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Democracy--Principles Vs. Practice

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We invite the attcntion of onr readers to the following extract from the Boston Post. Reud over these democratie priuc;plescarefully,and then think how coiupletcly they reverse theni in praetiee. Think of the tens of thousands of cotored men in the free Stntes who have a natural right to the electivo franchise, belonging them "because they are persons and nol things"--these multitudes are deprived of theil righis, perseve: - ingly and eystexmtrcally. by the s-ime democracy that so fully asserts them. Then think luw ready this democraey has ever been to support the gags of Congress, thus invading the rights of white men. By these principies every southern èlavé has a nalurr.l, inherent right to vote, and n tliose States where they are .1 in;ijorily, as in South Carolina, they may rightfully alter the established form of government, provided ilicy think it fails to securo the ends for which the govcinment should exist. Yet the democracij (l ) of South Carolina kold slaecs! Yea, says Mr. Calhoun, slavery is the most safe and stable basis for free institutions in the worldi ! Out upon Buch bypocrisyl Whathoneet mancan support a party lliat thuscondemns tself ovory time t nttemptá to speak out ts principies? "But to demócrata - real democrafs- who desire covernment ouly lor Reeurity of person and ■ r iporty.nnd nut lor privileges it iriny endow thcm witli- 'these simple democratie principies uro full ■f life. - and are the guides iti p'rilitlcni action. - loixi.slfitor Rhotilfl ever foliow them with the ;oníu!euce w.ith wliich he would trust n frietid. - Thoee thát lay nit tlie foundation offioundde'locracy nro as fol lows: 51. That the propio are thc only legitimnte jouree of lawful p.iüficnl power""i. Tlint tl)R pcopte have a riglif to instituto, lter or nbolish fornis of povernmentj whenever hey fail to secure the ends fof which thcy were estahüshct); anií that tliis right is inlieient, inaltcnnhlc and ímprcme. M3. That tiio definition o( thé people is all wen: thnt to enable all men to exercise Öiélr right to instituto governmeni, they should enjoy the riíiht ofeuflragg: jbftt liria nght isa natural riglit Ifélonping to man hecnuse fifi is a person aml n ot a lldng - an accnuntnble being und nnt n hrvtc: thnt insitutions making itdepend on the accident of prooerty are absurd and urtjust. and should bc nbolishod. "4. That government is a trust to be executed for the benefit of all: that ita legitimnte ende are. the prpservation of peace. the cslaldithmml of 'justicc, the punishment of enme and tlifi se curity ofrightu: nnd that thc len;iti:nate ends of government are perverted whonevor it is usrcí for the purpose of'cönferririg upon a lew privileges thai me injurious to the maes of thc people. "Thc?e principies war eternally against poli tícal injusiice. in all ts protenn shnpes. Tfirij cen demn all legisla titm tío lating thcsjñrii of cqvnlit.ij; all which tends to foster exiravagance rather than economy: all which tends to nurture a gnrribling spirit rather than a henjthy industry; al whirh masnifíes the fortunes of men nbove their inornl and intellfirtual worth; all which tends to elévate thc monied interests above the natura rights of man."


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