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Advanced Position Of The American Abolitionists

Advanced Position Of The American Abolitionists image
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The foHtwing eloquent pp.rogrnph, from one of Gqorge Thompson's late spcnche.-, s beOiminr more and mure reJized every day, .md is prophelic of future triiimph of the hol; c;m e: Tlify have, tlmnk fleaveu, lived through 1, büweier, imd i süil wfótbing with vigor i.nri fwu-s-s. 'n„.y },:ivo pntscd the Itnjícoo, The íHiíi-, kivory güeaipn. The moVement ie npiorigér invisible, or coiiicr.v, i Me. The queétipq whevbei the slnve abaij bc Irw, s nut now oijc wliicb s dtscuased in a 'jiurcl in lio.-tnn, or r. beek room in New Yo.k. (Great cjieepngv) l hasfound rti w;iy mi.) vS-;ito J.rgisl -.tures- into üoJIe ut Congfeae - into the tonricila of the Wlnio House. U is ehtéring1 iaio evêry poliiical ronJesr, grent a dsmíil!. ít liasfoñndiis way from t.Iie cli'ircli me.-tniír in'.u tbe Associati va, and Synod, and Genera) Conference, and AsíCüiLly. Jt comes tip whon questioag oí' ir;i(c iré !i-c;sfjl. ít fe tne first qnestion n the opening of evory new sqssíqb. Tíie lünnnr thiníes oí' it when be rowu his field. Ti. e capitolio, whe.) he lends bis woney; The nierclioat, when Ite importa Mt gooñs. Tho politica) oconomia! Feptus -ii the profit and loas of elavetj. The student reaild his (íreek Toslirnent to onderstand it. Tiio !iouf--. ilb tíijjíks of it when she bnvs coltoii clothing Tot her ciiídreri. The póHúeil ctucú?, w mi t!icy H'i).nite l'irir c.-iminJatep.- (ii ■vt-rnor, when he tekoa uSke. Ti? niinisier thjnks oí' it wJien h coimít. to Enr;p. The nrribíjefiador, v,'i.-n Ije id on his vvny t S:i. Jantes. Tne pre.sent pwinón of' llip abuJiti'iiii le, therelore, is, in nlIcircwBV stnnces ci'iisu.'crofj íi "roud poólli. Tí;cv hoye etond tíiro gh eyery .-orn. TJjpv hnve workd ni odious iv.ú liaied topic iiio uní j versal iiDtif-o. Tl:ey havo Qiade tliein.-í'lvcs hèard ánd feh throughout the land. 'l'lu-y Iihvo compeJíed atíejition. Tliey bavesteadilv pdvancpd. Tfiev liave in severa! pitebed buttle? defrtáfii theit opponent. Thf-y hnvi; constrninod reJucíant Renu lors to lakf iflíea. They have etI.sto(l üic Bjmpathy ofthe ciyüized worliJ. At 6itdespised, they 010 now feared - wjiere once tiioy weio Mcoutcd as iníamoii., they are now oour tod ns .-'Ti imporüinl body) ofteu bolding tiie bnlnncc ofrnower beüveen cpntending jxutjes. TIip-'C is now lií'tJe ta ík. rs uf oíd', of rtraieht jacketíí, pr tBÍe'a prisont, or rewnrds fot ui!ufii'-ii. or pag laws, or mes:ige deraanding anti-tOoVpry ring leaders, The declarí.tion ói fifi y fmuiffl of Pliilndelphia lina been sutecribed '' mtiltisudps. from the St. Lnwrcnoe to tlie MitsiBsippi, and frora the Atlantic lo tbesii.ce ymi re"X.l .; " 8 yeara and nu're enL-ouraffupoitio. [CJieers.] '


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