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Tíie subscribei intonus U rs merobeof Anti-Slavery S.;ciciie?, ani uli perdona wlio deBire to reud the giovery piidhcatioiirf Uint have iesued from the American pres.-', tlmt he has purchased uil tiie bock?, pamphlets, trncis, prints etc. lately be!onTn.r !o the Amnricnn Anti-Slavery Society, aiuQUUtiog t.o boni cit'ht thoueand dollars, ut dld pnces, wliirh he flers forsnle by bis a pent iii any fniuntity, at low pnces fo: caak only. Samples will b I:-, i a1 is oliiee, curner of Uunovcr ana KxcbftHfie treets, oud orders will bo promtly att&uded to. A catalopue of tbc principal publicatiuná i= :.nnexed, añd tfio pricc:? pul npninst Uiosn are the pre?ent (veduccí!) retail úrico:--. By tho lunidred or larcer tu;inlity, théy wiU be í-oU lon-n - 8ay for bvund volumes '2.') por cent. Jtscoin!: on pamphtets. trarts nm piclures, 50 per cenr. discount. With reepect to-mostof.Hionj this below the actual copt t- idp in cbsh. 'i'licy were not purchaseil withavi?w to si-l! ut n porfit but to subserve the Anti-S'nvery ci Suoh a opportunity has no; prewoijslj' orcurrnd to Qhtain Aftii-Slayeiy piiblifíatióní? a! tl-.e-c reduceil prico. and probo bJy wiil not aghin. QjEilitorsfit'nwspnpers are reqneftted to copv this Bdvertimncnt at longjh fo thrre moñthf,nnl their billa wil be paid in booetc. Piense send a copy of the i'-ir contaioinjr the advertisemonr. LEWÍS TAPFAN. New Vork, Mnrch Út, i;; i:. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slav.ery nn t y, muslin 5o Anti-Slavcry Manual ífü Alton Riots, bjf Pres. Beecher, of II!. Coll. 12mo. 2& Alton Trials Cp Anti-SUvcry RccorI, volí. 1, 2 and 8 61 io Appeal, by Ürs. Clnkl S7 1-5 Anti-Slnvery l'ixMininrr, bound vol?. 5 Bemtie3 of Philantbtopy 3H 1 S Buurne'ö Picture of Sl.ivery 50 Buxton on the Slavo trade 5ti Cabinet of Freedom (Cíaiksnn'í' h'story of the slavc trade,) vole. 1, 2 and 8 Eet 1,00 ChloeSpear ?5 Channipg m Shvery L.' Duncon uii Skvery : Emun. in the VV. 1. Ly Thome and Kimball mnslin S0 Do by o i'1 bonnis with map i25 Enpmies of Constilion discovered .on Pountani, plain binding, oin-o. 12 12 Gustavos Vassa 50 Grimke's Lettere to Miss IJeecher S7 1 2 Jay's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay'a View 50 LightandTtuth L0 Lüe ofGrniiviJle Sïmrp b Aiott's Bioirrahical Slietchea 57 1 -2 Jiemoir ot Rev. IOiniiel IIa:iC3 75 Do of Lovoj'iy C2 1-2 North Stnr, tr;lt cdgea SS 1 -3 Penñsylv&nia HaH 7.1) O ■:; erlv Anli-SIaverv irnnrfizine, 8vo. 1,00Ronkjn'n ÏJetters, íSrnp. 100 pp. o Rigiit and w in Utisioii Co Star ot'Froei'.oii), innslin 12 ie Slavcry contniojng Decltytation'of Kentimenisaud Cowii.t.ution f ihe Aiuer. A. S. Society: Wesley'sThoughta on Slnverv: Does thUlblfi eancito Slnverv? AddrPHS lo the Sytunl ofjeritucky, 'iSarntivc öfAmos lrf=sor, nnd Wliy work foí the Slave? bound in one vol. 2f Slave's Fiiend, 32nio. vols. 1, 2 and 3 set 5(i SongB of Ihe Fren 3d 1-S Thompsone Reception in Great Britain, I2mo. 20 Testimony of Gft ntri!st f-Mavery, 18mo. 26 Whca'.ly. l'huüs Mcmnir of Z'j West Indias; by Professor flovey ;o Wost Indios, hy llarvcy 8nil SUirpe 7.f Wesley's Thou'ghts on Slavcry, in muslin. with portrait 12 1-2 PAMPHLKTS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, f rom 133G to 1341 inclusive S7 1-2 Addrcss to tho Frrc Peoplc of Color 1 Ancicnt Lándmurka S Apoloey for Abolitionists 3 Ameriññn Slave.ry. as It Is - the Tcstimony of a Thoneund "Vitnps.-os Zï Addrcss on Riplit uf Pelioon Addresst.o Soiiíitiirs and Rppresentntives of thft fren SlHtra l ] Addxöfiö on Slavery (Germán) i Adtiress of Congregiuioivil Un'.on of Scotlánd 1 Addrpss of Nationnl Convoniion (Gormnn) i Ann. Ren. of N. V CouftniUSr-e of Vieilance L5Do. pf' Man. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appcal to Womcn in Uic nojn'muUy free Sutea 6 1-4 AulliwiUn Aneciólos on Amnricnn .Shivery 2 Addiress tq the Churcb if Jeaws Cimsí, ly thc F-v;viir lic.-il Uniün A. S. Society, New York ci'v. 4 Ari-Stavery ('ntechi.-jn, bv Mr.-. C!ull 0 1-4 Ad'ims', J. Q.. IiRlter-;to liis Constitiipnla . 4 Adnms', J. Q. ápeec!) oii the Tckhs Quo-;tion 12 1-2 Annual Report? oF Am. A. S. Society, Si!, 4th, 5rhanl 6'h 12 1-2 Annual lieports of N . Y. city Lnuios A. S. Society 3 Appcal to the Chfistáin W ornen of thc South S Bible nainït S'r.vory G CöHèCfión df -Vfdtiabíc Dcumonts 6 1-4 Birniy'a Lettera u liio Churchcs 2 Binwy on Colöriiiafion 2 Clmttcl Principie - '■ Snmmary of the N'".v Testament argument onSlavery, by Jicrinh (5 reen 6 Ciiipman's Diecríuifté 0 Chunnin'fl Iettprs fo Chy 6 Gondition f Frefl jpton1e of Color í5Cniin'nïl, Kcuiion, Trial of G pjsecrtafion on Sorvitude 12 1-2 Dcfeitiáon's Srr:n n 8 Does the Bib!;' sanêtion Slayeïy? 1 Dcc. of Sent. and Constitutiou ofihc Am. A. S. Society 1 DÍ8CUPPÍon belwecii Thompson and Breckinri.JL'o 25 Dressor'rf Narrativo S Exliúguigher f&ctinguish'ed Elmoro CorVcsponflèrice 0: do in siieetf? 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indic Tiiomo and 1 Kiinball 12 1-2 Emancip'Uion in West fndies n 1033 3 Freetjijm's Défeneé 6 Garriöon's Addrcsa r.l Brqatlway Tuhnmacle 6 Guardián Gniu-3 of tiic Fiesáoral Uniou C GenóMs Planter ñ GilléfPfeHevlow rtfBHShnell'í' Discourse 6 ImmeSiute, AoTGradiVnl Abo!i;im 12-2Jay's Thonghfa on the Duty of the Episcopal Chincïi 3 L'hortv, Hvo. L:: do; 12mo ', Mnrris's Spepnh in answer to Clny 3 Mnh-mV Rsv. Jö'ni R. Trial ín Kenlucky 12 1-2 Mftr!vr Agfl "i .:;irnci, by Hsrrict Marn y.v. . Proceeil.ns of ho i.víl'l-iiil; i. íoi ti ii'o.iüway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Society Pro-Skvery Rural Code of Haití. alüöOö .uiroi Ve OÍ'SSi'ugitlVC '■ ífl.-ive 12--Rhts of C"löreri Men 12 i - Riijrglos'si Ami.Jute 0 RWlii nml Wrojiir ,, Costón 12 l-' Sinvpry Rh) mo.s C SWe'é Spepch in CongfeFs'in 1888 s áini'lr.-í Gerriit Lfftcr !( J;is. h'iüvüe B Do. Letter to I IfDiy Chiy G SluvHiolding InvíirialJy Binful, '„'níalum ín pe," 6 SSuihard's Matura! i Star of Proedoftí 1 Spiíiniicker nnd SffoítH'8 Letters 6 Sfeveliujder'fl Prvjer 1 Sl,ftveholdinu[ WeigliOfl ;3 Siavcry in América (Loiidon); do. (Germí!tv) S Tl'p .'M.irtyr, !y Ferinh Grern ThiriLfs fnr Níir.i.i.'in iMcn to r!o Vjéwe ni' C"Innz;i;i,ii,, jy Rev. .T. Nonr.ce Vjewa (S í'.:! i y an.l Émuncipalion, by Miss Mnrtin(an C Wfeslcvflin Aiiti-Sltivorv Rpvípw L.' VYnr in Toxüs, by ffftnjatriín Lundy G VV!iv work for V.ic Slnve 1 WiI-í.i,'.? Adilrc.s.s oi West inJia Emancipalion 4 TRACTS. No. 1. Pt. Dotniuc, Ko. I.easfe. No. .'", Coloiiizatiofii No. 4, Mota] CojKÜ'ion of thc Slave, No. .% UMKlt Ab')I':on? No. o.Tiie 1V;i ()nímnndraent8, No.7 Dñiíger ahcl Snfety, No. í!. Pry-Slnvery íiiblo, No. t), Pny'udíee apöinst Coior. No. lo, Nprihêm nnlexs liii Slave?, No. 11, eña'vcfy nml Misíiohfl No. 12, Dr. iS'c'i.-cij's lecture on Sluvrry. Tlie íliove Tvi:í':s ;;ro pe!.! nt 1 cent eucli. prints; ktc. ationa of tííp Ai:-Sluvery Altnannc íor l!i40 í: The Kiinncip.-itri! Füimiy L.' .-'] t"f Maíkflt orÁnjpricii Cprrespondence belwuínO'Connel and SteDo. do. Clay iand Calfaoun lll-2 Prinfpr's P. ■!;".' (viillpry í2 !,!■ : - [i ..i ■. stfiiped vvith priut of Lovpíov i-iioL't " 23Do. wiMi Kneéling Slave sheet l P-ivor for -ilavo--, with Music, on caras 1-2 l'iiirait nf Gerrit Smith fjOg [i] i! !i(io'i, tli foíJowing1! the procceri ol'wliii'li will .'o mío r lio Meuílian fund. Argument of (un. J. Q,. Adama in thc cn.-o fil tfie Amistad A(VÍQanS zu Vrffiiment oí" Roer S. Ualvvin, Esq. üc do 12 2 Trial of thc Capiiypp oí'the Ami-!ad 6 Coijgresfiifini] Document relatiug to do. C I'orttait of Clinquez 1,00 Mnrch 3d. 1Ü42.


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