmmcr icill commenee TVcducs lay Juii i2Qtli. is very desirable that all who design fo at tend the school, should be on the ground - have their bilis settled, and ihoi rooms preparcd, bcfore the first day of the Term. Any ftirther in formation can be obtained at the Instituition. of by addresaing, post paid. .1. S. Dixo.n, Principal, Riiisin. Lenawce Co Mich. Raisin, May 19th, 18-12. n5- 2m NEW FJKIjIj .fSJVJD WIJVTER N.Y. OHEAP STORE. THE subseriber has just returncd from New York with the lartrost and best selected assortment of DRY GÖODS. GROCERIEÜ, CROCKERY, BOOTS %'SHOES. AND YANKEE NOTIONS, ever brought into this market, purchased previous to the tarifT which will enable bim to sell for cash, ascheap as any establishment west of Büfpalo. As we do business on the Rkauy Pay Sïstem we will not be undersold by any one in this market, whicli will bc for the interest of the purchr.ser and dealer. We would say to the farmers that we sell goods in proportion to the price of wheat - a busliel of wheat will purchasc as many goods at the present !ow prices as it did last fall, Now s the time for people to buy goods if they want o buy them cheap. The assortment consist ia au of the following anieles: BRuADCLOTHS, P1LOT rio. BEAVERd SATINET md CASSIMERE, KENTÜCKY JEANS. FULL'D CLOTHS, FLANNELL. (ol all kinds.) SMEEP'S GREYS. UMBRELLAS, S1LKS. MUSLIN DE LAN ES. ALAPINÈS. MERINO TAGL1ONE, CASSIMERE SHAWLS, VICTORIA da VICTORIA do. CARLISE do. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do. BRASS CLOCK. SHEETINGS. HOBEr SHIRTJNGS. TICKINGS. CRAVATS, T WILLED JEANS. COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, HDKF'S. DIAPER ond Table Cloths, MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LADIES DRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES. (of nll kirxls.) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. &c. A choice : ssortment ot Groceries. such nff Tens, Suirars. Mulnesetr, &c. &c, all of which will be sold at wholesale or retail. Pedlars enn be supplied at this establishment so low as to astonish them. The subseriber deerns t uselcss to go into furher detail, but asks ihem to cal) and examine or themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 20, 3842. 3m7 NEW GOODSTT" F DENISON, is now receivingas usuallyo well selec'd assortment of fali and winter GOODS, which will be sold cheap for cash or barter. N. B. As cheap as any in town. Soptember24, 1812. tf2S


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